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Enterprise by Franky

DJ Full 7 7 7 6
JesseG 7 8 9 7
Jorge22 8 8 9 9
Jose 7 9 7 8
manarch2 4 7 6 6
nerdfury 7 7 9 9
Phil 8 8 8 8
Ryan 7 8 8 8
release date: 07-Jun-2020
# of downloads: 88

average rating: 7.53
review count: 8
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file size: 164.00 MB
file type: TR4
class: Alien/Space

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Reviewer's comments
"The first three minutes are boring, instantly spamming stuff from previous episodes - switches, pushblocks and action music - so why not to give a bit of introduction breath instead, not to mention Lara gets immediately shot so I lost half of health before I even began. But I see the aesthetics are much improved: still drafty but more pleasant than in the previous levels, and the BtB2018 space pack really adds a lot of value to them. The pipe maze was a good thing, I particularly liked how I didn't have to decide if to push or pull those elements. The crate room was a novelty as well, and that's when I thought "okay this is starting to get better indeed". The following living room section confirmed what I thought - eventually, I saw something in this series which is neither manufactured nor random, but organized and comfy instead. I'm surprised how the builder has evolved from one episode to another. The earth base from the earlier one was already a foreshadow of that, but now if everything could match this quality... anyway, steps in correct directions were taken, and it's one of Franky's levels which left me rather satisfied than not. Actually, I can recommend this one." - DJ Full (16-May-2021)
"A slightly more modern style in this one, with a lot of BtB 18 objects used here, but still the same old gameplay style that even in its simplicity seems to heavily borrow from the builder's older levels (like the elevators leading to areas with a lot of cells and almost zero gameplay). The outside area towards the end is somewhat better in these regards and feels more decent overall. It's all very unexciting stuff though, and gameplay is rather dull else than a few smaller (if somewhat tedious) pushable puzzles and jumps. Sadly the builder does not try to include new ideas into his environment design and gameplay, so that all of his levels feel very similar. Finished with nine mostly very easy secrets (if you know the style of the builder at least) in 35 minutes." - manarch2 (17-Jan-2021)
"In the first minute of gameplay, I thought to myself, "Yikes, such challenging combat! What a thrill!" I'm sorry to say that once Lara gets her hand on powerful weapons (and copious amounts of ammo), I found combat to be a snoozefest. I would have liked to have seen less powerful ammo dropped, and/or more powerful enemies. Combat aside, Enterprise focuses heavily on exploration and spotting interactive objects on the ground. There's minimal puzzle-solving (lots of pushblocks, though) and some very basic platforming. It's not the best fit for me, but I do want to show appreciation to the builder with regards to crafting a wonderful atmosphere, and perfect use of static decor and standard cameras. I would have liked to have seen one flyby to draw the player into the storyline -- perhaps one that shows key progression areas once Lara beams down to the Ice planet. Texturing and lighting was very high quality, and I loved the background music, particularly the one that plays when Lara is driving the rover. I found 7/9 secrets and enjoyed the secret hunting. Overall, the gameplay is not a very good fit for me, but give it a try if you love exploring and don't care so much about other gameplay elements. 7/7/9/9." - nerdfury (03-Nov-2020)
"Surprised 'cause after several months only four reviewers wrote something here; and it's not a bad or difficult level. In the line of previous levels from this author, you'd know what to find here, the same futuristic environments, a lot of enemies to shoot, enough pickups, no hard tasks... As in previous levels, I missed a lot some more camera hints in certain areas, showing important items (where to use the revolver + sight?) and one of the fuses under a console was especially difficult to pick up, even ducking, I was about to leave the level. On the other hand, I liked the short drive with the special vehicle and the cool objects in many rooms. Not a jewel of the custom levels, but worth to play for me. Take a try." - Jose (13-Sep-2020)
"There is a lot of combat in this sci-fi level, but luckly Lara starts with some explosive ammo, and also quickly increases her arsenal, so I did not find it too difficult. More enemy variety would have made it more interesting. Besides that, gameplay is mostly searching for things like motherboards and disks, as well as landing on a snowy surface to do some driving in a rover. The textures were functional, but wallpapered most of the time. Despire the relatively boxy nature of the level, I found the setting rather immersive. The level even displays the different parts of the ship as you discover them, and I always find areas more engaging when I know they have a functional purpose. I liked the colorful lighting, but it was a bit flat in some areas - more light + dark contrast would help it not overwhelm the screen as much. Overall it could use more polish, but it's a sci-fi level that I would recommend to raiders as long as they don't mind a high number of enemies. 1 hour 4 minutes." - JesseG (13-Jul-2020)
"Another offworld adventure from the space-oriented Franky. This one had two main parts, one aboard the eponymous starship (where all the secrets were found, at least in my case) and the other when the Enterprise landed on an ice planet. The builder is quite generous with the explosive ammo, so the risk of being overcome by the profuse alien guards never becomes an issue. Gameplay is straightforward and presents few difficulties, although one of the required keys is quite easy to overlook. Some may find these levels a bit simplistic, but I enjoy the diversion of the outer space environments and fairly easy raids provided by Franky." - Phil (25-Jun-2020)
"The next installment of the Stargate saga has Lara finally boarding the Enterprise itself, but the territory isn't as otherworldly as one might expect; indeed the inhabitants seemed to have made a living for themselves and industrialised the entire planet, with its various factory areas and control rooms overseeing the rocket launching stations. Gameplay tends to follow the same strict format as previous games: generally straightforward, not too head scratching and interspersed with some quite fearsome combat sequences against guards and a couple of pushable sequences and anti- gravity jumps. The guards were a tad overpowering at times, but it's oh so satisfying to launch a few explosive bolts and watch the resultant carnage. The looping audio is perhaps annoying to a fault, but much less intrusive than before and I actually quite liked the one that played every time Lara mounted the Rover vehicle. The finale is again rather startling, but that could signal a further continuation." - Ryan (24-Jun-2020)
"Yet another sudden ending, which I assume means Lara will go from there to somewhere else. Ok. It's not a brain- killer (except that I had a bit of trouble finding one of the fuses), and in spite of all the mean ETs, there's more than enough ammo to have a ball watching them all go up in smithereens. I loved how Franky decided not to fill the entire adventure with ever-looping music, the nice use of the anti-gravity spots, the excellent cleanliness of the sceneries and the inspiring lighting in several places, as well as the use of the Rover. Other than that, it seemed to me that, at least partly, he re-used a few of his already used ideas, but made them sharper and cleaner - I guess that would define it. On the downside, Lara can get trapped in places, when she's driving the Rover. Globally, I can clearly see the evolution and I'll be looking forward to the next instalment." - Jorge22 (10-Jun-2020)