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Catacombs Escape by PinkFlav0r

DJ Full 5 6 6 5
Jay 6 6 5 5
Jose 3 6 4 6
manarch2 4 4 4 4
MichaelP 3 5 6 5
Orbit Dream 4 6 4 5
Phil 6 5 5 6
Ryan 6 5 5 4
Teone 5 4 4 3
release date: 05-Oct-2020
# of downloads: 83

average rating: 4.86
review count: 9
review this level

file size: 81.00 MB
file type: TR4
class: Cave/Cat

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Reviewer's comments
"Oh my, this one is a bit of a mess in the sense that it looks like the builder got tired of finalizing it with some of the ideas he had and released it anyway. Hence, you will face at least three times the issue that you can be irreversably stuck (so savegame management is key if you want to get to the finish trigger here). And at the same time there are some completely optional activities that do not help towards the progression or completion of the level but were still kept in here and hence cause a lot of confusion for the player. There is also a bit too much darkness overall. Funnily enough, while generally the level tries to annoy the player most of the time (darkness, wraith chases, skeletons that bug you, tinmen and guards trying to kill you...), it is very convenient that each time you need a crowbar, there is one placed on the floor right in front of the place where you need it. All those gripes aside, this 30 minute adventure had some good ideas, but clearly the release was too premature..." - MichaelP (21-Jan-2024)
"Slightly more enjoyable than the builder's previous level, still too dark in most places and showcasing many of the classical beginner mistakes, especially that dead end... Again, the thing I liked most was the usage of the pushables. Many things were not thought to the end and it appears the builder has forgotten to remove them, on the other side one of two secrets will not count. It's not too bad for a first but not really memorable. 25 minutes." - manarch2 (24-May-2022)
"Even when it's a debut, the author could think about alternative ways so the players can proceed to finish the level. Take in account that a player always have the right to make mistakes and rectify in order to continue moving forward. But this is not the case. In the room with two movables, if you press the button and you don't go quickly to the exit (or go to the exit without the star) you are damned forever; in the area with the first secret, if you pull the lever and then waste the time to explore a bit the block raises again and you are damned forever again; if you don't discover the secret (shotgun) what to do with the skeletons? (the second shotgun appears too late); what the second scroll is for? (I only need to place one of the columns to open the door); where are the cameras?; where are the musics?; the bad placed doors, the ilegal slopes... I think this level was never beta tested. But don't be discouraged, perhaps all the comments in the reviews section can help you to build better levels in the future (or, at least, levels the players can finish without problems)." - Jose (08-Nov-2020)
"I found this level to be better and somewhat less confusing than the builder's second effort that I recently played and reviewed, but I was still glad to have Lizard Queen's walkthrough handy because of the lack of camera clues in too many places. In both of his levels the builder shows some real promise, and for this reason I would encourage him to have his levels vetted by one or more established builders before releasing them for public consumption. I'm generally partial to catacombs levels, but this one was a bit too dark for my tastes (although not as dark as Cleopatra's Tomb), and there weren't enough outdoor activities (if any) to break the monotony of the bland interior textures. There are a few nice touches, such as using one of two ladders to back flip to a pole in lieu of being roasted if you use the other ladder. Not a classic by any means, but certainly a worthwhile raid." - Phil (05-Nov-2020)
"Although not badly constructed (for the most part),this debut level suffers enormously from numerous anomalies - particularly gameplay dead-ends;pointless red- herrings;inexplicable events;and unnecessary pick-ups.There are side quests that lead nowhere and appear to exist for no reason;and progression is often dependent upon attempting to guess what the builder intended the player to do. Everything looks acceptable enough while inside the catacombs (although the lighting is often too murky);but the outside area is a very poor thing,and brings the level to a disappointing conclusion. Nevertheless,the enemy encounters are frequent and varied;and (once you've figured out the correct way forward) it's never particularly challenging. For a beginner level,though,it at least tries hard." - Orbit Dream (05-Nov-2020)
"This raid offers pretty much everything you would expect from the Catacomb genre - namely skeletons, wraiths, pillar pushes and even the unexpected addition of a few horsemen. For the most part, this debut effort isn't at all bad, although there are a few deficiencies present. Progression is generally smooth with minimal backtracking and nothing too demanding, but I do question why the builder left a few obvious pitfall situations in. It's easy enough to reload, but this sort of issue should never make it through the testing stage. Elsewhere, the atmosphere isn't too shabby, but the textures are a bit blandly applied and there a few blatant misapplied ones in a couple of water pools. Not too bad for a first offering, but hopefully this builder's next effort will be a bit more advanced." - Ryan (25-Oct-2020)
"Would be much better if it was finished. Every room has mistakes and I even counted five softlocks, two of which I managed to glitch out of. But there's an attempt to combine several object sets, and I see scraps of chaptered plot, so with symptomes that promising I guess it's that builder whose next release will be much better - it's just a pity it didn't already happen with this level, because it could." - DJ Full (18-Oct-2020)
"This is a classic Catacomb raid and for a debut level is fairly decent. For the most part, the more obvious pitfalls of the newbie builder have been avoided and the gameplay is lively, with skeletons, tinmen, crocodiles, guards and wraiths to contend with. There are some traps to negotiate and not too much in the way of annoying backtracking, nor is there anything difficult to achieve. There are one or two redundancies in the gameplay, which may well have been deliberate red herrings, meant to confuse. Overall, a promising beginning." - Jay (09-Oct-2020)
"It's a typical catacombs level with a coastal area in the end but, as a debut, it's not so memorable, in my opinion. There are a lot of texture errors. In two places you can be stuck forever if you do something wrong. Some items are pointless (monkeyclimb, rope, timed block) and left there maybe to distract players from the more trivial route to follow. Anyway I don't want to demoralize the author. I just recommend him to be less approximate in future and everyting will be fine." - Teone (08-Oct-2020)