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Escape in the Pacific by Daffy

afzalmiah 10 10 9 10
Bigfoot 10 10 10 10
Christian 9 9 9 9
Diz 10 10 10 10
DJ Full 9 9 9 8
dmdibl 10 10 9 9
Drakan 10 10 10 10
eRIC 10 9 9 8
Glouglouton 10 10 9 9
JaayStation 8 8 9 9
Jack& 10 9 10 10
Janny 8 8 9 10
Jay 10 10 10 10
JesseG 10 9 9 8
Jose 10 10 10 10
Juno Jim 10 10 9 10
manarch2 9 10 9 9
Mary 9 8 8 8
MichaelP 10 9 9 9
MigMarado 10 9 10 10
misho98 10 10 10 10
Mman 10 9 9 8
Moonliteshadow 10 10 10 9
mugs 10 9 9 9
Petaludas 10 8 10 8
Phil 10 9 10 9
Ravenwen 10 10 10 10
Ryan 10 10 9 9
Shandroid 10 9 8 8
Torry 10 10 10 10
release date: 08-Dec-2011
# of downloads: 308

average rating: 9.42
review count: 30
review this level

file size: 129.23 MB
file type: TR4
class: South Pacific

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Reviewer's comments
"First level from Daffy here! it was a very enjoyable raiding with lot of good ideas and gameplay..not boring and quite straightforward..liked the different areas that were engaging also.i guess the red levels should be more difficult and challenging. and the secrets were, no secrets to be honest , very easy to find . lets try another one" - Petaludas (26-Apr-2023)
"This is a gem! A very well balanced adventure, with all kinds of places to explore, enemies, ambiances and little challenges. The enemies fluctuated from a bit too hard (many at a time in a couple of occasions) to a bit too easy. I don't look for secrets, and found them too easily. Those are my very minor caviats. In general, this is a game full of personality, enjoyable moments, inovation, and beautiful settings which should be played by everyone. One of my favorites from now on. Thank you very much for this, Daffy!" - MigMarado (10-Nov-2019)
"Packed with surprise and variety but also certain amount of inconsistency so you need to try some odd stuff in order to keep correct balance between amaze and frustration - for instance the lifebuoys which need to be shattered or those mines which suddenly need to be pushed after you had to avoid them all the time. Also the graphics are a lot underdone: though all textures are proper, there are no transitions and an entire cave can be just one underlit mass of rocks which requires frequent use of binoculars in order to verify you saw all the ledges necessary... and of course there are none but you still check for them. Secrets are great, music is wonderful. TL;DR: not a game for everyone but if you're ready you'll see its true value. I was and I did." - DJ Full (28-Apr-2018)
"I found this level set to be nearly clinical in it's appearance and execution so I cannot in good conscience give this anything but a top score. There were so many great moments in this and not a disappointment anywhere in the 4 plus hours of game play. So what was so great? Orcas frolicking in the ocean, a real Honda dirt bike, the T Rex, puzzles that made you think but not sweat, rockin' with Deep Purple and the vistas breathtaking. I also had to laugh so hard when Lara started scratching her butt. I don't know if this has been around for a while but I had never seen it before and it just made the whole experience "real" because people are people and do stuff like that. All in all a great raid. Thanks Daffy." - Torry (14-Mar-2018)
"The concluding portion of the opening Ship level seems reminiscent of the ship level from Underworld. That said, the inside part contained great gameplay. As a matter of fact, this whole game was chock-full of inventive challenges and I loved it from start to finish, as evidenced by my scores. Pushable puzzles, target shooting and fun exploration all combined neatly into one little package. A brilliant game overall." - Ryan (11-Oct-2016)
"This is a big leap from Daffy's previous releases; the gameplay is improved and there's also an actual consistent sense of theme now so it's not just a completely abstract setting. You start imprisoned on a ship and end up on a lost temple on an island. There's a lot of cool object uses to help convey the themes and NG effects are used to create some effects I don't think I've ever seen before, as well as leading to some very creative puzzles and gameplay situations. This is a bit more challenging than the earlier releases, and there's also a choice of difficulty at certain points. The general gameplay is great and keeps a good sense of pacing through. The only things that let it down for me are a couple of odd things in the first map (you can go around a turret you're supposed to find an item to bypass, and a conveyor belt leads to some odd effects that cause some confusion), and the third map (like randomly robbing you of your Revolver and lasersight to make you find them again, and a slightly odd Nitro placement), however, I found the rest of the gameplay strong and imaginative enough to make up for it. This is the point where I can say Daffy has put out a set I can fully call a must-play, although if he keeps going and improving I think his masterpiece is still ahead of him." - Mman (13-Mar-2014)
