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City of Memory by Bigfoot

Adrian 8 9 10 10
Amethyste 10 9 10 9
Angel_K 10 10 10 10
Bene 7 9 10 10
Dick 9 10 10 10
DJ Full 9 9 9 9
Drakan 10 10 10 10
eRIC 9 9 9 10
Feder 9 8 10 10
Glouglouton 9 9 9 9
Jay 8 8 10 10
Jose 6 7 10 10
Josey 8 8 9 9
Leraf 10 9 10 10
LolauMylenium 10 10 10 10
manarch2 7 7 9 9
MigMarado 10 10 10 10
Mman 10 9 10 10
Mytly 8 8 9 9
Phil 8 9 10 10
Ryan 9 8 10 10
Sakusha 9 9 10 10
SeniorBlitz 8 9 10 9
Thiago 9 10 10 10
Tolle87 7 8 10 10
TRTheoP 10 8 10 10
release date: 02-Jan-2016
# of downloads: 277

average rating: 9.26
review count: 26
review this level

file size: 97.10 MB
file type: TR4
class: Rome/Greece

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Reviewer's comments
"This was my second favourite of all of Bigfoot's levels, a beautiful setting and interesting gameplay that tended towards "flowing" rather than "challenging". The chain of actions following the use of the sword is kind of comical if you ever stop to think about it occurring in the real world: A leads to B leads to C... leads to W, and what happens at the end? Maybe a door opens, lol. Anyway, it's not a criticism, and it's true of most levels, just saying: Lara lives in a strange universe of keys, items, switches, and doors. Fun level with strong replay value." - Dick (22-Nov-2024)
"This is a BTB Greece level, set in a town with some cellars and ruins beneath. It's centred around the large house/hotel type structure Lara starts in, with the rest of the town across a small river and some nature segments to the sides. The level looks great throughout, with all kind of lush views and a lot of the variety in the texturing and object use. The outdoor lighting is slightly flat, but the BTB textures are colourful enough to combine with the whitish lighting, so I'm not sure it could be improved too much, and the indoor lighting consistently looks great. The only aesthetic issue I had is that I wasn't 100% sold on the transition from modern to ancient environments; I feel they could be slightly more isolated, rather than modern rooms being almost next to clearly lost ruins or semi-mystical puzzles and designs.
There's no combat or traps here, although a few friendly/neutral NPCs are around, and the focus is on exploration and puzzles. It starts off a little intimidating with how open it seems, but it's more confined than it initially appears, and goals to work for present themselves pretty soon. The layout is quite ingenious in how areas have multiple purposes, and can suddenly reveal whole other interactions long after you first enter them. The layout is also tight despite it's size and full of unlockable shortcuts that make getting almost anywhere quite quick despite the amount there is to find. Camera hints are also used very well and guide you throughout in a way that almost always gives an idea of where to go (which is also an improvement on Bigfoot's earlier levels, where this was occasionally an issue). The only issue I had is the ending feeling slightly anti-climatic, but the journey makes up for that. I felt the secrets were a little lacking too, as I found them all near the start, and they almost felt simpler than the general progression. An excellent level that provides a chill town exploration atmosphere few others match while also having enough going on to be engaging throughout." - Mman (13-Jul-2023)
"If you like pure exploration, you'll love this, as I did!

The level revolves around finding the thread to follow to the end. The beginning can be daunting, but don't be stressed out. You'll get the hang of it after you found a couple of leads. I did not use the walkthrough and was proud!

No enemies and no traps make for some very welcome diversity, from where I'm sitting. So no deductions for that choice from me. The story is cute, of Biblical origin, and there are some ramifications of that in the gameplay elements. All is of extreme beauty and precision!

