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Prototype by PoYu

DJ Full 3 3 2 2
Gerty 4 2 3 3
Jay 4 3 4 4
Jose 2 2 3 3
Lara_Fox_Croft 8 5 3 4
manarch2 4 1 2 2
MichaelP 5 2 3 3
Orbit Dream 2 1 2 4
Ryan 3 2 2 3
Treeble 3 3 3 3
Wolf7 5 3 3 5
release date: 25-Feb-2013
# of downloads: 49

average rating: 3.09
review count: 11
review this level

file size: 22.20 MB
file type: TR4
class: nc

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Reviewer's comments
"I had no idea there was a level authored by PoYu — unfortunately it's just a bit of a test level to showcase a puzzle idea. It's a nice set up, with a time lapse between the same area so it's overtaken by vegetation, levers broken off etc. Perhaps a full scale set up would be harder to keep as cohesive, but someone out there might have done it. 5 minutes. 11/23" - Treeble (05-Nov-2023)
"This could easily fit in one of those typical trivia videos on youtube about incredible ideas being used in bad games. Quite a clever idea used on not a really good level, but likely with some good texturing and some sort of much more fullness, there could be a treat for sure, I enjoyed my 10 minutes here and I would adore to see a developer effectively catching this idea. I do have to admit that likely a lot of players would find themselves stuck easily between new and old, just a vibe I am getting tho about the huge need people these days have of walkhtroughs. Wolfy Regards." - Wolf7 (09-Feb-2021)
"There's not much to get stuck into at all here, but the time travel idea was a nice one and wasn't badly executed here through the use of transporters and a couple of crowbar levers. Definitely wasn't fond of Lara dying in the end." - Ryan (16-Jun-2018)
"On one hand I was glad it was short level, as it could be pretty tedious to figure out what to do and where to go with a much longer level. On the other hand I am quite curious what PoYu will show us next time. The idea was pretty clever though." - Gerty (21-May-2013)
"I don't know how a "level" like this can be funny for any player. Of course; it's a "prototype". I think a lot of players around the world know how to use the editor to trigger teleporters to send Lara to another rooms, so I can't see the reason to release this "level" except that the author wants to see something published from their harvest in the WWW... (???). Another thing is that this person is a master (yes!) in another aspects about TR features... (of course, he is!). In this case I take my hat..." - Jose (09-May-2013)
"A 50-minute struggle with an unseen enemy, with no clue where to go... After that time, I read the walkthru and realized I had messed up pushable OCBs when changed the exe to a random widescreen one xD But if not counting that let's play fail, it's indeed just a 5-minute revision of a neat puzzle idea - go to the past to open a way in the future. Plainly nothing except that: default ambience, default background music, no sunbulbs and default lighting (last thing applies everywhere except a single dark corridor). Can be classified as a test level without a doubt, as the main assumption was. But why does Lara burn in the end?" - DJ Full (14-Mar-2013)
"It's really not a bad little test level,with some good uses of teleporting from place to place.Once you work out where you need to go and what you need to get hold of,it falls into place and leads you onward to the somewhat spiteful Finale.Interesting overall,though." - Orbit Dream (07-Mar-2013)
"The time travel concept is a bit lost on me in this short experiment level, but it is ultimately a very cleverly designed idea if you have the patience and interest to "get it" and I enjoyed the few minutes it lasts. Hopefully the principle puzzle idea can inspire other builders to include something similar in their levels - just make sure the player is lead by the hand a bit with the transporting and maybe a rather more rewarding "ending" would not be such a bad idea either..." - MichaelP (06-Mar-2013)
"As can be seen from the readme, this is somewhat embryonic in nature, being more of a concept tester than a finished product, so ultimately a little hard to rate. Certainly, as an idea it is most interesting, with its intriguing use of time portals, and would definitely warrant more exploration. As of now however, it's best viewed as a little demo." - Jay (04-Mar-2013)
"G&P: I think the time travel was a really idea, in some levels, we just need to find keys to open doors, here we got to use portals to be at the good place, at the good moment. As the name of the level said "prototype" this is not a real entire level. This is a kind of demo. I wish the greatest( for me) outfit creator also called "PoYu" will make us a great adventure. E,O&S: nothing amazing in this level, but nothing too bad. A,S&C: a bit empty L&T: no real ligthing, the texture is from TR4, sometime stretched or compressed. I think PoYu is searching his marks, and I wish he will make something longer and better than this little level, keep working hard!" - Lara_Fox_Croft (03-Mar-2013)
"This is a 5 minute level with only one rather neat gameplay idea (the time travels) which is effectively used to solve the two puzzles in a "different" way. The room design is rather barren and basic but I like how the change between past and present was executed (the greenery in the present, the stolen item), which kind of equalizes the fact that many sounds were gone missing and the rooms weren't all too realistic. Not so sure if I liked the end though." - manarch2 (26-Feb-2013)