"Where do I even begin to describe this great adventure? For some reason I saved this one to be the last of Daffys currently released levels and that was certainly an end on a high note. Four Levels in varied settings, about 3.5 hours of net gameplay, 9 of 13 secrets found. The gameplay is quite fluent as always but certainly a Little more challenging than we have come to get used to from this builder. Still, never needed to check the walkthrough. Nice idea with the Hard or Easy choices, but even the Hard choices are not too hard. There are many original ideas here, too many to list, but the remote push puzzle was just brilliant. All in all a well rounded and highly enjoyable game - not to be missed!" - MichaelP (29-Oct-2013)
"Now we're talking. Daffy's building career sems to have taken a new turn with this game , and what a good game it is. Not all things seem logical as in reality , but it is tombraider where the effect to a cause does not really matter. The looks are what they are , and the dinosaurs were almost all stuck somewhere in the second level. Now I'm impressed by how this level is entertaining and the novelty of many things for me. Nothing is really predictable this time , and the fluency is definitively there , that what makes excellent gameplay. Not one boring action or routine for Lara. Daffy has taken a new assurance with what can be done and with the new possibilities shows good imagination. Several torches puzzles, mines explosions, use of custom objects , and new use of fire traps , etc... are some of the many ingredients that can be found in this adventure which remains quite interesting all the way through the end. Congratulations for this winner." - eRIC (19-Aug-2012)
"I've really enjoyed this level. The further into it you get the better it gets. Great puzzles and enemies. Some places a little dark for my liking. I played part of this game (where the TRex is) when this site was down for maintenance. I really wanted to read the walkthrough and couldn't. Pleased I couldn't now as I worked it out and that was far more enjoyable, though very time consuming :-). Great level, I highly recommend it!" - Moonliteshadow (14-Jul-2012)
"What an amazing game! I enjoyed every minute of it. The first level wasn't my favorite type but I liked it anyway. It's the first time I see a ship in a trle game. It's amazing and the end of the first level was simply epic. The second level is the best in my opinion - it's a perfect SP level with T-rex, waterfalls and very sunny and positive felling. The ending in this one was epic as well and killing the T-Rex...EPIC! Level 3 and 4 were pretty short but they're good as well. Level three has a big main area with different and entertaining tasks and level four presents an interesting puzzle with moving statues, some jumping over breaking tiles and a boss fight. The choices between easy and hard gameplay are pretty good and the fact that you won't get all secrets if you play on easy is also well done. I admit I used easy lots of times because I simply couldn't do some of the tasks on hard, especially that one with the gongs on level 4. Anyway, this is one amazingly build level with lots of epic moments and entertaining gameplay - recommended!" - misho98 (01-May-2012)
"The best part of this four-part adventure is definitely the solid and flowing gameplay, which is as tough as it has to be without getting frustrating. There is great precision and balance throughout, the puzzles are extremely well made and their solution and execution are always depending on logical consequence so that you never waste hours trying to figure out from where to start. This doesn't mean that they are easy, but you are always given subtle hints about crucial steps you need to take. There is variety in the environments, texturing is pretty and tasteful and the secrets are always fun to look for. The choice you are offered several times between easy and hard path adds an extra interest too. An excellent game." - Ravenwen (20-Apr-2012)
"Great game, Daffy & friends !!! At first, I liked Lara's little boredom movements, but they were a little too much - interfered with trying to view the surroundings, very cute though... Otherwise, I liked the puzzles, and the game generally flowed well - only got completely stuck a couple times - new tricks with new objects - very good !!!" - Juno Jim (12-Mar-2012)
