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Lost Temple of the Pyrenees by Danath

BHM Productions 5 6 4 3
Ceamonks890 8 6 7 6
DJ Full 8 9 9 8
eRIC 8 8 6 7
Feder 9 9 8 7
Gerty 7 8 8 7
Gorty 9 6 5 4
Jay 8 8 9 8
JesseG 9 9 9 8
Jorge22 8 8 8 7
Jose 8 9 8 9
KBoaz 9 8 9 4
manarch2 7 6 7 6
Nuri 6 7 7 7
p1kaa 10 8 9 9
Phil 8 8 8 8
Ryan 8 8 8 7
Tolle87 9 8 9 6
TombExplorer 8 8 9 8
Torry 10 10 10 8
totizedger 7 6 7 5
Treeble 8 8 9 9
Zebra 7 7 8 7
release date: 15-Jul-2017
# of downloads: 200

average rating: 7.62
review count: 23
review this level

file size: 51.20 MB
file type: TR2
class: Cave/Cat

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Reviewer's comments
"I would say this is more enjoyable/chill kinda trle than the other one I played, the puzzles are clear and easy, the jumps and the traps were not so challenging which makes progressing throw the level fast and more fun. the story was beautiful and unique, the elements of the tr1 that were included into the level were chosen correctly yo fit the story and the level as a whole. they were places that looked and felt empty specially looking how big like the temple areas and the old caves, this level was so much fun. 8/10" - p1kaa (27-Jun-2021)
"This was a fun set of three TR2 levels. Pushable block puzzles, imed trapdoors, intense trap sequences, and tough enemies bring out the best aspects of TR2. The first two levels, set in mountainous caves, play very smoothly, while the third level in the temple gets a bit bogged down by a fair amount of backtracking and maze-like areas, although I still enjoyed my time there overall. Really nice use of camera shots in the big areas. The levelset may be a bit visually stunted due to wallpapered textures and similar-looking chambers, but don't let that stop you from checking out this thrilling adventure. 1 hour 58 minutes." - JesseG (04-Jun-2021)
"I remember that when I downloaded this level, I was looking for my first adventure made with TR2's engine. I stumbled on this level by Danath that really managed to entertain me!
The whole adventure is split into three levels: Two are set in the caves inside the mountain, while the last level is the temple.
I am totally sure the two caves levels were meant to be a single level that was split into two because of the limits. In fact, I remember talking with the author, and I remember he told me he had hit the texture limit, so he also didn't have much option on the textures he could apply on the level.
Talking about textures: especially in the first two levels, they are surely repetitive at times, but honestly they are not boring: I kinda enjoyed them, so I am not going to complain.
Gameplay-wise, this game is very platforming oriented, and it is good at that. Even if the platforming is simple, I can really feel myself "adventuring thourgh the caves", and so the atmosphere is well built.
My favourite room of this level set is placed in level 2: near the end, there is a very big cave with a zipline and a bridge. It was so iconic!
The temple is also very well made, but I would just like to point out just one thing that I really disliked: the two pushables chambers. In both of them, you had to move some pushables over other pushables, and it took a very long time. Despite that, I still really enjoyed the level.

In short, this level was fun in it's semplicity, and it was surely a great debut level for the author. Good job!

Recommended? Yes, definitely, especially if you are into very classic TR2-Styled adventures.

Difficulty? Medium-Hard.