Thank you, dear Sylvain ;) Congratulations on this friendly puzzler!" - MigMarado (07-Oct-2021)
"2h20 and more than 17K meters ran to finish this big level with the 3 secrets. It's like a big puzzle and in some areas there are two layers of puzzle as we have to return there at another time. The most difficult is the very big house with many rooms looking a bit the same and it's hard to know the whereabouts. Once the crowbar is found , it becomes easier and it was very enjoyable to explore the town up and down, back and fro. Some use of different objects even if the corresponding animations are not appropriate but it adds to the novelty. Great design of the map , Bigfoot may have a brain in 3D++ so that the areas interconnect so well. There is some help with cameras and flybys , often though you need to explore by yourself that what makes the interest of such types of levels if you are fond of this type of raiding. Do i need to say that the texturing is faultless and lighting quite pleasant, i don't think's a Bigfoot level , with no enemies and with some nice touches. Great job anyway." - eRIC (16-Sep-2019)
"If I could describe with one word the feeling of running down the streets of a Greek village and admiring the nicely textured and decorated houses, I would choose the word "phenomenal". The level consists of Lara searching houses, talking to villagers and fulfilling their requests, visiting the water canals, entering the crypt and sacred halls of a church and many other things all beautifully presented by the stunning and charming atmosphere, lightnings and textures used. The puzzles are not very difficult to solve and there are a lot of cameras to point out where to go next. There is a lot of backtracking, which is not necessarily bad because you get the chance of admiring the village. The use of Greek juice and Ambrosia as health packs was really funny but I was disappointed that I didn't have to use them. One necessary part for a Tomb Raider level will always be its combat and the beautiful village could not distract me from searching for a single enemy to fight. Although you acquire a bow to hit distant targets and trigger events, you have no single chance of using it in enemies. Conclusion: City of Memory by Bigfoot delivers a beautifully presented village with Greek juices and Ambrosia to search and solve lots of interesting puzzles. It would be one of the best levels to play if you could fight some enemies though. Highly recommended level!" - TRTheoP (25-Apr-2018)
"This is a very beautiful city level set up in Greece, where the gameplay only consist in exploration, which is not bad at all if you like runing around an excellent designed town, jumping through balconys and trespassing into houses and appartments. I was pretty lost at first, but once you have a mental map of the city you explored, and with a few camera hints, it's easy to find your way through. The negative points I'm giving in this review are only because of personal taste, referring to the total absense of enemies and pickups (despite the crossbow that you need to use in 2 ocations). I feel like it's an important part of TR the combat, the bosses, and the search for guns, ammo and medipacks. Even so, I had a great fun. Found 1 secret. Highly recommended." - Feder (13-Feb-2018)
"This is a very beautiful level set in Greece, there's a lot to like here. Lara has to explore a very diverse and pretty little town to find items to help her on the quest to find a secret artifact, there are no enemies at all, your only objective is to collect items (there's a lot of backtracking on this level) and resolve some puzzles, the rooms are extremely colorful and full of charm to keep you entertained, the secrets are also very challenging to find, this is the perfect level if you're looking for a nice and relaxing adventure, with an incredible atmosphere." - SeniorBlitz (04-Nov-2017)
"I've initially downloaded the level cauz' of the looking in the screenshots and believe me, it completely surpassed my expectations. I love colorful things and all the flowers decorating the houses, makes you feel that Lara is really in a kind of vacation. The puzzles are not the most insane ones, but they are very relaxing and fun to do. The secrets can be a little more challenging to figure out tho. I missed a little the lack of enemies to shoot at :D But nevertheless, the level is insanely fun and relaxing to play, and the scenery and theme of it is awesome to enjoy looking at it. Totally recommend the level!" - Leraf (27-Apr-2017)
"What a beautiful level. Even without enemies and traps, the whole gameplay is very enjoyable. Every detail of the environment, texturing, lighting. Everything seems very alive and harmonious. I liket it. Recommended and congratulations to author." - Thiago (10-Dec-2016)
"This is one of the BtB 2015 straggler levels. As can be expected from Bigfoot, the level is pretty, atmospheric, and mostly very charming. However, the gameplay is a little too sedate for my taste - it's essentially a 'home' level, with all the action taking place in Lara's Greek vacation house and the surrounding village. The level consists mainly of a number of quests for artefacts and switches. There's a timed run early on (which you have to repeat later in the level - more than once if you don't open up some shortcuts), and some jumping around on rooftops and balconies in the village. Aside that, there's little challenge, except in finding your way around - which, admittedly, is quite a major challenge. There's an enormous amount of backtracking, even if you open up some shortcuts. The non-linear nature of the level means that you often keep turning up at places without the necessary items to continue, and so have to go back to find them.
