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Return to 40 Fathoms by thewolf

BHM Productions 5 7 8 6
DJ Full 7 8 9 8
Feder 7 8 8 7
Gerty 7 8 7 7
Gorty 6 4 6 4
Jay 6 5 6 6
JoeTheCrazyGamer 8 8 8 9
Jorge22 5 6 6 6
Jose 3 5 6 6
manarch2 4 5 5 5
MichaelP 6 6 6 6
Nuri 7 8 9 7
Orbit Dream 6 8 6 6
p1kaa 9 7 9 8
Phil 7 7 6 7
Raina Audron 7 7 6 6
Ryan 5 6 6 6
TombExplorer 6 7 6 6
Torry 7 8 8 8
Treeble 6 6 7 7
release date: 07-Oct-2017
# of downloads: 106

average rating: 6.59
review count: 20
review this level

file size: 16.30 MB
file type: TR2
class: Ship

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Reviewer's comments
"I am actually generally a fan of Ship based levels as there are rather few of them around. But I did not care much for the beginning of this 20+ minute adventure, as it has you diving around fairly large bodies of water without any air nearby. Once that is accomplished though it is quite fun with the usual thugs to kill and a couple of timed runs and levers to pull. The three secrets add to the game and are worth going for too. So, not a level to blow you away but solid enough while it lasts and always good for some nostalgic feeling." - MichaelP (06-Dec-2023)
"Shortly after playing the Oil Rig Escapade from the same author, I decided to give him another chance with his next adventure: a remake of 40 Fathoms from TR2.
This is a little step in the right direction! And it makes me pretty happy!
Graphically, it's still doesn't have the best lighting, but the texturing and shaping of the room is way better than the previous level.
Gameplay was also not even that bad: the level is short, but the platforming, especially in the stone secret area where you drain the room, was not bad at all.

Overall, thewolf brings a new level to the table that is a clear improvement over his previous level. We are getting there.
This level is still fun and was a nice relaxing raid, playable during a small break.

Recommended? Yes, but don't have that high expectations.

Difficulty? Easy.

