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Night Home Attack by Igor

bERT 3 3 5 5
Ceamonks890 2 2 2 2
Cory 2 2 1 2
DJ Full 4 4 5 4
dmdibl 3 4 3 3
eTux 2 4 3 3
Gerty 3 5 3 3
Jay 3 4 3 3
John 2 3 3 4
Jose 3 3 2 5
Kyle 5 8 7 8
LuxQSD 3 2 2 2
manarch2 3 4 2 3
MichaelP 3 4 3 3
Nuri 3 4 3 3
Obig 3 5 3 3
Orbit Dream 3 5 2 3
Ryan 2 4 3 3
Torry 3 5 6 4
Treeble 3 3 4 4
release date: 12-Aug-2003
# of downloads: 291

average rating: 3.39
review count: 20
review this level

file size: 8.69 MB
file type: TR2
class: Home

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Reviewer's comments
"A nice little TR2 editor style push-the-button-find-the-opening-door level with a shoot out climax that does its job. Would never have escaped the first room without the walkthrough by Lucas-Treeble. Not too sure about that choice of starting your level. Mind you, I would not want to be a burglar in Lara's home. Poor crook would have gone bonkers finding a key, putting it in the key hole and the door not opening. I can imagine the news 'TR News Flash, man found dehydrated and nearly starved in the Croft Mansion, totally crashed out as he could not find the exit.' Lara's outfit may look chilly but the builder made sure to put enough cosy fireplaces around. Fun level while it lasted." - bERT (29-May-2024)
"The brightest night I remember. But I couldn't admire it - I began stuck in the attic. I tried blocks, unmarked floors, unmarked ladders, even the deadly fireplace, all to no avail. It would be my tomb without the walkthrough, which of course pointed to an unmarked ceiling. I explored the house, noticing a nicely placed key. I used it in the lock, but nothing happened. It was quite obvious I should never close the walkthrough just to save my sanity, if there's any left. The thing is, without this entire door hunt it would be a fun level. The rest was fun indeed, just piff paff puff until everybody was dead. Optional." - DJ Full (30-Aug-2022)
"A short romp through a mansion level reminiscent of the 'Home Sweet Home' level from the original. A bit disappointed by this level considering the author put out some bangers in the past. This release almost feels unfinished compared to most of the other levels the author's done. I got stuck in the first room, which tasks you with clipping into the ceiling to progress, but the rest of the level is pretty linear. The mansion that ensues is a boring switch pull haven where you will be going room to room pressing buttons and collecting items. The second part of the level is a slaughterfest with enemies spawning out of nowhere, triggered by seemingly random actions which all culminates in a bland looking brick 'maze'. Textures are sloppily placed too and there's no lighting or cameras to speak of. Sadly, a very unimpressive level that doesn't excel in any aspect. Even though I liked this author's other works, I just can't recommend this level to anyone other than completionists." - LuxQSD (20-May-2022)
"lara in her home shooting bad guys and pressing switches to open doors feels so familiar where have i come across this before? luckily the house is quite small so not knowing what switch opens what door is no big deal but what is a big deal is that annoying climb through texture in the ceiling of the first room in order to progress, how is anyone supposed to know thats there? lol after the first room its literally a switch door frenzy constantly going into different home style rooms over and over and when you do find a key and then end up outside its more baddies to kill and then another switch- gate frenzy until you finally hit that end trigger. if all you love is switches, doors and bad guys this level is for you" - John (11-Aug-2021)
"Right from the start the player is vexed after finally finding a pull through ceiling tile that looks like a solid tile. I do so hate when people do this. After that it progresses into a switch hunt facing numerous adversaries often at the same time but you pick up heaps of shotgun issue so it really isn't an issue. Ten minutes and you are done. Normal texture fade outs for these TR2 levels are present and Lara will draw pistols but firs from the shotgun animation. Weird to look at. As for being a night attack I saw no darkness, stars or any other indicator that this was supposed to be at night." - Torry (09-Dec-2019)
"First of all, it's very unclear what you have to do at the beginning in the first room. I got already stuck there for 10 minutes, because who would know that Lara could climb through the ceiling? The rest of the level was like pushing buttons and then kill many enemies and that's it! It's not very ideal and logical that Lara has to push a bunch of buttons to open a bunch of doors to find equipment, while enemies, wanting to kill her, are waiting outside half an our." - Nuri (28-Feb-2018)
"Play it only if you like shooter levels. In the first part you only need to press buttons to open doors with no sense and get armed with the shotgun and dozens of shotgun shells. In the second part, more of the same but without pickups; press more buttons to open more doors but this time shooting dozens of enemies in between. Not interesting but still playable with a decent texturization. Not very useful the walkthrough, but take a try 'cause it's not too hard to finish it." - Jose (24-Jan-2018)
"For such a small level, you sure get a very high body count here. In fact, there are so many enemies on screen at one given time that the game fails to render all of them visible, so the outcome is a flickering slaughterfest. Other than that, it's yet another button-door-button level which doesn't really impress (especially considering the walk through ceiling in the very first room), although it makes an effort at simulating a home environment. 10 minutes. 04/17" - Treeble (29-Apr-2017)