From the aesthetic point of view, the looks are mostly great. The lighting in the outdoor areas is a little too flat and bright, with only the objects and textures providing colour. However, given the beautiful and colourful BtB2015 package, this is not really a problem. Most of the rooms in Lara's house as well as in the houses in the village look nearly identical - a little variety would have looked more realistic, and helped players navigate around the place better. The uniformity also results in a lack of any particularly memorable spot or set-piece.
Overall: With its very laid-back setting and complete lack of enemies, in a bright and beautiful setting, this level feels like it should have been an Advent or Easter level. A pleasant raid in a pretty setting, though a little too non-linear for my taste. Recommended." - Mytly (29-May-2016)
"We can see all the hard work to make such a big place like this city, the gameplay is really interesting and remember classic TR levels, like TR2 Venice, in bigger ! Playing a level from this author is always a pleasure !" - Angel_K (08-Apr-2016)
"I loved so much this nivel for the "gameplay" and also the atmosphere. Easy "Time-run". A little bit difficult for me after few questions, it was ok. I recommand" - Amethyste (09-Feb-2016)
"I thought this was a lovely Greek level, better than many of the BtB 2015 entries. I didn't mind the lack of enemies or the challenge of exploring a relatively large map and trying to remember where I saw something - in fact I think Bigfoot was TOO generous with the cameras that told you where an object was to be used. I found the 3 secrets early on, so perhaps a few more would have been nice. Overall extremmely enjoyable and attractive level. Recommended." - Adrian (27-Jan-2016)
"This level is noteworthy for its aesthetics with an idyllic town setting, interspersed with ruins. Even though it is easy to get lost in this level with all the items to retrieve and the backtracking, every time the player gets ahead, a camera hint helps him or her figure out what to do or where to go next. While the timed run wasn't too difficult, some of the jumping sequences were engaging and required some thought. For some reason, I didn't find the mirror very helpful, but some of the invisible semi-transparent wall passages leading to two icons made me think of the concept of a leap of faith, which was fitting in a monastery. Some of the key items were very original (such as the icons and the ruby eyes), and shooting wine barrels to turn a dry area into an underwater area was remarkable. The act of paying a fishmonger to get a cog, and the presence of an adorable cat with strands of yarn really made this level stand out." - Sakusha (25-Jan-2016)
"A nice idea to release this level after BtB2015. Peaceful exploration is the order of the day, no enemies whatsoever. Great atmosphere and puzzles make this a pleasure to play. Thanks Bigfoot!" - Ryan (22-Jan-2016)
"Already, this level is of a beauty, we take pleasure to make this level throughout. Decorations are sublime, I did not find defect. Everything is harmonized, everything is logical, I find that the way we progress in this level is fluid, we look by moment, but we find rather easily. No enemies, what is not anyway lacking. And sounds are used well... In brief a masterpiece that I would register on the Hall of Fame. Dejà, ce niveau est d'une beaute, on prend plaisir à faire ce niveau d'un bout à l'autre. Les decors sont sublimes, je n'ai pas releve de defaut. Tout est harmonise, tout est logique, je trouve que la façon dont on progresse dans ce niveau est fluide, on cherche par moment, mais on trouve assez aisement. Pas d'ennemis, ce qui ne manque pas de toute manière. Et les sons sont bien utilises... Bref un chef d'oeuvre que j'inscrirais au Hall of Fame." - LolauMylenium (22-Jan-2016)
"The author explains why the city is named "City of Memory", but there is another reason for the name of the game: you WILL use all your memory (or all the memory you still have, if you are elder than 60) to navigate through this city without losing yourself. Lara is inside a house? There are multiple alternative paths. Lara is outside? Idem, ibidem. The game is a kind of "Arcadian Dream", but without the fun sliding and puzzle solving part. Nevertheless it is a beautiful game, nicely constructed, with a variety of tasks, that deserves a try, even if it has no real puzzles and only one really difficult task: orientation." - Josey (20-Jan-2016)