"This game remembered me to TRU because of the "combat" on the ship, it has a nice atmosphere i liked the textures, the was some animations didnt look well, like that animation when lara is outside, for me it was a little rude or obcene, i definetly didnt like the ideas watching lara sracthing her buttock, maybe some new NGLE features woul have been good, like dialogues, effects etc" - Mary (06-Mar-2012)
"I tested several times the level of Daffy. I enjoyed all the news that brings TRNG and Daffy has put in his adventure with great care. My favorite part is the part of the temple, I like this kind and I must say I was overwhelmed by all these new puzzles. After correcting all the little bugs inherent in any good level, Phil has released a nice adventure. I did it in easy mode and hard mode. The difference between the two is mainly that you can get a secret extra at the end of each level. The area most difficult part is the cave with a few jumps over the lava and fungi, but it's an adventure that remains accessible to all. Highly recommended." - Drakan (29-Feb-2012)
"This level is definitely the best level set by this talented builder. It feels so unreal how fast Daffy has improved. Every level was very entertaining an again the gameplay was absolutely magnificent. The first level was in a ship and the texturing was brilliant. I have to admit the lighting wasn't the best at some parts but the texturing and the whole ship makes up for it. The ship is very big but you don't exactly explore every thing. The ending of tho level was very good and gives you that adrenalin feel and I love how you can escape the ship with the boat. The rest of the levels are in an island and a temple. The island looks very good bit again the lighting wasn't great. The gameplay was amazing again and the areas you explore look amazing. I liked fighting the T-Rex as well but you have to blow if up which is amazing. The temple looks very nice and the area you find here is very nice and the gameplay is again brilliant. After this fantastic level set I am definitely looking forward to this talented builder's next level a lot. Highly recommended." - afzalmiah (24-Feb-2012)
"This game consists of four levels, I really enjoyed everything. Textures were well placed, lighting was good and the game-play was exciting and fun. But it isn't anything I haven't seen before, for example on the ship the first thing needed to be done is a push-block puzzle which isn't very satisfying. But I'm not going to moan because I liked this game and it's definitely worth the download." - JaayStation (23-Feb-2012)
"What a pleasure to see how this builder gets better and better as time goes by. This time he have released a package of four interesting levels very nice to play and full of new objects and features. Perhaps some people can think this levels are not a real challenge to expert players (even the hard options are not very hard) but that is not what I'm looking for when playing a custom level. I simply need to have a good and entertaining time and enjoy what I'm playing, and this is surely what whatever TR fan will find when driving Lara to the end of this beautiful adventure. Thank you Philippe!" - Jose (31-Jan-2012)
"Here's an action-packed four-part release that took me a bit more than three hours to complete. Not only is the gameplay more intricate than in Daffy's earlier levels, but the level of difficulty is considerably higher. Still, with the help of the Dutchy-Gerty team's walkthrough I was able to make consistent progress. I did have a game-stopping experience in the second level, however, in the so-called mushroom cave. After beating the timed run, I couldn't get on the tightrope. Lara would step down, lose her balance immediately and fall to her doom. Dutchy sent me a savegame on the other side of the tightrope, and by using it I was now able to walk back and forth along the tightrope with no problem. Interesting, to say the least. Anyway, this is an entertaining game with rarely a dull moment for you to catch your breath. High recommendations." - Phil (27-Jan-2012)
"If there is one thing you can be sure of in a Daffy game is excellent gameplay. This level is no different. Daffy is very good at giving the player challenges that are fun and interesting, and this time, a choice between hard and easy. I really enjoyed every level and found puzzles to be topnotch. The ship looked awesome, but I was really impressed with the ocean skyline. Not many builders get the ocean skyline right, but Daffy definitely does. Other texturing could be updated a bit, but I would much rather play a game with wonderful gameplay and a bit outdated look. Daffy does use lots of nifty objects that give the levels plenty of interesting things to look at. This level is an absolute must play for everyone. Great job, Daffy!!" - Shandroid (25-Jan-2012)
