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A Trip to the South by Dennis De Grande

DJ Full 8 8 8 8
g12STL 8 10 9 7
Jay 7 7 8 8
John 7 8 8 7
Jorge22 8 8 8 8
Jose 7 8 8 7
manarch2 6 7 7 7
nerdfury 8 8 7 6
p1kaa 9 9 9 7
Phil 8 8 8 8
Ryan 7 7 8 8
Torry 7 7 7 7
vandit 9 10 9 7
release date: 08-Oct-2020
# of downloads: 162

average rating: 7.75
review count: 13
review this level

file size: 163.00 MB
file type: TR3
class: South Pacific

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Reviewer's comments
"Certainly another enjoyable tr3 style south pacific level we have here, as the areas are just full of exploration with lots of secrets to find and rocks to climb outside near the lovely beaches and ocean. There is a good balance of outside areas and caves to explore in as we come across lots of tricky platforming and nasty traps to avoid such as spiked walls, timed fires, boulders and blades. When it comes to enemies we have crocodiles, piranhas, raptors, tribesmen and bats to make you jump haha! So yes there's certainly enough to keep you on your toes here when it comes to gameplay here but for me there is just too much emphasis on finding switches to open doors etc when some of this could be replaced with some puzzles or timed runs for example. Textures and lighting is fine most of the time and well applied but just a little too repetitive for my taste using the same ones only from the tr3 game and make sure you look at for flares as things become very dark in a few areas. Overall i feel this level is certainly a solid effort with some great exploring and fun traps so if that's your thing give this one a go!" - John (03-Feb-2023)
"Gameplay and puzzles are extremely well done in this TRLE, as is the distribution of weapons, ammo and enemies, and the music selection. The atmosphere conveys a typical TR3 South Pacific feeling. The 6 secrets were not difficult to find, it is cool that many different weapons can be found. The texturing is a bit weaker and sometimes you get stuck on slopes, some objects like the horizon are textured a bit sloppy. Despite the weaknesses in architecture and texturing, a wonderful TR3 level. And no it is not too dark! --- Every player can set his level in the TR3 engine via sunglasses in the menu (gamma value) as bright as he wants, so where is the problem? To cite this as a negative point is ridiculous." - vandit (11-Nov-2022)
"Another awesome level by Dennis, simple storyline but amazing level and puzzle design. Few of these levels I find my self reaching areas where I should not reach without glitching, however the level was nice, I love how in one level you get your hand on so many weapons even you end up using one (Deagle ofc ;p) but it's very nice thing to see, and nice spots for the secrets, I managed to find 5/6 secrets. Recommend playing this level, it's nice and relaxing. give it 8/10" - p1kaa (30-Sep-2021)
"Perhaps the most enjoyable level of Dennis when it comes to gameplay, I thought the trap sequences were often interesting and diverse. There are still few puzzles or other gameplay elements else than traps, platforming and a lot of levers to be used, so this won't win any prizes for gameplay, but I liked the "deactivation" of the piranhas near the end, even if not exactly what you'd call realistic. The atmosphere is rather good, with a believable South Pacific setting and despite several misplaced textures and end of the world moments, maybe because lighting is rather effective here. Secrets are mostly very easy to find butenemies and objects are well placed. In total, an agreeable level that took me 30 minutes to finish." - manarch2 (23-Aug-2021)
"This level is appropriately reminiscent of TR3's South Pacific level, with some mechanics integrated straight from the game as far as the traps and climbing. Navigating the course took a bit of skill but very much possible to do. The enemies were perfectly placed and at the perfect difficulty to defeat as well. There were some points that required a bit of back-tracking but it wasn't anything too severe and annoying. This was a good level, probably my favorite from the author. I'd recommend a beginner to try this level out and others in general. Good work!" - g12STL (25-Jul-2021)
"(8) Gameplay & Puzzles: Progression is initially muddy as the player is exposed to 2 large lake areas early on, without a clear indicator on what to do next. After further exploration, however, the flow remains enjoyable for the rest of the adventure. The platforming is pretty straight-forward, as are avoiding the traps, and I think this level is a good fit for newer players. My favorite gameplay aspect was the flame trap underground when accessing Serpent Stone 1. There were no puzzles, and no particularly thrilling or unique gameplay elements, but the gameplay is solid and enjoyable. (8) Enemies, Objects & Secrets: I enjoyed the enemy variety and the subtle detail of a baby dinosaur, near the beginning of the game, indicating that there's something funky stuff going on. I could tell the builder spent a lot of effort in adding decorative objects. Just a minor detail about objects -- I found that when I was exploring the rocks that were surrounding the lake, the hut roof objects would glitch in and out of visibility. I found 6/6 secrets and I think they were too easy to spot/access. An example is the two secrets above a lake, that are found within a couple of minutes of each other. They are both in plain sight and are straight-forward to access, and accessing them feels like I am following the "main" path. Also, it's really far-fetched to be pushing a button that causes Piranhas to freeze underwater. (7) Atmosphere, Sound & Cameras: I think the atmosphere needed some polish. When exploring around the boundaries of the lakes, I found end-of-the-world areas, paper-thin