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The Hidden Artefact by Osvaldo

DJ Full 7 8 7 7
eRIC 7 7 7 7
Gonxii 5 6 6 6
Jay 7 6 7 7
Jorge22 9 9 9 9
Jose 7 7 7 7
manarch2 5 5 6 5
nerdfury 7 7 8 7
Orbit Dream 6 8 7 8
p1kaa 7 5 8 8
Phil 7 8 8 8
Ryan 7 7 7 8
release date: 21-Jan-2019
# of downloads: 99

average rating: 7.04
review count: 12
review this level

file size: 45.70 MB
file type: TR4
class: nc

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Reviewer's comments
"This is a fine example of a level that you really need to play in one sitting. Take a break for a day or two,and (unless you are fortunate enough to possess total recall)you may as well chuck it all in and start again. It basically consists of several large areas,connected to each other by a multitude of connecting corridors and rooms. It's within these latter areas that most of the gameplay is located (all of which is simple enough;and mostly concerned with avoiding traps and performing easy tasks),as you find ways to open innumerable doors within the aforementioned large areas. Starting in 'Large Area (or L.A.) #1' it's a simple enough matter to wend your way to 'L.A.#2';from which you eventually find the right passageway to take you (via numerous switches and hidden pushables) to 'L.A.#3'. At this point,you're confronted with even more doors and passages - some of which lead you back to L.A.#2;others containing more tasks leading you to the acquisition of key objects that will open doors back at L.A.#1 as well as #2. At one point in L.A.#3 you are confronted with uncountable re-spawning ninja's (which is actually surprisingly entertaining) before acquiring a key object which triggers the 'congratulations,you've made it!' musical theme. This,however,is a bitterly ironic ruse - as you're merely sent back to L.A.#2 again. After completing a final task in this area,you discover that a nearby zip-line will take you to the exit door...but the access point to the top of the line can only be gained by using a newly opened door,reached by journeying back to L.A.#3 again. Son of a bitch! As to the rest of the level:the tongue-in-cheek use of the Ninja's works well;objects are placed decently;and the overall construction indicates that the builder has studied at the school of 'good enough'. To his credit,he places enough camera hints that (despite the exaggerated back-and-forth gameplay) the path to follow is always clear. A reasonably enjoyable 90 minutes of step retracing." - Orbit Dream (25-Jan-2021)
"(7) Gameplay & Puzzles: Exploring a ruined castle (and beneath) takes us through many fights, traps, some basic platforming, and slightly-too-much lever pulling. The gameplay is nothing challenging, but the flow is engaging from start-to-finish, the backtracking isn't so bad, and I never felt lost regarding my objective. The few puzzles (pushblock, and the library room buttons) were a bit dull. (7) Enemies, Objects & Secrets: Hordes of TR4 stock ninjas? Even if it's not very immersive, it's silly, and it's Osvaldo, and I've come to enjoy it. I quite liked the brutal fight at the end of the game, even though I didn't have good weaponry. In terms of objects, static decor was decent, and I enjoyed the builder's trap selection for the most part. Unfortunately there were a couple of hallways that had blade traps, yet there was no clue in the environment that the hallway was booby-trapped, which I didn't think was good design. Also, I've yet to play an Osvaldo level that didn't have a goofy corkscrew trap room. I failed to find any secrets, so I can't comment on that. (8) Atmosphere, Sound & Cameras: The exterior castle atmosphere is quite charming, and I enjoyed the use of light ray objects across the level to enhance the atmosphere. Indoor atmosphere is rather hit or miss; for example, there is a room full of library books and hidden doors within the bookshelves, and it just looks drab. The architecture of the outdoor courtyard with the lifting crate was lacking, as the building walls looked paper thin here. There's good usage of music and camera hints, although there is a timed run involving a jump switch in the later stage of the game, and there is no indicator that it is timed; a tense sound cue would have been beneficial here. (7) Lighting & Textures: While I couldn't even tell if some interior rooms had lighting at all, I did enjoy the general bright lighting of the castle environment, and the colorful courtyards. Texture-wise, I spotted some ugly wallpapering at times, wrong textures on skinny tiles, and questionable usage (beige Egyptian monkeyswing in a dark cave). Overall, this is another Osvaldo level that looks a tad crude but has enjoyable gameplay and smooth progression. I feel that despite the weaker aesthetics, he nails some basic concepts that some "glamorous" levels may fail at, such as providing shortcuts should the player need to return to an area due to missing an inventory item. I'm becoming a fan. 7/7/8/7." - nerdfury (29-Nov-2020)
"Very nice level, the storyline was not the best, there were too much enemies for a small level like this and not too much puzzles at it seems. I give this level a 6/10" - p1kaa (09-Nov-2020)
"A well built level that is not very innovative (i wonder what are ninjas and palmtrees doing in a Celtic setting) but this is the type of level that succeeds to maintain your interest throughout ; two main areas from which you branch to other rooms , caves or libraries with switches and traps etc , with some back and forth between these 2 main places. A few dogs but your main enemies here are the two types of ninjas with a showdown at the end. All in all quite a decent level." - eRIC (08-May-2019)