"What great fun. Many times in this series of levels, you are given a choice between easy and hard versions of things. Usually the choices give you different kinds of pickups, or different kinds of timed runs. I love this sense of choice for the player. I took all the hard choices and they were definitely doable, so do not be afraid. There are lots and lots of interesting traps, including revolving flamethrowers and a timed run from a ship that's exploding behind you. I had a blast with that. A lot of the objects got me saying "that's cute," like the secret items, and the box elevator in the first level, and the animals you see in the ocean at the start of level 2. The one thing about the objects that irked me was how you constantly lost your weapons. Just like in TRC, it takes a lot of the fun out of collecting weapons and ammo if you just lose them the next level. Cutscenes are used well, but some fixed cameras get stuck and are also lacking the "one shot" so they constantly keep reappearing (an example is the switch next to the loo on the boat). The textures were chosen well but their use is the roughest aspect of this release, as it gets rather wallpapered at times. I immediately noticed this on the hills at the start of level 2, and it doesn't get much better from there on out. Overall it was a very engaging series of 4 levels and I would recommend everyone to pick it - you even get to choose how hard it is for you! Comme toujours, bon travail!" - SSJ6Wolf (21-Jan-2012)
"Another masterpiece by Daffy and this one is absolutely amazing. Lara start in a cargoship somewhere in the pacific ocean and the goal is to join the canot. This first level is awsome, I really like the new NG puzzles and the many news objects. We can choise easy or hard challenge and that is cool because we can get a reward for the hard way. This level is for me me the most easier of the four level of this adventure. After the amazing end of the first level, lara visit a nice island with many challenges (with also, hard and easy challenge) and of course new very original NG puzzles. Some of these NG puzzle are very cooooool ^^. Like the cargo, we can found many new objects like eggs, woods houses ... The textures of the cargo and the three levels of the island are really wondefull. The game is not really hard, even with the hard gameplay and not really dark. I think the beginners can play easily this amazing game. Another perfect level to keep on our computer, just for the pleasure to replay the end of the cargo and some of the many exiting and funny new challenge ^^. Amazing level Daffy and thanks a lot." - BigFoot (09-Jan-2012)
"i was wait with the review off this game wich i was made in cooperation with Daffy .... i was with some ideeas and beta tesing and Daffy was with the harder work off course .. wich put all togheder and build it ... i was wait with the review to see the impact wich will doo at players ... and like i was said at Daffy this cannot go below 9.40 for sure .... and i was right ........ we think this one to be a bit different from other games ... in terms that we started at a boat the adventure - continued at a tropical island and the great finale inside a temple .....and i am happy we made a good game playable for everybody and with some great moments on it .and this will be followed i hope bye another game even more spectacular in 2012.. i allready work on the story ... greetings" - Jack& (05-Jan-2012)
"Don't let the preview screenshots fool you into thinking this is a classic exploration level set because it can get frustrating very quickly. I understand that making challenging levels is always a popular choice in the community, but there's a point where a level just stops being hard and starts being frustrating and just not fun. An example would be the very start of the level which places you in a teeny space with a bland 2 minute box puzzle that just deflates your excitement. The entire warehouse type of level is rather uninteresting for my taste, but thankfully things pick up once the island part of the level set kicks in. There's some nice exploration going on here, which sadly is sometimes cut short by swarms of enemies that can kill Lara with only a few shots. There's a bit of a survival element all throughout this set and it's understandable given the story. But it sometimes feels like everyone is fighting against poor old Lara. Such as the underground mines which seemed extra determined. During my numerous attempts at getting past them, I witnessed Lara actually exploding... without having even touched the ground. Now that's just cheating, Mr. Underground Mine. Atmosphere-wise, it's a pretty solid, and the textures go with the mood intended. All in all an interesting level where you definitely need to be careful and conserve your ammo." - Janny (03-Jan-2012)
"I was very pleased to see another game released by Daffy, as his last ones were pure fun and contained both good gameplay and atmosphere.
