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Return to the Pacific - Dutchys Rescue by rufierto

Bigfoot 10 10 10 10
DJ Full 9 10 9 8
Drakan 10 9 9 9
Jay 9 9 9 9
JesseG 9 10 10 9
Jorge22 9 9 9 9
Jose 10 9 9 10
manarch2 8 9 9 9
Moonpooka 10 10 10 10
Phil 9 9 10 9
Ryan 9 9 9 10
Torry 8 9 9 9
release date: 06-Jul-2018
# of downloads: 537

average rating: 9.27
review count: 12
review this level

file size: 265.00 MB
file type: TR4
class: South Pacific

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Reviewer's comments
"It's been a while since I've had the urge to take so many screenshots just viewing the opening flyby. I'll get straight to the point and say that these levels look fantastic. Texturing is on point. Lighting is dynamic and varied between the different levels, my only idea for improvement would be increased color variety within the same level. Cutscenes are immersive and showcase the unique story and puzzle elements in this adventure. Decorative objects are used lavishly. Gameplay is a good balance of traps, enemies, exploration and puzzles. The only complaint I can think of is that one pushable puzzle was a bit obtuse in its solution - you can push blocks off of an edge, but only specific edges. The inconsistency is not player friendly. 1 hour 56 minutes." - JesseG (04-Nov-2019)
"The only downside is simplistic room graphics which don't quite match the quality of wisely placed object decorations used. Gameplaywise I think there was only one boring part in level 2 and one in level 3 but everything else was just gripping and inviting. Also props for using unique objects, I always like when there are real people included in those levels. I recorded a 6-hour review for rufi so I will skip the details, just keep in mind this game is worth playing and much more than typical Peruvian levels. Recommended :)" - DJ Full (05-Mar-2019)
"Frivolous little level in honour of one of our "besoffene" members by all appearances. Even though it was made in fun the raiding involved is real and quite taxing at times. I had a hell of a time "sprinting" with the outboard and one of the raising timed block puzzles had me busy for a while. The scenes you encounter are great but my only issue with this was the abundance of illegal slopes that had Lara stuck forever time and time again. I would have thought this late in the editing game that this sort of error would well and truly be behind us. Other than that a great raid." - Torry (18-Oct-2018)
"A humorous storyline here, which makes for an all-round enjoyable raid. You are carried rather smoothly from task to task in a mostly linear fashion, but it never gets boring as the gameplay tasks are nicely varied and at times pose a considerable challenge. The first level is comparatively easygoing compared to what lies in store. Not that there's anything frustrating, but the difficulty certainly ramps up later on. The locations are absolutely stunning and provide a definite amount of eye candy, which is always a plus. The little touches like the beer bottles scattered around the various levels and the appearance of Dutchy himself (complete with voice-over) were nicely done. The enemies only really frequent the latter levels, but at least medipacks are numerous, although I would have liked a little more ammunition. Solid and enjoyable raiding." - Ryan (10-Oct-2018)
"This time it's in the pacific we discovered Lara. The adventure start in a beautiful beach and the dutchy's wood house near. The goal is to found Dutchy who have disapear and our Lara will discovered various ruins, lagoons, canyons and many other things before found our favorite tester. The adventure is very well designed like the beach, the lagoon or the volcano skull head. Great job Rufi ;) !!! The gameplay is also very well done, not very hard, not very easy and some objects and switchs are very well hidden and we need to be a bit logical sometimes. I have also loved the various speeches between characters who give an real atmosphere to the adventure. I can just congratulate Rufierto for this beautiful set of levels through the pacific and recommended the adventure for everyone ;) !!!" - Bigfoot (08-Oct-2018)
"To me, the hardest thing about this three-part adventure was getting it downloaded and installed on my computer. My travails are detailed in the forum so I won't rehash them here, but suffice it to say that something about the download, albeit with completely innocent intentions on the builder's part, caused havoc with my computers at home and at my office. But once I was able to get the game up and running, I found it to be quite entertaining. The three levels have a jungle setting, and the environs are nothing less than spectacular. Indeed, one of the best things about playing was enjoying the scenery. But some of the tasks are quite challenging as well, and all told I spent about two and a half hours here. I encountered a new enemy along the way, a fire-breathing native who was astonishingly hard to kill. At least the two near the end were, and you were obliged to engage them at close quarters. The second level provides extended use of the motorboat, which is too rarely seen these days. There are some nice platforming exercises in the third level, where most of the enemies are bundled. All those empty bottles littered across the landscape made me thirsty while I was playing. Beer wasn't provided, however, so I had to bring my own. High recommendations." - Phil (04-Sep-2018)