"Another Edinburgh Castles level. This time it notices better architecture and lighting, but the textures are still with low resolution. Again, a remarkable backtracking and I think too many enemies to shoot and too many switches to pull; I ran out of ammo at the beginning of the final fight even when I discovered several secrets. Not hard tasks but not entertaining puzzles too; the timed runs were doable and, as usual, a correct use of camera shots and musics, but I missed some flybys. Enjoyable but not very entertaining for me." - Jose (03-Apr-2019)
"This is definitely one of solid levels by Osvaldo, and similar to the previous Scottish one of him. As many times in his case there's an issue with multiple backtracking and repassaging but it's nowhere as bad as in the Temple of Lud, and the lighting of the entire thing is eventually decent what I also missed in many levels of this builder. My special favourite part was the scripted multiple baddy fight with a twist in the end, it must've been ages since I saw that in another custom level. Recommended." - DJ Full (07-Mar-2019)
"Shades of Ynys Witrin. This hour-long adventure in a castle setting caused waves of nostalgia to sweep over me from the very beginning, and I found it to be quite an engrossing raid. Osvaldo has given us another player-friendly level that has a good mix of tasks, most of them on the easy side. The only really annoying part was that ninja-fest near the end, which had to be endured if you wanted to get the last of the five secrets. Plenty of flares are provided but are rarely needed. There are cut scenes in profusion to keep players headed in the right direction. Many reviewers have come down pretty hard on Osvaldo of late, but I find his levels to be consistently entertaining even if they're not of the highest quality. Keep releasing 'em and I'll keep playing 'em." - Phil (27-Jan-2019)
"I liked this instalment much better than the previous one. Yes, there's an exaggeration of baddies at a certain time but they're meant to lead Lara somewhere. Yes, there's a lot of backtracking but never boring and it contributes to exploring. Loads of very varied tasks throughout the level, a nice - if not amazing - design in the sort of TR3 Scottish Castle settings (although the enemies are taken directly from Egypt and called "ninjas", which would actually make the Japanese), I had a fun time, what else can I say from a player's viewpoint?" - Jorge22 (27-Jan-2019)
"This is a more enjoyable level than the builder's previous, but not a vimprovement. Building a level in apparently six days is never a good idea, and I admit that I deem the builder's bunch of levels more and more as spam. The builder can do better than this, and if his only aim is to release as many levels as quickly as possible, then he just misses the point. It also gets more and more pointless to critisize these levels, as everything is roughly the same in all the builder's levels and traps, puzzles, progression etc. become more and more repetitive because we've all seen them more than a dozen times before and that only counting Osvaldo's work. So all I will mention the sneakily hidden secrets and the overall TR 3 Gold atmosphere, which I liked, the mostly flat lighting and often wallpapered texturing, which I disliked, and the lever based gameplay repeated ad nauseam and the consecutive attack by 15+ ninjas, which I strictly disliked. Else than that, while not bad as such, more of the same so not recommended. 35 minutes." - manarch2 (26-Jan-2019)
"I really don't know how Osvaldo churns out levels so quickly, but here is yet another one. We're in Scottish castle texture territory again, which is always pleasant. As usual, the gameplay is straightforward and undemanding, with plenty of leeway in the timed runs and more than sufficient pickups. Sometimes it can make a refreshing change to coast along a bit and, whilst not being a show stopper, this is a decent enough raid for the well under an hour's running time, although there is a most definite overload of ninjas towards the end!" - Jay (26-Jan-2019)
"A definite improvement from Osvaldo's previous effort, which I found a bit underwhelming. The Scottish Castle setting is nicely created and evokes the Original Lost Artifact levels pretty well (presumably that's where he got the title from?), aided by effective texturing and lighting. Enemies are plentiful in number, especially near the conclusion (and that massed battle was a bit too tedious for my taste) but you should have little trouble disposing of them providing you search carefully for the Shotgun and Uzis, and the secrets are also quite generous in that department. There's quite a focus on backtracking and pulling switches, but it's much more confined this time around and therefore less boring. Recommended." - Ryan (26-Jan-2019)
"This was rather a simple, easy and pretty straightforward level despite its backtacking, you always know where to go and what to do. Unfortunately, gameplay is always the same, find a pull switches and buttons to open doors, grab some items to open more doors, etc. There was only one timed run but not too challenging. Traps were predictable and not so many. Enemies were well-placed and not in large number as the author's last level. I think he can improve and I'm looking forward for other releases." - Gonxii (22-Jan-2019)