The Ship (9-10-10-9) - 30 minutes: This level starts with a small and not too much fun block puzzle but soon you notice the advanced techinal skills of the builder with the raising of the block. From this point on, this level simply was fantastic and I enjoyed every minute of it. The sentrygun, the usage of boxes, everything is innovative enough to let the players have a fun afternoon. The option to choose between easy and hard routes to get an extra secret each in every level is just to my taste. The ship properties were splendidly used, I really cannot name them all, and this level reminded me so much on an Indiana Jones ship level that I loved so much too. There are lots of tasks to do, timed runs, laser passages and some stealth also is thrown in.
The Island (10-9-9-8) - 60 minutes: For my taste a little too many unicoloured rooms used in this level, but the gameplay is fantastic with many jumping parts across moving platforms, in a dark cave and some puzzles in the later part - the village. The way of killing a T-Rex is highly imaginative and at the end you also are able to drive a jeep and do some harder slope jumps - I loved it. Another highlight of course was the moving block session and the deactivation of the minefield, even if some of the balls that needed to be shot were a tad too well hidden. I do not complain about texturing, but somehow the green ones used in many areas did not really appeal me, and the valley with the crocs and piranhas wasn't but felt wallpapered at times, as there was basically only one single texture used to design the walls. On the other side, I really liked how the horizon was nicely combined with the setting, and thus prevented the end of world factor.
The Temple - Intro (8-9-9-9) - 25 minutes: A pretty short level and even if the ratings are a bit lower than the rest, this level still was very, very enjoyable, as you get a nice looking area with plenty of tasks to do and also more combat than in the second level. The downsides are things that are easy to miss: Levers in the underwater maze, the underwater lever in the too dark water tunnel and the nitro at the end. Else than that, here is another great way of getting rid of a sentrygun and another fun ride, this time with a motorbike. At the end I had a strange moment as Lara died when she drived through the helicopter, but only in the centre, not through the rear part of it.
The Temple - Final (9-10-9-9) - 40 minutes: A worthy final level with more puzzles to solve and some really great objects used in this level. The start again was rather tedious with a wide area to explore and easy to miss levers, but then - as often in this levelset - the fun started, the statue puzzle in the temple was pure fun and this fun never stops until the final battle and the escape with the helicopter. Again I cannot name everything in this level, but of course the lava room with plenty of action again, and the chamber where you had to get a boulder down a slope (one of my favourite puzzles). If it wasn't for some confusion because of a only sometimes working camera to find the torch in this room I also would give full marks to the third category, as the setting is very believable and visually appealing.
Summary: This is a remarkable step upwards by Daffy, even if the marks don't really indicate a progression, but remember, this is a series rather than the last single levels, and often series have a harder time than single levels, as there are more opportunities to make faults. Luckily, there are only very, very few ones in this case, but none of them is too significant. As this will probably end in the Hall of Fame, I only can add that this is worth getting there." - manarch2 (01-Jan-2012)
"A great adventure. We start on a ship we have to have escape from. It's a lot of realistic fighting with a timed escape to an island, where gameplay becomes more and mor complex. A lot of complex tasks have to be performed before we reach the final tmple area. The author has learned a lot since his last works. Gameplay shows creativity and potential, that will be hopefully developped furthermore. I liked this adventure with a convincing atmosphere very much. Highly recommended to everyone." - Christian (14-Dec-2011)
"Daffy has been producing quality levels, but has outdone himself with this excellent four level set with engaging gameplay and creative use of objects and enemies, including a T-rex which has to be dispatched in a novel way. Really it is gameplay and innovations that are important to most players, and this is where the author has markedly advanced. The beginning ship has extra impressive details, starting with the way an early push block is lifted up, to an open elevator with closing gate that Lara uses. The island has numerous agility tests for players, including a framework bridge with moving blocks. In each level Lara chooses between a hard and an easy way; the hard way should always be tried as it leads to extras, and opens the way to secrets. In the first level, the hard way is reasonable, but in later levels these choices mean what they say: the easy way is easy enough for casual players, the hard way challenges experienced players. I had to give up on a hard timed run in level four--there must have been a trick I was missing. After the marvelous things on the ship and island of the first two levels, the third level is a simpler interlude, an introduction to a temple. The temple itself has head-scratching puzzles, the one area where it takes a while to figure out what to do. The traveling bombs are a delight. The ending temple has places on the dark side, but mostly the author uses lighting suggestive of darkness when underground, without making Lara stumble around, which was a great relief for me. Play these levels and you won't be disappointed." - dmdibl (14-Dec-2011)