"This is somewhat of a button pushing exercise and a shooter mixed together. So the gameplay isn't really that enjoyable. The enemies at least required some strategy to survive though. More of a stress relieving exercise than anything else." - Ryan (22-May-2016)
"And with this release(which is more or less a bad attempt at remaking the 'Home Sweet Home' level from TR2), Igor has immediately lost a considerable amount of positive reception that he gained via some of his previous levels. With an utmost extreme lack of objects in many of the lifeless empty rooms you go through, plenty of repetitive and at times lazy texturing, randomly-spawning enemies, flat lighting/atmosphere and truly uneventful gameplay(involving a good amount of sleep-inducing button pushing and rather ho-hum enemy slaughtering at the end), this is one level that I personally find hard to recommend to anyone, but raiders who want to play something out of sheer boredom and nothing more. Beyond that however, you're better off playing the original 'Home Sweet Home' level over this any day of the week." - Ceamonks890 (17-Aug-2014)
"I would rate this level a little better than Yvel Woods because I like Croft Manor Levels first of all. And Second, I thought it was a good idea. And Sorta challenging not knowing when enemies were going to pop out of nowhere. I still think this level could've had some more puzzles than just the door puzzle." - Kyle (06-Jun-2013)
"Well, it's a good thing the 20-something baddies were polite enough to wait till Lara was ready to come out and play or else it would've been a completely different outcome for her. As if climbing through a seemingly solid ceiling wasn't bad enough for a start - someone had managed to mess with the wiring around the house, so buttons open doors all over the place (thankfully, it is a fairly compact area) instead of the ones you would logically suspect them to operate. After arming yourself Home Sweet Home style you finally set out to put the baddies out of their misery, which, if this is your idea of fun, will probably be the best part of gameplay. Brief, not without its set of oddities, but enjoyable enough while it lasts." - eTux (14-Sep-2011)
"Once you finally find the way out of the first room, via an invisible hole in the ceiling, this is a quick sprint round a somewhat rudimentary version of the mansion, pushing loads of buttons to open various doors (which can be confusing as there are no camera hints as to what has opened, but luckily it's not a large area to explore) and picking up a shotgun and ammo for the showdown with a hoard of thugs and dogs. Despite the title, everything appears to take place in broad daylight, despite the sky being black, so at least you can easily see the massed attacks coming." - Jay (10-Jun-2011)
"The level contains first an area with many switches and doors to find, then a real massacre with I-don't-know-how-many enemies and finally a switch-and door area again. I certainly would have given more to EO&S if the rooms weren't so bare inside. All in all recommended if you liked the "Home Sweet Home"-level from TR2." - manarch2 (07-Nov-2010)
"It starts badly (with a climb through ceiling) and gets worse (with tedious button/door combinations in a thankfully quite small house) and then turns into a sort of fun shoot out massacre up to the final boss... and then ends... only for those who really like their shotgun blasting..." - MichaelP (28-May-2010)
"Push a switch and find the door that opens; not that it is hard you just run around a lot. Don't be scared about the word night as it is bright as daylight and the attack... well you know how to shoot, don't you?" - Gerty (17-May-2010)
"Important thing: see the invisible gate next to the fireplace. This level has two parts, first time you have to find switches in the house, and then in the outhouse kill the enemies. The shotgun will help you, and there are many medipacks too. This is a battle level. If you like the battle levels, try it." - Obig (10-May-2010)
"This intends to be a shooter, but it starts with Lara running from button to open door, to button to open door, repeatedly, where it is just a matter of finding which door was triggered. After that there is one area where most of the Venice gunmen materialize, but Lara has shotgun and lots of ammo. Has its moments during the onslaught, because just when you think that that's the last of the gunmen, and Lara turns her back, more show up. More gates open, for a confrontation with the double-shotgun boss. Playable, but restricted as a level." - dmdibl (06-May-2010)
"Well, the gameplay revolves around pressing buttons which open doors miles away, finding a sneaky way out of a room and shooting enemies. Textures were wallpapered, there was practically no lighting or atmosphere. Enemies came in floods, so I adopted the 'run and try not to get killed' technique. This ended up working and I finished in around 15 mins (although I am not sure because the statistics were in another language). 15 mins." - Cory (01-Feb-2010)
"This is one of those levels which (like bad movies) you enjoy with a degree of guilt.It's totally unpretentious in terms of construction,lighting and texturing;and contains a ludicrously unfair 'climb-through ceiling' in the very first room.Nevertheless,it's great fun for the 16 minutes that it takes to play.The first 10 minutes are a straightforward button-pushing exercise,with no camera hints (which are hardly necessary anyway,as the playing environment is extremely compact),during which you'll collect a ludicrously huge amount of ammo which unsubtly hints at the ensuing carnage;followed by the requisite 4 minutes of entertainingly intensive killing. That's it.Give it a quick go." - Orbit Dream (24-Jan-2010)