Duration? Approx. 1h40-2h20m" - TombExplorer (18-May-2021)
"Even with the back-then unknown resource overload error which forced a serious drop in texture variety this was the first time Danath showed he's not an ordinary builder. You can see this project has been taken seriously with new landscapes, color schemes, custom items, color palette, outfit and background which make the game immersive, and as you play you can outline phases of infiltration, puzzling and final challenge which make it feel complete. Three major gripes which unfortunately ruin a lot are blocky geometry, excessive water maze and pushblocks I would reduce by half - don't force duration, better make it briefer but more interesting, it never works the opposite way." - DJ Full (29-Jun-2019)
"Thanks a lot for the walkthrough José or else I still would be running around like a headless chicken, namely in the last level. I was so lost at times although in hindsight I should have know. Also need a bit of help with the timed runs, I am just lousy at them. But it is a good debut level and it will keep you busy for a while. There are not much enemies and boy oh boy I still hate those big spiders. In retrospect I for sure will have a go at the next level of this builder." - Gerty (24-Oct-2018)
"What a wonderful TR2 adventure this is. Classic raiding at it's very best. Disregard all the naysayers as they have been spoiled over the years with the next gen TR4 levels but if you take a step back to 1997 then this plays among the very best. The three levels will take roughly two and a half hours with the first two being rather short at 30 minutes each but the last one, The Lost Temple makes up for that. All the classic TR2 elements are present with great jumping sequences, timed runs over raised platforms, swinging blades, rolling death wheels, swinging spiked baskets and giant spiders. Health becomes are real issue in the final level as med packs are few and far between so save often as a misjudged jump will end your quest prematurely. Textures were as good as the original TR2 came (which was not that good) but there were a few fade outs. I found this adventure entertaining and intuitive so pffft to all those who rated this so low." - Torry (27-May-2018)
"YEAH, I found all secrets, haha! ...which is actually a good thing to do, because finding all 3 secrets in each level gives you some extra equipment and that's necessary as there isn't much equipment to find during the whole game. But on the other hand there aren't much enemies either. Basically, this is a short 3 level adventure (3 secrets in each level) with more exploring and puzzling than shooting. The 3 secrets in each level are the statues, that are to be found in Lara's home but with different colors. There wasn't much variety in the gameplay, mostly the same or similar puzzles all over the levels, consisting of jumping from pillar to pillar. All in all, it's a nice short adventure, but not really special." - Nuri (17-Mar-2018)
"The very start of the game may not give a very good first impression visually with the fairly crude texturing, but persevere as it gets better as the game goes on, with the final temple level actually being quite pleasing to look at. This is more of a platforming game than a full ahead puzzler, so there's a lot of jumping sequences and traps to negotiate, but although this is a three parter it never gets too repetitive or outstays its welcome too much. Enemies often attack in droves, not overpoweringly, but you do have to devise some strategy to make it through without losing too much health. Quite entertaining." - Ryan (21-Jan-2018)
"I am not intending to be harsh here, but I honestly do not understand how this level has this high of scores. We all do have different opinions though, so here are mine. In the first level the gameplay is too simple, and in the second and third levels, while it ramps up a bit in complexity, it borderlines into straight-up tedium. The amount of basic platforming really started to bore me, and even the traps became predictable and redundant. I will give credit where it is due though; there were some challenging segments and some parts that made me think, which is a good thing. I really liked the first Yeti encounter, it shocked me and made for a quick fun moment. Underwater mazes are one of my least favorite things to see in a TR level, and the second level in this had one of the worst ones I've ever experienced. The enemies and objects are rather sparse to be honest, and not that interesting overall (except for the Yetis, those thing still scare the crap out of me to this day), but they did the job. I can't give high marks for the atmosphere, sound, and cameras either, as there weren't many musical moments, camera shots were basic, and I never felt engrossed in the world. But the moments where there were musical cues were well-placed and spiced things up. Lighting and textures didn't bode well for me either. A lot of the rooms were very dull and, to be truly honest, lazily textured with very little variety. Too much blockiness and basic geometry. That ginormous cave room, while impressive in size, looked quite bad. The temple level looked noticeably better, but still looked quite dull. Overall, I hate to review a level this harshly, as I know the author put hard work and time into this level set. The gameplay does have its moments, there are some cool encounters, and nothing in the level set is terrible. It's all just quite dull, simple, and tedious to me, enjoyable only in small doses." - BHM Productions (23-Dec-2017)
"This level is one of the better ones when it comes to using the TR2 engine. I would say that this level is not the best looking but the gameplay makes up for that, gameplay is varied and enjoyable and also you won't get stuck very often which is nice. Perhaps the gameplay focuses a bit too much on platforming sequences but since it uses the TR2 engine there are not many things you can do to spice up the gameplay except the fact that more timed runs would have been nice but i still enjoyed it though. Lighting is ok but the textures could have been applied with a little more care and also with more different textures used as it gets a bit repetitive to look at after a while. Recommended !!!" - totizedger (20-Dec-2017)