"This Grecian level wasn't completed in time to make the BtB competition, but since it lacks any enemies at all it segues into the Advent season quite admirably. I doubt that it would have placed in the competition's top tier due to its placid nature, but it's my kind of level. From the opening flyby you can tell you're about to be treated to a scenic quest with plenty of light and oodles of eye-pleasing surroundings. I spent a little more than an hour and a half here, and there's enough required backtracking that I'm glad I had an advance copy of Dutchy's walkthrough to help me find my way. There's a timed run you have to do twice, but you go in different directions at the end of it. Nothing here is unduly difficult, so it's a level suitable for beginning as well as seasoned players. A satisfying raid from start to finish. High recommendations." - Phil (11-Jan-2016)
"A city which requires memory but if you care, you will succeed. I like how hints are subtly given in this level, for instance vertical vines prompt to look up for horizontal ones, the ingot pickup takes advantage of the camera to stay on the screen until the target is shown, and even the beginning flyby is a seamless "hintro" for the trapdoor run. As my mentor Plinkett would say: you might have not noticed that... but your brain did. The game is nicely divided between the river with Lara's home on one side and the rest of the city on the other. By size comparison you can easily tell who is responsible for the Greek financial crisis, and by this structural division you can orientate easier (for instance I used the top half of savegame slots for the home bank and the bottom half for the city bank). As a city level should, it contains a chapel, some backyards and possibly the most realistic cellar you will see in this whole pack, which is also among top cellars in general. The lack of enemies is substituted with other kind of life: a cat playing the wool and a couple of shopkeepers handling a store. I still missed some priest appearing in the church door, mad at Lara disturbing sacred peace, but I still prefer three solid characters than a bunch of killable baddies. Not to mention the city is filled with traces of nearby human presence, like tables at work, multiple wine sets and fresh apples, so you cannot quite complain it feels lifeless. SUMMARY: I of course think a city should lead to something deeper than a cellar, but this is still a solid cherry on the BtB cake, and I hope not the only one, for many other are still locked in the subforum jar." - DJ Full (11-Jan-2016)
"It's always a pleasure to play a level of this builder - especially the looks are top notch again here, with very carefully applied texturing and good lighting that just felt a little too bright and uniform outside. The town setting is very realistic and the architecture, sounds and cameras are put to good use here. Sadly, this time the gameplay wasn't that enjoyable as usual; other levels of the builder were also heavily exploration-based but this one had a few too many moments where you arrive at a certain place, miss a key and have to look all over the level for it - although shortcuts are aptly applied, there's quite a bit of running to and fro even if you find all the items at once. Still, there are a lot of decent tasks, like the timed run over the trapdoors, some rather good puzzles, the use of the torch and some more that will keep you occupied for some time in this level, so that the not so great parts are bearable. Perhaps there also could be a few enemies; the object design is good but a bit repetitive; secrets are nicely hidden, but not that hard to find. Overall a beautiful and often charming level that just didn't click with me as much as the builder's previous levels. Spent 45 minutes in here." - manarch2 (11-Jan-2016)
"I'm really not a fan of cities levels.This one no more than another, but here we have a superb level where every detail is applied. This city is beautiful and we never lost, every house is built very carefully (roof, openings, interior parts ..) and it is nice to walk in this beautiful city in search of the many items to find. I found the 3 secrets hidden in crates. Wonderful, highly recommended." - Drakan (11-Jan-2016)
"A very pleasant game. Nice work but gameplay is not so easy. Sometimes there is no hint and I run like a chicken without head. For the other aspect good textures and lightings." - Glouglouton (11-Jan-2016)
