Reviewer's comments |
"Evil! Of 15 minutes of gameplay, half if pushblocks, another half is spiders. Still better than chained keys and doors - oh wait, that's the third half... Also, geometry and textures look decent but there's absolutely zero lighting. Overall bad but not awful, also short enough to recommend." - DJ Full (30-Aug-2022) |
"A fairly short level reminiscent of the Great Wall from the original game. It is mostly
running around bland blocky rooms. The texture placement isn't terrible, but it all starts
to blend together since it's all rock walls. Lighting is non existent as the level is set to
full brightness. However I did end up enjoying myself with this release due to the adequate
design and fluidity of the level. Definitely could be an above average level if more
attention has been placed into atmosphere and texturing, but overall...not bad. It will
definitely keep a completionist entertained at the very least." - LuxQSD (12-May-2022) |
"A fun short adventure for Lara.
Even though it says Machu Picchu, it clearly took inspirations from TR2's Great Wall level.
What I don't like is how the level relies too much on block-pulling everywhere, and how the keys are used too often (as if we're in a one big Guardhouse). Perhaps te builder could rename them several times to give some variety (Door #1 key, main hall key, or sorts), and NO SECRETS (noooooo)." - Charles Kane (26-May-2021) |
"A quick and easy romp in Peru. I think this was made during a time when people were experimenting with the
unofficial editor (which, if I remember correctly, was developed through painful reverse engineering of the original
games). With that in mind the level's many faults are much more forgivable, seeing as back then it was a miracle
just to have something rather than nothing. Some notable features are the keys coloured differently from their
locks, pushables which constitute the majority of the gameplay, and the endless onslaught of spiders - what's the
opposite of arachnophobia?" - Ejecta (03-Feb-2021) |
"Fairly standard Tomb Raider 2 level that suffers with massive texture fade outs. The raid in itself is not bad with plenty of spiders that annoy you and nearly the same amount of push blocks that tend to annoy you even more. Twenty minutes if you explore every nook and cranny and you are done." - Torry (27-Oct-2019) |
"Personally, I somehow enjoyed playing this TR2 level,
despite of consisting of a repetitive and tedious gameplay
due to the overuse of pushblocks and keys and keyholes. The
only element that this game was craving about was that
there were no imagination involved with this game. Good
luck. Thanks!" - Mehrbod (07-Jan-2019) |
"Well, not much imagination in this level; all the tasks are always the same: use blocks to get hard-to-see keys lying anywhere and/or use blocks to reach the keylocks and open the doors. In between you'll shoot some dozens of small spiders (there wasn't another enemies in the wad?). The architecture and texturization are not bad, but the lights are not worked, there are some bad placed doors and the atmosphere is poor. Enjoyable, but not very interesting." - Jose (07-Nov-2017) |
"In this 25 minutes (or less) level your objective is to find
keys to open doors, but you also have to find their keyholes
as they are far from them. To do so you must push some blocks
out of the way, or use them to climb to higher areas. Enemies
are spiders, and there are many of them. You also make a
series of jumps and swimming. I think there is only 1 lever to
pull. Textures break and lighting is non-existent. Finished
the level with a key in my inventory." - alan (31-Jul-2017) |
"A series of claustrophobic boxy rooms in which you search for keys to proceed, rinse and repeat. Nothing too taxing and the handful spiders along your way pose no threat - you even get the automatic pistols if you're inclined for something more fashionable. Another recurring theme here is the use of pushblocks to reach higher places, you'd be forgiven for thinking the TR2 engine is a one trick pony. 15 minutes. 05/17" - Treeble (28-May-2017) |
"A pleasant retread over old ground, despite
what is said in the level title. Lots of keys
to find (One of which I curiously never used)
and blocks to push. I kept encountering those
damn TR2 spiders at every turn, so I shot all
of them." - Ryan (08-Jul-2016) |
"Picking up keys, put them in the right keyholes (might be
confusing sometimes, as the color of the keys wont match the
keyholes) and killing some spiders. All that on a 'all-same'
environment, with little variation on textures and puzzles." - Zhyttya (24-Jun-2016) |
"Always good to be back on the TR2 engine, but this is nothing like i remember! The textures hurted my eyes a bit in the way that they blended with each other! The layout is way to simple and the only enemy are the jumpy spiders that will annoy you with their sound. Blocks to push, keys to use (one key has no use) and that's that! Oh, spoiler alert, there is one ladder to climb" - Leeth (24-Jun-2016) |
"This level is just based on pushing blocks, killing spiders
and collecting/inserting keys. Nothing more... :/" - Nuri (02-Jul-2015) |
"This little level is all about the keys ... and the blocks ... and the jumping spiders ... but mostly the keys. In fact, Lara ends up with a golden key in her inventory, perhaps as a souvenir. Really only recommended for a quick wallow in TR2 nostalgia." - Jay (24-Oct-2014) |
"Another uninspired early release that utilizes nothing but the usual key-hunting and block pushing to pad out its rather short length, in a Great Wall-style setting with no decorative objects, non-existent lighting, passable texturing and tiny spiders serving as the only real credible threat against you and even then, they can be taken down without even breaking a sweat.