"I don't know how I missed this substantial set when it was released several months ago. It's a TR2 release, but I don't shy away from them for that reason alone. In any event, you get three distinct levels of increasing complexity. The first one took me 38 minutes, the second one just over one hour, and the last one a whopping hour and 42 minutes. It got a little monotonous toward the end, but I was entertained throughout and was greatly helped by José's excellent walkthrough. I took the time to acquire all the documented secrets, for by doing so you get ample weaponry and ammunition to deal with the enemies you meet along the way. As I've said before, there's only so much you can do with the TR2 engine, but the builder has done a good job here. Recommended." - Phil (05-Oct-2017)
"Very nice caves/mountains levelset, with a fun and catchy gameplay that slowly increases its difficulty as the levels progress. The author handles enemies, weapons and medipacks very well (there is no excess but there is no shortage). I found the 9 secrets and was generously rewarded but I had to play it twice for that, they were well hidden. It should also be noted that most of the textures are edited, which shows a good job of preparation of the level, creating a unique atmosphere. The negative points have to do mainly with limitations of the TR2 engine itself, especially in terms of the amount of textures tolerated, but in spite of that the author has done a good job. Something to improve perhaps would be the architecture which in some places seemed a little square and the effects of light and shadow on the connections between rooms. I strongly recommend it for TR2 fans and I hope Danath continues to amuse us with his future projects." - Feder (18-Sep-2017)
"A three part old style level that evolves as we move on texture wise and gameplay wise even if it always remains quite simple in ways. If the start doesn't look extremely promising to you, don't give up as you'll find plenty of excitement further on, namely in the final level in which I advise that you should try and spare your health bar and use your ammo as wisely as you can. Entertaining." - Jorge22 (24-Aug-2017)
"A 3 levels game where each level lasts twice the time of the previous one, and where the difficulty increases a notch in each level. Still in the end , this is not a difficult game and so it an be enjoyed by everyone. Well balanced gameplay for a TR2 game , with mostly climbing and jumps and enemies , and then more new situations especially in the last level, pushable blocks , timed trapdoors or various traps. The builder has taken care of providing enough ammos and medipacks , also i appreciated that the noisy traps are antritriggered after usage. Secrets are well hidden , i found only 4 and a bit more work was required to get them. Texturing hurts a bit the eye in the beginning but improves later on , lighting is quite okay for a TR2 game. I can't help thinking that the immersion could have been better , maybe by adding a few more objects or with a more complex architecture , but it was still a satisfying gaming experience." - eRIC (11-Aug-2017)
"I'm a huge TR2 fan, so when I saw that it got some new, more updated hacks this year, I was a bit more than excited. Going through this trio of levels felt nostalgic and refreshing. TR2 doesn't get too many hacks, and whenever it does, it barely gets enough that are considered balanced or "good". I'd be totally okay calling this both, because while it doesn't take any huge risks in it's level design and concepts, it brings just~ enough to the table to keep it unique from the original TR2, and even the official expansion, The Golden Mask. While everything here was your standard, safe design choices for TR, the atmosphere gets a bump up from all that on my front due to just how well it was constructed. The huge, dark cave entrance to the temple itself was the highlight for me, as it brought me back to a time where games as simple as these legit terrified me. I give this game a solid 7.5/10. Even if you're not a TR2 fan, or got turned off by all the bad ones from years passed, I recommend giving this one a try, because trust me: It's good." - Zebra (08-Aug-2017)
"A very fun debut level that keeps itself from getting stagnant with some impressive gameplay variety(including plenty of platforming, some enemy shootouts, devious trap-filled chambers & some breather pushable puzzles), most of which increases in difficulty naturally as players become more comfortable with the controls. General atmosphere was also handled pretty well(even if the texturing & lighting may falter at points and many rooms are utterly devoid of objects). But despite some minor issues, I had a great time playing this three-part levelset. And I recommend this to any player who yearns for a fair & balanced challenge." - Ceamonks890 (27-Jul-2017)
"It's obviously a good time for TR 2 adventures, and this level is another one that doesn't disappoint in creating a properly fun time. The gameplay is varied and rather fluent; perhaps there are too many long platforming tasks and long passages and the block puzzles are a bit too tedious and not as clever, but there are a lot of traps and one or two timed runs (more would've been welcome!) that keep you on your toes and overall the time was quite enjoyable. A minor issue is that you can drop down in almost every pit with non-deadly floor where you can't get out later. The enemies are well enough placed, but I'm not sure if some fit to the location that well (yetis? leopards?)... anyway, the secrets are nicely hidden (a few, perhaps, are hard to miss). More atypical elements can be found in this game as some of the objects (that are quite sparsely used in this game, by the way) and textures didn't fit so much to the setting, in general texturing is not the strongest point of this game although it's surprisingly effective if you don't take a closer look - like in the very first area or in the giant cave in the second level. The third level was fairly monotonous in that regard, the same textures are used in almost all rooms except of the spider cave. The lighting is not bad overall, but sometimes it's a bit too dull. One thing I liked were some of the cameras used in here, they added a lot to the atmosphere of the larger areas. Overall a decent debut level of another builder I'm very much interested to see more from. 1:20 hours." - manarch2 (22-Jul-2017)