"Lol! For me the best adventure from this author, with some humorous touches. The architecture with the creation of many natural environments is quite good, and the well balanced gameplay alternating areas to explore and several puzzles to solve was great. I got stucked with the boat in the bamboo near a cascade, I missed some more ammo and some musics when arriving to certain places too; but the levels are very enjoyable and worth to play with no very hard tasks. Missed some secrets too but usually the game is entertaining and never boring. Of course, highly recommended. Good work, rufierto!" - Jose (28-Aug-2018)
"Top marks from me. This was just excellent. We had to rescue Dutchy and the locations were stunning. I loved the little huts, trees and decorations. Exploration was great, traps not too taxing, enemies were a tad mean but possible and a few timed runs that weren't ridiculous. I drank all the beer by the way.. lol" - Moonpooka (05-Aug-2018)
"A very interesting storyline really drawed me into this three level game and it indeed turned out to be a very solid and fun adventure. The gameplay starts with a beautiful beach, yet relatively simple in the first level, with a lot of exploration and only few tasks - there's also a shortcut where you can entirely skip the hunt for the first key by jumping on the rock next to the house - but things generally pick up in the following two levels. They are nicely varied with good usage of traps, a few neat puzzles and good flow, how you can use water to your advantage in the second level is really clever and of course the boat trip is a nice add-on as well. On the other hand, a few of the less inspired platforming sequences, e.g. the three subsequent item quests in the third level felt a bit like padding and are not so interesting; still, no level outstayed its welcome and actually none took me longer than half an hour. Enemies are quite well used here, the fire natives are quite hard to tackle for a change. Secrets are nicely hidden, some of which are quite easy to find, some are more challenging. The looks are very clean and texturing is almost faultless. The outside areas are all highly atmospheric and eye candy, especially the village in the third level. Some of the inside areas felt a little bit too simplistic, but not overly so, perhaps the lighting is also a bit flat inside at times. But on the whole it's a very well rounded, occasionally funny and certainly quite enjoyable level that took me 1:05 hours to finish." - manarch2 (04-Aug-2018)
"What a fun idea for a level and indeed what a fun level to play. In her quest to rescue her good friend Dutchy, Lara gets to explore some lovely coastal areas and some not quite so lovely lava pits etc. Needless to say, the natives aren't friendly and some of them are pretty tough to deal with, setting Lara on fire if they get close enough. There's some nice puzzles and agility tests aplenty, including timed runs, but the difficulty level isn't too hard in that respect. The greatest challenge for me was trying to deal with the enemies without losing too much health. A highly entertaining level, with a humorous script and good voice acting." - Jay (22-Jul-2018)
"The point here is rescuing Dutchy from the ferocious indigenous, some of whom use their voodoo powers to throw flames at Lara, who locked him in a cage and offer him a secret Heineken as he takes a shortcut and escapes. Not one of the best set of levels I've ever played but by no means mediocre or even just enough. I liked how one could sprint with on the rubber boat, the platforming didn't become annoying and there's plenty of different tasks to perform throughout, including some nice puzzles. Furthermore, I loved the starry sky and the giant moon that soared up above. Not difficult nor hard, it's actually very enjoyable in the jungle sort of levels. True, its aim isn't what one could call "realism" but I suppose I can say it is indeed recommended." - Jorge22 (16-Jul-2018)
"A simple level with a lot of platform (as I like), some enemies not very difficult. All the ingredients to make a level pleasant and accessible to all. The environment is nice and I smiled when I saw the load camera of the 3rd level. Recommended." - Drakan (12-Jul-2018)