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Venice's Neighbourhoods by Brenna

Ceamonks890 2 4 2 3
DJ Full 4 6 4 3
dmdibl 3 5 4 4
Gerty 2 3 2 3
High Priestess 3 5 4 5
Jay 4 5 4 5
LuxQSD 5 3 2 3
manarch2 2 4 3 3
MichaelP 4 5 5 5
Mulf 3 4 3 3
Nuri 4 4 5 5
Obig 4 5 5 4
Orbit Dream 2 5 2 3
Ryan 3 4 4 3
Torry 5 5 7 4
Treeble 5 5 5 7
Zhyttya 2 3 2 2
release date: 28-Jul-2007
# of downloads: 271

average rating: 3.82
review count: 17
review this level

file size: 8.85 MB
file type: TR2
class: Venice

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Reviewer's comments
"A combat-oriented, visually simple but fun level with a variety of weapons. I'm not sure about the soundtrack - the music IDs seem to be wrong for both sound systems. Recommended." - DJ Full (01-Sep-2022)
"A short romp through Venice, though the progression makes it feel like going through a void with Venice elements. It's a very linear adventure with mostly running and gunning from one area to the next. At least there's no backtracking. I had a few runtime errors and crashes while running this release, but saving frequently was a workaround. The texturing and lighting is quite bad with areas being unnecessarily huge and bland. When certain texturing and objects are applied the result is nonsensical and annoying placement, the standout being that the author decided to use uzi clip textures as walls at one point. Texture fadeouts and paper thin walls are present as well. A below average level in almost all aspects, but I had a slight amount of fun traversing it, so there's that. Recommended for completionists." - LuxQSD (28-May-2022)
"Well, there goes the neighbourhood. At one point, the builder uses animated Uzi clip textures, which could be interpreted as the transmission mechanism of some sort of elevator; but that's as far as originality in design goes, for this Venetian setting is sketched very roughly indeed. Occasional attempts at interesting geometry notwithstanding, most of the level plays out in wallpapered roomboxes and similar nondescript areas, for some of which the builder found no purpose. The level presents itself as a strictly linear shooter, though it doesn't get your heart racing quite as much as its eleven-year-old builder seems to believe. Since enemies may pop into existence in front of you, or shoot at you from above while you're diving, I would also question Orbit Dream's claim that they are well-placed. I concur, however, that this level is lacking in imagination; while I fully support Treeble's explanation of the two gondolas (since this version of Venice doesn't feature any canals, the builder had to come up with other locations to place these indispensable signifiers), it has to be said that they are no sufficient substitute for the previous level's goon who watches King Kong (1933) on top of a shark tank. Ah well, you can't win them all." - Mulf (23-Mar-2022)
"There isn't much to say about this one, so I'll try to keep it short. The whole level it's pretty mediocre and boxy. The areas are too large and too long, there's out of place textures and lots of empty rooms. The magnums are giving pretty early and the ammo is sufficient, which makes killing enemies somewhat fun. Do not recommend at all." - Zhyttya (13-Jul-2020)
"This is a strange re imagining of Venice from Tomb Raider 2 but if you discount the odd flooded rooms and dry docked Gondolas it is not a bad raid in and of itself. This is out and out a shooter but plenty of firepower is provided along the way. We experience the usual texture fade outs with the odd paper thin wall as well." - Torry (05-Dec-2019)
"I had always envisioned Venice (at least in its TR incarnation) to be more attractive than this). The textures are rather boring, gameplay is underwhelming and there's very little to do aside from finding needed keys. But, I'm fond of the Venetian atmosphere and it's a flawed but brave attempt." - Ryan (26-Aug-2017)
"I think the TR2 engine has a certain advantage for Venice levels because it just feels "right", and while the level is nicely textured for the most part, the architecture is borderline weird. The most unusual thing I noticed were the gondolas placement, but as this rendition of Venice has no canals it somewhat makes sense(?) that they're placed inside and on top of buildings. A pretty basic and linear level otherwise, which sees you shooting a number of baddies as you zoom by in the quest for the finish trigger. Despite the author claiming this to be a pretty difficult level, and I'll concur it's heavily combat orientated, I finished using only the dual pistols and 2 medipacks, still packing quite a lot of them plus the Automatic Pistols and the Uzis, so yeah, not that difficult. 20 minutes, 3 secrets. 05/17" - Treeble (28-May-2017)