Duration? Approx. 30-40 minutes." - TombExplorer (09-Oct-2022)
"Underwater level are my favorite, I wish this one was a bit longer, It was really fun playing this level, I really appreciate the effort put into it. I like how there's various of enemies in one level, it really gave it another taste (I hate sharks xd). Puzzles weren't that hard but really strait forward and fun to play, and the 3 door/switch puzzle was so OG, I loved it. I love how the secrets were hidden, very well hidden, specially the jade draggon, it took me a long time to figure out the invisible ladders. I give this level a solid 9/10, secret found 3/3, it was really fun playing it, I highly recommend it specially if you are an underwater level lover" - p1kaa (06-Sep-2020)
"The initial dive might be a killer for many new players - it's doable without a medikit but only so if you know what you're doing - and while there are medikits on the way, they take more time and increase risk of drowning so it would be easier if they were placed after you swim straight into the ship instead. Exccessive pickups continue later on and are always the topic for a debate but in this case I liked collecting an entire variety of weapons. Secrets pay a nice tribute to the main game but they are nicely rearranged so therefore surprising anyway - I'm not sure if the last one is fair but it's findable with outbox thinking and very rewarding if you do, so I'll say it doesn't cross the line. Then you solve a switch puzzle from the original TR2, which I really wouldn't reuse unless simplified, then you fall down the shaft (remade too crude), climb the rusty cargo room (this is repictured cute and condensed instead), and shortly after all that preparation the game is over, leaving the feeling of missing conclusion, typical when you remake a prologue but nothing beyond - it always makes make more sense to redo the entire chapter. But my final verdict will be: recommended for great sound design, enjoyable combat, sneaky last secret and mostly for heavy ship atmosphere, designed better than in most of such levels." - DJ Full (29-Jun-2019)
"An Awesome example of a remake of a level, this was similar to the original but completely reimagined. This level had a good mixture of pickups and enemies, the secrets were very good and I had a good time finding all three of them Nice Job." - JoeTheCrazyGamer (03-May-2019)
"I got an urge to play TR2 levels lately and this effort satiated it pretty well. ItÂ's a short, 20 minute level and keeps its structure similar to the original 40 fathoms with some varieties here and there. Rooms are a bit barren, though, and maybe a little bright but I enjoyed the progress throughout and found one secret (that trap got me, haha!). Enemies are well placed but some of the ammo like for Uzi went unused unless IÂ've missed something. I had decent fun overall and was a bit dissapointed it ended a bit abruptly, it made me want more." - Raina Audron (16-Sep-2018)
"A brief but nonetheless pleasant trip through a TR2 sunken ship environment. The only potentially difficult parts in the gameplay section are a couple of pretty tense underwater sequences (alongside battles against sharks and scuba divers) and a couple of medium timed runs. Enemies are quite frequent and powerful as medipacks are fairly rationed, but I did like the way that the secrets were hidden and the fact that one required quite a bit of preparation beforehand. This is not without charm and could be good for a nostalgic raid, but I think TR2 fans might get more enjoyment out of this." - Ryan (06-Sep-2018)
"Lovely little 30 minute romp through the nostalgic 40 fathoms tile set. Not as difficult as the original but worth a play if you enjoy these undersea adventures. The entrance to the ship is always near the anchor so head there and watch out for the sharks. It always befuddled me that in these sunken ships at the bottom of the ocean resided a heap of thugs and goons. I question for what purpose? Are they part of the original crew that remained trapped without an escape and if so, what are they eating down there? Sorry, just random thoughts. The timed run was way easier than the original and the only real problem I had was with one run, jump, twist, jump near the end that has me reloading quite a few times. Other than that a nice pleasurable run through the ocean depths." - Torry (08-May-2018)
"Basically, this is exactly the same as the 40 Fathoms level from Tomb raider 2, but with changed areas. It has the same puzzles, like the timed doors, and the same rooms, like the water room filled with boxes, but only bigger. Even the way to get the silver and jade dragon was the same, although the jade dragon is hidden a little bit better. It was quite fun to play this, but still disappointing, that it is the same level structure that we've experienced in Tomb raider 2." - Nuri (18-Mar-2018)
"I have mixed feelings towards this level. On the one hand, I quite enjoyed the general atmosphere and quite a few of the areas were pretty nostalgic throwbacks to the original game, although not remade 1:1. On the other hand, gameplay didn't flow quite as nicely as in the author's previous offering, although the timed levers made for a nice challenge. It's a pretty standard TR2 romp otherwise, so give it a try if you like those. 25 minutes, 2 secrets. 12/2017" - Treeble (29-Dec-2017)
"This was my first TRLE level in quite a few months, possibly over a year. I always enjoy TR2 style levels, especially the underwater themed ones, so I was intrigued to play this. Gameplay was simple, but not necessarily in a bad way. Nothing too taxing, but that made it not much fun in the end. Some of the platforming was nice. I was not fond of the use of a pipe texture for a climbable wall, I'm surprised I even found out it was what I had to do to get past the fire. And that tricky slope jump we have to make near the end is a bit too obscure, but still had me thinking at least. Enemy placement was well done and kept a brisk pace without being unfair (like fan-made TR2 levels sometimes tend to be), and the secrets were nicely placed as well. Atmosphere was foreboding and overall really great. I felt that same sense of dark dread and intrigue that I always feel whenever I play the actual TR2 Maria Doria levels. Music and lighting were all great as well. The texturing and design of the level was sloppy in some areas, especially at the beginning. There needed to be more variety and some more attention to detail with the wall-papered textures. It still evoked that mood and look of an underwater ship though, so in that way it was serviceable. Overall, this was a satisfying and competent level, despite its briefness and mild blandness. Good work!" - BHM Productions (25-Nov-2017)
