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Princess Lara of Persia (Demo) by Drakan

DJ Full 7 8 8 8
eRIC 8 10 8 9
Gorty 8 8 8 7
Jay 8 8 8 9
Jorge22 8 8 8 9
Jose 7 8 8 9
manarch2 7 8 7 8
Mytly 9 8 8 8
Orbit Dream 7 9 8 9
Phil 8 9 8 9
Ryan 8 8 8 8
release date: 13-Jan-2017
# of downloads: 137

average rating: 8.11
review count: 11
review this level

file size: 44.30 MB
file type: TR4
class: Persia

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Reviewer's comments
"I found this level more challenging than i thought. (You need to get used to the horizontal and vertical poles with new animations and the timed tasks at the end are a bit tough). It is beautifully built and textured , but i felt it could be even more atmospheric. The secrets offer bits of extra gameplay which is always a plus. The main gameplay is not very fast paced but it is not the type that is relaxing and it drains a bit your tension. It is quite clever however , the type that makes you feel smart yourself as a player after you succeed. This level is full of innovations , you've got to see and play this , very cool objects and lovely setting." - eRIC (14-Sep-2019)
"I’m a huge fan of the Prince of Persia series, so I played this demo with a keen sense of anticipation. Mostly, I wasn’t disappointed. There are a number of tributes to the PoP series, such as Lara being able to regenerate health by drinking from a water fountain, just like the Prince. The builder has also tried to incorporate a lot of the gameplay aspects of the PoP series, such as the focus on jumps and traps. It’s impossible to recreate the most famous aspect of the PoP series in TRLE: the ability to manipulate time. But the builder tries to work in the time aspect anyway by creating multiple timed runs. The double timed run in the basement area is especially tricky, and caused me considerable frustration. But at the end of it, I nonetheless appreciated the challenge. The 10-switch puzzle is intriguing in itself, but it can be a bit obscure when incorporated into a secret quest; maybe something got lost in the translation in the instructions for the secret?
The main courtyard is easily recognizable as being based on an area in the ‘Temple Rooftops’ level of Prince of Persia: The Two Thrones. The indoor areas, however, don’t seem to be based on any specific area in any of the PoP games – and they suffer as a result. While the courtyard is lovely and somewhat colourful, the indoor areas are all a bland sea of grey. I hope the full version features locations that are more colourful, magnificent and atmospheric, in keeping with typical PoP settings.
Overall: A very nice homage to a series that’s a close cousin to the TR series. Looking forward to a full version. Recommended – even for non-PoP fans." - Mytly (30-Jul-2017)
"To begin with,this felt like one of those "One Room Challenge" entries,with a lot of interesting activities taking place around a compact courtyard - battling resilient lions;swinging from pole to pole;finding ways to raise blocks.After this,it switches to a large interior so as to showcase a timed jumping challenge (really quite awkward to get to grips with;and considerably harder than anything else the level has to offer) and a rather obscure (even with the aid of the Walkthrough) multi-lever puzzle.It all looks wonderful,with a huge amount of attention to detail (including a charming alternative to the collection of medi-packs);and is beautifully lit and textured.Undoubtedly worth playing;although the timed sequences may prove too frustrating for some." - Orbit Dream (22-May-2017)
"Another good level from Drakan. I liked the architecture and texturization, the ornaments and the new objects. The tasks are not very hard, but perhaps there's an abuse of the timed runs; at least, the 10 switches puzzle is original. The cameras are well located and the atmosphere is usually good; perhaps I missed some more enemies but the level is entertaining anyway. Looking forward for the final version of the game. Good work." - Jose (08-May-2017)
"Despite bearing the Demo moniker, this managed to keep me absorbed for just under 30 minutes. You get a variety of activities to accomplish, including some enjoyably devious timed runs, gymnastics along vertical and horizontal poles, a spike trap puzzle, a nifty four secrets to locate and a lever puzzle, all taking place inside a nicely crafted Persian environment. Recommended, and I look forward to the finished product." - Ryan (26-Apr-2017)
"This demo level really makes me hoping for a full version. It contains a lot of nice things in any regard: The looks are quite nice here in a (yet) rarely discovered setting, the enemies are fun to fight (the health system is also fine) and of course the gameplay also delivers most of the time. While the start was rather tranquil and not so inventive, the further you get in this game the better it gets, with some nice platforming, clever puzzles and it all culminates in a room with a very nice double timed run and a good ten lever puzzle. My only real complaint for now is that the horizontal poles didn't quite work as they should, I had to reload quite often until they worked or even take others' savegames. As this is a demo, I'll also be some more critical about the architecture which was a bit too boxy for me and the lighting also could've been a little less monotonous, although it's nowhere flat I think that the outside and inside areas respectively looked too sameish because of that. The texturing, however, was very cleanly applied. All in all I really like to see the full version of it, despite of the need of some improvements here and there I could've played on in this kind of game for quite a while. Found all four well hidden secrets in 30 minutes." - manarch2 (09-Mar-2017)