"It's a shame this level didn't make official BtB deadline.It would not be the best but it would be one of the most unique levels in the competition. Basically, it feels like playing one of the classic Lara's Home levels from the original games.It's architecture and authenticity is brilliant.Main house, apartments, gardens, monastery, wine cellar, water channel, everything.I would love to live in such place....and that brings us to the main problem.If I actually lived there, it would be almost exactly the same as in this game - Gameplay is basically non-existent, apart from going from one place to another and placing items in their slots.There is one timed run (which you have to do twice), there are a few puzzles which are more for your eyes than for your brain and that's about it.There are no enemies, although I managed to get one kill in a desperate search for a door-opening trigger (which means now I can officialy say that I was the only builder who hid trigger inside the kitten), medipacks are unnecessary because there are no traps and you practically can't die.All in all, I'm not sure how to rate this level when it comes to gameplay because there are two points of view.On one hand, it's simple and not very inspiring.On the other hand - That is exactly how it is supposed to be.After all, Lara is in her own house so it's logical that there are no enemies, spikes and other booby traps.If there just were some more "natural" traps and tricky jumps (and even some booby traps at least in the monastery where it is "allowed") , with some more elaborate puzzles, I would call this level really great at what it's meant to be.As it is now - I respect the idea behind it and I respect casual atmosphere the builder was aiming to make, but I still think there was enough space for gameplay improvements while still remaining inside it's own "rules". Camera hints are really helpful, sound tracks are well chosen (apart from one pointlessly scary one when you reach final room) and overall atmosphere is good and relaxing. To summarize - Looks, design, architecture complexity, textures and lighting are almost perfect.Gameplay really depends on your own taste.Like I said in the beginning, it reminds me of good old Lara's Home levels and that's probably the best comparision for you to know if you would like this level or not." - Tolle87 (08-Jan-2016)
"A beautiful Greek environment split by a canal that would have made a perfect BTB entry - a lush atmosphere marred only by the maze of confusing rooms beginning this level. I think only a few of us were stymied by a ceiling trap that was difficult to realize could be opened and that had me running poor Lara everywhere. Loved the use of a ball of yarn and the mirror room. The timed run was, thankfully, generous but not too, with a sneakily placed open door just at the end. Lots to do and explore with no boredom. Cameras were well-used and lighting and textures were perfect. Unfortunately a cross was used for shooting practice again.. a bell is fine, a cross way beyond fine. Thanks for a really interesting and fun level, Bigfoot. Recommended!" - Bene (07-Jan-2016)
"How lovely to have a 'late entry' Back to Basics Greece level and what a good entry it would have made too. As this was the first level I've played since the Advent ones, the fact that it was enemy free made a nice transition. Lara gets to explore the lovely Greek town and its splendid buildings in search of an ancient artefact (well that's her idea of a relaxing holiday after all). There's a nice variety of tasks to accomplish but overall the action is quite gentle with the only timed run being generous, so this most enjoyable visit to Greece should be open to all." - Jay (06-Jan-2016)
"Can't give a high rate in the gameplay section 'cause the level is too much no-lineal, and even when there are some fresh puzzles and many camera hints, you're forced to running dozens of kilometers finding often dead ends and revisiting the same places a lot of times always disoriented through very huge areas. What about the enemies or some traps? I've missed a lot some enemies here and there and some extra weapons too (well, I suppose is a Christmas level yet...). The secrets were very difficult to find for me. Cameras are perfect, always helping you to find the places you must go, and the musics are well choosen, creating a very good atmosphere. And what to say about the beautiful, marvellous and very well builded environments, with all kind of details and very nice touches, the best of the entire game; I take my hat in this sense; amazing, impressive and extraordinary architecture! If you like the pure exploration, this level will be one of the best you've ever played; if not..." - Jose (05-Jan-2016)