walls, and invisible ceilings that were too low. The rock boundaries of the lakes also feel too rectangular and inorganic, as does the layer of fog above the lake with the underwater maze. I enjoyed the TR3 sounds and camera hints were adequate, although I do think the player can initially feel lost when they are able to access the 2 large lake areas. Perhaps a camera showing the 2 serpent head entrance to guide the player regarding the overall objective? (6) Lighting & Textures: I enjoyed how the builder used little pops of colored lighting to draw attention to areas that the player should check out. Unfortunately there were many things that I didn't enjoy in this category; the many cracks visible underwater, warped textures on skinny tiles, geometry lines that don't add up, and lack of blending between two natural textures. An example of the last issue is having a straight line as a transition between a sand texture and a grass texture -- it just doesn't look good in my opinion, and I noticed this often. Overall, despite the lack of polish in visuals, I still had a jolly good time and would recommend the level to those who want a TR3 nostalgic adventure of medium difficulty. I hope my feedback regarding polish/aesthetics was constructive to the builder, and I look forward to his next project. 8/8/7/6." - nerdfury (07-Dec-2020)
"Another solid level from Dennis. Even when you can reach the end of the world in the lake area and the game crashes if you exit to the title screen, the remaining features are Ok and you can enjoy a TR3 jungle level full of action. The gameplay is not very good, perhaps too many buttons/switches to pull to open doors, enemies to shoot here and there and some tricky traps to avoid, so the entire level is based only about exploration with no puzzles and certain backtracking. There are enough ammo and medipacks, and the secrets are easy to find. The lights are well worked, but no much care with the texturization. Correct cameras and sounds, this is a level worth to play and not hard, suitable for everybody. Good work." - Jose (10-Nov-2020)
"In my old age I'm developing a distressing habit of playing levels, even writing walkthroughs for them, and then neglecting to review them promptly. Here's another example. The finer details have become blurred in my memory, but I recall this to be a full-length and engaging raid in a tropical island environment. The secrets, a generous total of six, provide a variety of weapons to deal with the local inhabitants. Don't get too complacent about those friendly piranha, because near the end there's a nasty bunch in a small pool that you have to kill en masse before jumping in. And I wasn't aware of those blowgun- wielding natives who can poison you with a dart from across a clearing before you have a chance to draw a weapon. Now that I've figured out how to adjust my settings to play TR3 levels, I'm having fun with them again. This is one of the better ones." - Phil (08-Nov-2020)
"Wow, what a sudden ending! A TR3 South Pacific level, not too short, not too long, packed with enemies (natives, some of them using poisonous arrows, and dinossaurs) and traps (fire, darts, blades, boulders...), but quite well balanced. There were a few great moments, such as killing the piraƱas in the pool just before the ending and being met by three unexpected boulders afterwards. But the entire level, in spite of the map not being actually big, involves quite a lot of exploring and, during all that exploration, even the end of the world and a sliding surface where Lara can get trapped in between walls. I can't remember any actual puzzles, but the level is entertaining." - Jorge22 (06-Nov-2020)
"Here's a fairly decent TR3 level that manages to entertain without being particularly inspiring. There's nothing hugely extraordinary here, but also nothing glaringly wrong at all with the construction, so Dennis has achieved the balance well in that respect. The surroundings are solidly built, if a little on the gloomy side in places, the enemies are well situated although not too difficult to overcome and the gameplay has its fair share of twists and turns while not being particularly difficult or puzzling. The only real oddity I encountered were a few absent sounds for the gunshots and selecting items from the inventory, which is something I rarely encounter in TR3 raids. Otherwise, a solid raid that should suit all raiding abilities." - Ryan (23-Oct-2020)
"Visually much more sloppy than the Colosseum level but still comfy and enjoyable. At one point if you don't find a certain switch you might add a lot of running, and the end is abrupt and undefined, but the rest of gameplay is correct and I never felt like nothing is happening. I guess my favourite part was when I picked up the second gem and realized the plot twist. A solid attempt." - DJ Full (22-Oct-2020)
"It just as well the island is atmospheric and pleasant, because (surprise, surprise) the inhabitants are far from welcoming. This is a nice, traditional South Sea island level with a good combination of exploring, enemy action and spike/fire/boulder traps in abundance. Classic, fun raiding which should be within the scope of most raiders." - Jay (19-Oct-2020)
"Short Tomb Raider 3 level of around 30 minutes that is not bad, but not great either. The level itself would crash when exiting and was way too dark. I had to turn the gamma right up as I simply could not see the switches that you needed to find. Unfortunately flares where virtually non existent and these would have helped immensely. As for game play this was relatively simple and there were no real challenges so everyone should be able to get through this one with ease. Finding the Desert Eagle early made life simple as the enemies could be dispatched before they became bothersome." - Torry (15-Oct-2020)