"I rarely give straight 10's as I can usually find something in a level that could have been improved. The only thing wrong with this level was that I couldn't stop playing it! Luckily Jay, my better half, also had difficulty dragging herself away so she couldn't shout at me too much for not doing other things. I have difficulty putting my finger on why one level has gameplay that suits me perfectly and another level is merely very good, but, whatever it is, I'm grateful for it. The builder places, at various points in the game, options for an easy route or a harder one. I would recommend using the harder routes as, to be honest, they don't seem to be much harder just more of whatever manoeuvre is coming up and any chance of more of this superlative gameplay should always be grabbed. The various areas, and they are varied, are beautifully made and lit, always atmospheric, never dark for dark's sake. The baddies were not too numerous but well placed to be awkward without making it into a 'shooter'. Some nice agility and a few timed runs (not too tight) rounded off this most excellent level. Play it, if you don't you'll be sorry!" - Diz (12-Dec-2011)
"The Ship: Most of the ship has a somewhat base level feel to it, what with the guards and laser traps. I don't know what the 'easy' option is like as I opted for the hard version and have to say it was very entertaining. I don't think it would prove too difficult for players with a bit of experience and some of the laser trap sequences were great fun. The end timed run for the lifeboat was amusing too. The Island: Woohoo, minefields, boulders (some really useful, some really deadly), cleverly devised agility tests, torch work, unfriendly natives and a novel and extremely satisfying way of getting rid of a T-Rex. What more could you possibly want? How about a short but fun jeep ride, running over an entire pack of raptors on the way. Great stuff. The Temple: The last area is split into two sections and both are action packed, with some excellent puzzles. Having nothing even vaguely resembling a sense of direction, I had to have about three goes at an underwater lever sequence as I kept forgetting which ones I'd used. I feel obliged to give special mention to a 'remote control' push puzzle too - very clever indeed. Overall, this is a wonderful game, with such well balanced gameplay that there really should be something to delight everyone. It's also very player friendly, with its helpful icons to indicate timed runs or when to get rid of the torch. Daffy has done his usual splendid job of building a good looking level, using some great objects and animations, and has been assisted in the ideas department by Jack&. I have no idea who came up with what, but there are some extremely inventive ideas on display here and both participants deserve hearty congratulations. A must play level." - Jay (11-Dec-2011)
"This is another excellent game from Daffy. I loved the beginning of this adventure that takes place onboard a freighter. There is a series of great puzzles to solve - which, come to think of it, sets the ground work for a game that is filled with some wonderful head-scratching moments. Daffy is really inventive when it comes to puzzles and he shows off his skills in that department throughout this game (the player also gets to choose the "easy" or "hard" versions of several tasks). Having escaped the ship, Lara finds her way to an island with hostile natives and dinos. After dispatching that set, it's temple time and nifty use of a motorcycle. There is, of course, a bit of exploration and puzzling to do here too before you gain access to the bike and the temple, itself. Lara must solve the main puzzle in the temple in order to reach the lava pits guarding the blue diamond, and, yes, you guessed it - more great use of inventive objects and puzzling. It's all so much fun and I highly recommend the game. I played the easy part and that was plenty challenging for me, but I know I will go back and replay in the "hard" mode just to check it out! Thanks so much Daffy for a wonderful game! Keep 'em coming!" - Mugs (11-Dec-2011)
"Daffy has really improved his TRLE skills. The previous levels were quite beautiful and well done but without gameplay. This one is better in lightings/atmosphere and the gameplay is much better. All the levels were good and are plenty of clever idea (The mines which explode doors, elevators puzzle, britney spears power, ....). You should play this level." - Glouglouton (11-Dec-2011)