"If you like TR2, this may well be worth taking a look at as it's definitely very playable and quite logical so it's difficult to get stuck. Obviously, TR2 Lara is limited in abilities compared to her modern accomplishments, so the game inevitably consists of a lot of leaping across pillars and avoiding some rather fun traps, plus quite a lot of block pushing. Pickups are not exactly lavishly supplied either and as some of the traps make it hard to avoid losing health, you really will need to conserve the medipacks as best you can. It's a three parter and I have to say by the end of part three it did feel a bit repetitive, but overall it's an enjoyable raid and I never under-estimate the sheer nostalgia factor of TR2." - Jay (22-Jul-2017)
"While the aesthetic work leaves much to be desired (while the TR2 engine is quite limited, there's a lot of room for improvement regarding geometry, lighting and, most of all, texturing), I really feel the need to highlight and praise the game design work here. I've seen and played plenty of games with awe-inspiring aesthetics but that weren't pleasant at all gameplay-wise (either too buggy, or too boring, or too sadistically difficult, or too repetitive, and whatnot). However, this one offers a pleasant experience, as it's challenging but not frustrating; it isn't too hard but it isn't too easy either. Also, the puzzles aren't difficult to solve - they require you to observe and think a bit, of course, but they do make sense for anyone else who's not the creator himself, which is really refreshing. The camera and the sound work were great, making up for the not-so-good texturing and geometry and helping to create an immersive atmosphere and experience. All in all, a great debut from a creator who's already ahead of most in the technical aspects, and who just really needs to improve on the aesthetics. Good job, Danath!" - KBoaz (21-Jul-2017)
"Excellent debut. Really a fantastic tribute to the 20 years of Tomb Raider. As the author says in the readme file, he tried to focuse it more on exploration, platforming and avoiding traps than fighting, so there are very few puzzles with movable blocks, but all in all, the entire adventure is very entertaining and never boring. There are enough ammo for the extra weapons, but not so many medipacks so don't waste them. The enemies are well balanced, there are many cameras to show what are you triggering when pulling levers, but I missed some more musics to create a good atmosphere. Not agree with Tolle87's review about the texturization; certainly not all the textures properly fit, but all they are well applied and the look of the environments is always nice, and the lights are well worked too. Hopefully this builder continue producing more creations like this in the future. Congratulations and many thanks for your effort 'cause I really enjoyed this adventure. Recommended." - Jose (19-Jul-2017)
"Gameplay was fair, mostly good and even interesting to solve some tasks / traps. Everything else was not so good. The texturing was catastrophic. It’s like the author doesn’t even know that it’s possible to use only part of the texture or to rotate it. Many rough texturing errors all over the place … in one word, a really careless texturing approach. Additionally, it was also very monotone with not much diversity. The lighting was close to non-existing. One tone follows Lara through the whole game. The design and architecture was very basic, simple and unnatural looking. It has this beginnerish and amateurish vibe. The atmosphere was like playing an unfinished beta game. The author needs definitely more practice, but future potential is clearly visible. Danath knows already how to create some good gameplay, he just needs to combine it with some more practice in level designing and also take more time to polish his rooms. I suggest building in TRNG style as it will always look better. I’m shocked that someone is giving a 9 for texturing and light. A meltdown of rating criteria. Overall, recommended for TR1/TR3 nostalgic people, otherwise, only if someone is curious how a debut level can look like." - Gorty (18-Jul-2017)
"Here's a fun TR2 levelset. There are three levels in total, but the real highlight is, undoubtedly, the final level. The first two levels work nicely as introductory and transitioning levels, as you make your way through caves in a rather linear progression. When you get to The Lost Temple, however, things change. The all too familiar pushblock puzzles and lever hunts are still in, of course, but you get somewhat strenuous quests for keys. It's all good fun, and even though it makes no sense you get a final showdown against mercenaries inside locked chambers, just before laying hands on the artifact. I quite enjoyed the looks and atmosphere, both of the mountainous areas in the beginning and the cozy Vilcabamba-ish temple, so this is definitely an adventure to recommend. 115 minutes, 5 secrets. 07/17" - Treeble (18-Jul-2017)
"Wow, we have some serious TR2 action here. Although the visuals give away a debut project, everything else is more than enough to keep your attention. First level feels like a mixture of first levels from TR1 and TR2. You go through several huge caves, avoid traps and do some elaborate platforming sequences. It looks a bit empty and textures are repetitive and unaligned at some places, but every builder has to pass through that phase. Second level brings you deeper in the caves where you find the underwater river with many passages. Don't worry, it's much better than it sounds. It's fairly easy to navigate and I had only one minor setback because I wasn't looking careful enough. There are also some sneaky but fair boulder traps. Finally, you reach The Lost Temple and it really gives you some Xian vibes with it's tasks and traps. It doesn't look nearly as good as Temple of Xian, but the gameplay is definitely the best in this area. There are some complex climbing tasks, timed runs, block puzzles and more. There are many enemies that vary between gunmen, Yetis and fishes but they are relatively easy do deal with. There is also a famous TR2 spider cave which is really scary and cool. You get shotgun and the automatics (and uzi apparently, but I missed it) with more than enough ammo, but you should be economic with medipacks because they are very limited (I ended up with none and some 50% of health bar). Audio tunes are all used in appropriate places and there are camera hints for everything, with also some atmospheric ones. The only strange thing I encountered is that it looks like Lara is bleeding while swimming (a bug?). Definitely a great debut and if Danath manages to match his architecture and texturing with his technical skills, I think we can expect great things from him in the future. 100 minutes, 4/9 secrets. Recommended." - Tolle87 (17-Jul-2017)