"Nice TR2 level which starts underwater and of course there are sharks and later frogmen. So start swimming and find a way where you can get air. Then there is that huge machine room and once you have your bearings it isn’t that difficult. The few timed runs were not too hard to do but there was one jump almost at the end I just couldn’t grasp. I still like the “old fashioned” gameplay so keep them coming." - Gerty (12-Nov-2017)
"Well, this was fairly simple and short. A couple of sharks, a few mean divers, a few levers/switches, the expected baddies, a few nice timed runs in kinda known environments, a few jumps and on to a new sub. I don't have the microscopic builder's eye but I didn't notice anything particularly faulty. So, I actually enjoyed these brief-ish moments and rate it for what it is." - Jorge22 (18-Oct-2017)
"A rather enjoyable undersea TR2 raid. It's short at 30 minutes, but it's pleasant enough while it lasts. The secrets aren't too hard to find (although the first one requires a bit of luck in positioning so you can see your prize beyond a narrow crack), the lighting is good and there's a nice combination of timed runs near the end. There's a good balance in enemy placement and available weaponry. Not a classic, but certainly worth the download." - Phil (16-Oct-2017)
"In less than a month a new level from Thewolf. Starts calm in the ocean. The rooms inside and outside look just too cubic with very repetitive and very stretched textures all over the game. Using the TR2 engine is not an excuse because on few parts the texturing is not stretched and properly placed. Also, the texturing is incredibly rough. The room design, besides the fact looking cubic, empty or blocky, is also very basic and sometimes doesn’t really fit into the idea of a ship ( what kind of boxes are those pillars supposed to be ? ). The gameplay tasks were generic, occasionally fun. I can’t remember any objects in the level except doors and switches. I can’t say if there is an improvement, maybe a slight step forward in comparison to the previous release. Some problems are solved ( there are more camera hints, less enemies ). Recommended for hard core TR2 lovers." - Gorty (12-Oct-2017)
"Short and sweet slice of nostalgia here. Lara finds her way into the sunken ship, shoots a few thugs and performs a couple of fun, but not difficult, timed runs, plus some quite enjoyable climbing up a rusty structure (and those textures always rather reminded me of fruit cake) before finding a replacement sub and, presumably, escaping. It's not a bad little level, but probably more for die hard TR2 fans than anything else." - Jay (10-Oct-2017)
"The fact that I missed all three of the secrets just goes to prove that there was rather more to this level than I initially believed.I actually saw the first secret,but decided it was too much hassle to go after - but the others eluded me completely.Of equal interest was the timed run area and (especially) the well constructed 'rusty block- climbing challenge', which had me quite stumped until I realised it required jumping around corners. The enemies were well placed (you may or may not be bothered by the hideous frogmen,depending upon how you go about things);pick-ups were well distributed;the construction was a notch above this authors previous level;and I found it short but entertaining. Worth playing twice,just to search out the secrets." - Orbit Dream (10-Oct-2017)
"Another good attemp, but this time I think worst than the debut level. Some rooms are still too huge and empty, without objects to decorate; that way the well applied textures give a flat aspect to the environments. Again the level is short with no much interest except look for the secrets; there are a couple of timed runs, some switches to pull and some tricky jumps around corners, shoot some enemies and few more; it involves a poor gameplay without puzzles or entertaining tasks. Again, some cameras and musics trying to create atmosphere but not enough work with the lighting. I think this author has enough potential to do it better, but patience is always needed in the building phase." - Jose (09-Oct-2017)
"Starts promising but ends disappointing, with an abrupt finale and many questions unanswered. The visuals are stronger here, texturing is more clean this time and there's also decent work on lighting, the enemy attacks are rather well done as are the secrets which were quite hard to find (one includes a questionable use of ladder textures though, while a nearby much more obvious ladder is non-climbable) and there are also a few decent tasks (like platforming and a series of timed runs), but it remains a very linear and easy level that won't be so memorable as a result. The architecture is also still quite blocky especially those underwater caves. Nevertheless, a slight improvment of the first level of a builder who might be able to produce some nice TR 2 (or non-TR 2) levels in the future, we'll see..." - manarch2 (08-Oct-2017)
"It seems that this author is moving fast. Already gives us a better delivery than the previous, with a more elaborate design, and this time includes soundtracks. This level comes as a tribute to "40 Fathoms", I think, since the route and tasks are practically the same, but with a noticeable increase in difficulty. The enemies are well placed, there is more variety of weapons and the secrets are well hidden too. It is a remarkable improvement for this author, who already demonstrates mastering more complex levels. The only thing missing is a little more creativity to differentiate from the original and create something newer and fresh (like the part of climbing the pipes, I thought that was clever and original). It took me 25 minutes and I found the 3 secrets." - Feder (07-Oct-2017)