"In this short level, we experience a neighbourhood with rooms, that have very illegitimate or rather no relation. As the author describes, this is a "running through rooms" level with no backtracking, so no typical tomb raider gameplay, but a quite fun 10 minutes run." - Nuri (13-Nov-2015)
"I've always been fond of Venice levels and although the textures were so overly familiar there is some pleasure and nostalgia to be had by seeing them from time to time in a slightly different arrangement. There are no puzzles or real challenges here hence the low score. Enemies consist of dogs, gunmen and baton-wielding thugs. Plenty of ammo for this short level so don't be afraid to use it as you go along since there is no big end shoot-out." - High Priestess (07-Jul-2015)
"While definitely an improvement from the builder's debut somewhat(mainly in the fact that I could actually finish it properly this time), there's plenty of obvious signs here that Brenna still has a lot of work to do, before he'll end up churning out somewhat decent levels with the Unofficial Editor. Uninspired blocky level design, repetitive texturing, flat lighting, nonsensically-placed objects, randomly spawned in enemies... literally no real aspect has been spared from ridicule. However, if you're looking for a simple relaxation level to go through, this will most certainly entertain you for a few minutes. But if you're looking for something a lot more substantial and convincing, then you are better off downloading something else." - Ceamonks890 (12-Aug-2014)
"Venice appears to be more waterlogged than ever. The builder states in his readme that this level is completely linear and that is indeed the case. You can gallop through it pretty quickly, since there's very little to do except swim, pick up keys and supplies and kill a lot of baddies and their dogs. This is obviously the work of an inexperienced builder, but it's a brave attempt and there's always a bit of pleasure to be had from seeing the old Venice textures again." - Jay (06-Nov-2010)
"A classic TR2 ride and one of the first levels I have ever played. Technically and in gameplay surely not the best one but I quite enjoyed this one. The places where enemies attacked were quite nicely done. It's surely not a bad level, so I can recommend it." - manarch2 (07-Oct-2010)
"An easy Venice level. Enemies are baddies and dogs. Totally linear level, you can't stuck. But we have more attention for the secrets collecting. It's provides some relaxation minutes." - Obig (29-May-2010)
"Ok... Venice, I see Venice textures and I do see a gondola or two but there the comparison stops. Lots of baddies and lots of pick-ups if you don't forget to search the bodies. Looking for keys and remembering where you have to use them. Climbing long, long ladders and swimming long stretches and that is basically it." - Gerty (12-Apr-2010)
"A short simple beginner level, with a few odd constructions where it isn't clear what one is looking at. Some nice rooms, such as the tall area with the arched skylight ceiling, with blue Venice sky overhead. But the scenery does get monotonous. Every few rooms Lara takes a swim to reach the next set of rooms. It's possible to overlook secrets, so be alert. Most of the time the bad guys leave pickups, so Lara can use automatic pistols or Uzis throughout." - dmdibl (11-Apr-2010)
"While this is of course no match with the 2010 BtB Venice levels, this 20+ minute linear raid is not without its moments. Progression is always obvious and easy with regular killing of baddies and dogs, but there are also three secrets to find and while the rooms are basic and blocky, they still show a certain diversity and you even get a flipmap near the end." - MichaelP (12-Feb-2010)
"Fair enough,this is clearly the work of a young builder (using the Unofficial Editor to boot)and it must be said that his enemy placement is adept and gives this adventure its entertainment value.Everything else,though,has 'speed built' written all over it - no attempt has been made to craft realistic outside environments;lighting is non-existent;textures are wallpaper'd;all the house interiors resemble simple mazes.Aside from the use of one flipped room,and a lovely image of a Gondola rocking steadily on a Dining Room table,there are no imaginative touches to enliven this experience.If you really feel the need to play the level,look upon it as a fast-moving linear shooter...nothing else." - Orbit Dream (22-Jan-2010)