"I've never played Prince of Persia so am unable to comment as to authenticity, but what lovely surroundings Lara has found herself in here. The atmosphere is excellent and, call it a demo if you wish, but it's easily long enough to assess for gameplay. I enjoyed it very much, finding the balance just right and I did like the aspects such as enemy health indicators and the health top ups from the fountains." - Jay (03-Mar-2017)
"Although this is billed as a demo, it plays as a full-fledged 40-minute level. The surroundings are eye-pleasing, and the lighting is so good I didn't once feel the need to use a flare. Lara's new moves are displayed to good advantage, and there are a few nifty sequences involving poles (vertical and horizontal) and ropes. Instead of medipacks you get to pause at several fountains that dispense health-restoring holy water. The four secrets are well placed and involve a little extra effort to acquire, even if your only reward each time is a smiling crocodile idol. The highlights for me were the spike trap puzzle near the beginning and the back-to-back timed runs near the end, one of which you had to repeat if you wanted to get the final secret. Dutchy has done his usual fine job rendering a written walkthrough, and I look forward eagerly to the time when the builder releases the full game." - Phil (04-Feb-2017)
"Drakan has delivered a rather flawless demo that's fit for everyone although I gather the last timed run may be a bit too much for some - still, it's quite rewarding when you finally get it right. Besides the interesting action and places, I found it really nice texture wise and I enjoyed the great attention given to details of which I found especially cool the way the secret chimes keep sounding for a while until it all fades. I must say I could never enjoy playing more than just the beginning of any Prince of Persia, but I did enjoy Lara in Persia much more. Had it been longer and I might have easily given it higher ratings." - Jorge22 (22-Jan-2017)
"This is professional, you can see a lot of care even in minor aestethics like discreet ammo pictures or enemy health bars - why these lions take a minute to disappear is a different question, just like why not one more monkey swing to avoid quarter life loss over those barrel blades, otherwise just a "wow" setup. One curiosity of the game is being textured the opposite way than supposed: ruins are more colorful inside than outside, and here we start in a vibrant scenery to proceed into monochrome interior. After so many levels with a hidden meaning I wonder if there's something more to it. But this is not a game to look around, as we're pretty busy - the whole outside location is packed with platforming from the bottom to the rooftop, and we get riddled in quite innovative way - the piston idea is unexpected, the spike puzzle is surprising, with familiar jumping neatly interleaved with different shooting, and providing a ceiling hint for fast return. Then we collect some not too hard yet diverse secrets and conclude with timed trapdoor challenge you may consider impossible unless you think both sequences as a whole. And I'm still waiting for the forum reply concerning the final secret: the point isn't bad English but the chance to read the hint in multiple wrong ways. SUMMARY: If the full version maintains quality with issues fixed, we'll get a grand piece of raiding this little prologue to is already much enjoyable. Also if this is done in sync with BtB16 it will become a worthy supplement to the Middle-Eastern mood we'll soon be dipped in." - DJ Full (17-Jan-2017)
"Very few demo releases get actually their full versions released. Mostly ( as far as I have seen on trle ) demo levels are just dead projects that never will get finished. I left this game made by Drakan with mixed opinions. First, there is a very good use of NGLE features like the fountain health recovery, camera starting to spin around Lara after no movement has been made for a few seconds, enemy health bars ... The architectural design was very nice, but looked on some parts maybe too unrealistic or weird. Some more work was needed on some parts. The floor in the main outside area was just too flat. Also, some areas looked a little bit chaotic. Placing some more objects or making the floor not so flat would be great. Some objects had wrong light applied and were placed incorrect ( going through walls ). The room after the golden key had just a terrific light ... too flat. The outside areas had overall better lighting than the inside areas which looked, as mentioned already, too flat and monotone ( like the big empty looking room after the poles ). Gameplay was nice, not too difficult, simple, straightforward, but had some harder timed runs and confusing parts ( the rooms with 10 switches ). The lions were really resistant to gunfire. Overall, A nice demo by Drakan, but definitely not something to remember. I hope it will get a full release one day, but probably won't. Recommended." - Gorty (17-Jan-2017)