In the end, only really worth recommending towards those who are nostalgic for TR2 level themes and nothing more." - Ceamonks890 (19-Aug-2014) |
"Ok so what we have here is a level with the great wall textures, the textures are quite good. The atmosphere is pretty good too. The only enemies you encounter are small spiders and they fit very well in this level, i even got scared several times because they chased me without me knowing. The level is very easy and can be played by beginners without any problems at all. I felt underwhelmed when i was finished because the gameplay wasn't that exciting with repetitive keys usage and block pushing.
Well to sum all things up a solid effort from the builder but not a masterpiece." - totizedger (07-Jul-2013) |
"I was almost surprised to see the review page of the level
missing my review, so sure I was that I had done my
reviewer's duty towards this level already. Shows how easily
we can sometimes fool ourselves, but that's not to say I had
no good reason to suspect I had done so - with having played
the 15-20 minute level at least a couple of times before,
though, in my defense, prior to it being available to be
reviewed on this site. The repeat plays certainly didn't
improve upon the level's more obvious faults, but it is a
fun enough romp in its brevity to make it worth another
replay. The gameplay mainly revolves around collecting keys,
killing spiders and using movable blocks to reach higher
ground. Nothing revolutionary, a bit repetitive after a
while even for such a short level, but is enjoyable enough
if you aim for simplicity. The looks are relatively decent,
especially as pertaining to textures, but could've been
vastly improved with more sophistication in lighting - and
those missing faces with passport pictures on them are a bit
of an eyesore, though, unfamiliar with the inner workings of
Turbo Pascal's editor as I am, I'm not sure how much at
fault the builder is for this. It ends rather
unceremoniously with an extra key in Lara's inventory, but
was enjoyable while it lasted. No masterpiece by any means,
but nice, clean, unpretentious fun nonetheless." - eTux (14-Apr-2013) |
"I believe this was one of the first custom levels I ever played for Tomb Raider II. Merlin made it when TREditor was 2D and he used the archaic TRItem tool at least 8 years ago. It's literally an alternative The Great Wall level with nothing but spiders and movable blocks puzzles. The two keys found in the original game appears over and over, and you even can finish the game with an extra rusty key. There's no secrets and the lights weren't configured, so every single room looks like the same (this makes harder to find one of the keys, which camouflage it in the ground textures). Although it is very easy, I think the level simplicity makes 20 minutes of pleasing playing." - Fabio (13-Jan-2011) |
"This level was somehow different from most of the uninspired
and sloppy TR2 levels that were a work of bored builder. This
level had a clear line, but gameplay was still interesting. In
one room you have to search quite long for the next key,
several jumps or underwater areas made game more interesting.
Only few enemies used here, but the spiders fitted well and it
was no simple shooter level here. If all builders would keep
this as a standard level when building TR2 levels, I think,
there could be more of them rated above 8." - manarch2 (05-Dec-2010) |
"Machu Picchu with spiders would be an apt name as that is what you encounter, lots of them. Luckily only the small kind. Fort the rest it is finding keys and keyholes, pushing blocks and so on; you get my drift. Lara left with one key" - Gerty (17-Jun-2010) |
"We have to find keys on this level. The pushable blocks are important for these. Some spiders are the enemies. Textures are old, but not a bad adventure. But doesn't include any hard challanges." - Obig (29-May-2010) |
"The level is rather well built with care for the texturing , no lighting though , the big downside is the gameplay. On the 20 minutes spent here, half of this time was used to pull or push blocks. Aside from that there is keys to find and use , a few switches , and many little spiders. The lack of variety does not make this level very exciting." - eRIC (11-May-2010) |
"A half hour or less, reminiscent of TR1, although the texturing is taken from the start of TR2. Lara explores ruins and works out with push blocks to get keys, while skittering speckled spiders are all over the place, bouncing and jumping on her. That got to be a bit much, as you always hear their rasping little legs, even when you're not sure if they're behind Lara or above, so she is constantly drawing guns. A very early use of the unofficial editor as can be seen from the flickering texture transparencies. Without that distraction this would be a pleasant environment. Of interest as one of the early unofficial levels." - dmdibl (28-Feb-2010) |
"It was pleasent to revisit the real TR2 after all these years,and this was a variation of the Great wall level,but devoid of any lighting and most of its gameplay. It's a 'shoot spider,pull block,collect key' level,over and over for about 30 minutes;which entertains reasonably well,but is not particularly inspiring." - Orbit Dream (10-Jan-2010) |
"I found this to be a fun little diversion of about 20 minutes in a quite solidly designed Peru setting. The gameplay relies on pushing blocks around, finding keys and killing plenty of spiders along the way, so things do get a little old quickly, but nothing is too tedious in the end and it was a nice trip down memory lane." - MichaelP (09-Jan-2010) |