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Homage for Satan by Drobridski

DJ Full 7 7 6 7
Jose 1 3 3 5
Kubsy 1 3 7 7
LuxQSD 3 6 8 8
Mahetus 7 7 7 8
manarch2 2 6 4 6
Ryan 7 6 6 7
Teone 0 6 6 6
Treeble 7 7 8 8
release date: 15-Oct-2020
# of downloads: 282

average rating: 5.64
review count: 9
review this level

file size: 4.75 MB
file type: TR1
class: City

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Reviewer's comments
"Another short and unique Drobridski level. This time you play as Natla who needs to fetch a stereo system so she can play Civ 2 with some villain friends. Needless to say the level features a lot of custom textures and sounds, creating a beautiful looking cartoony town area. It is clear that the author put a lot of effort into this project, despite it's very short length of about 10 minutes if you play your cards right. Though the short adventure can turn in to a one hour slog fest if you're unlucky. The biggest complaint I have, which many other reviewers seem to share is that the saving feature is disabled. You will encounter two major hurdles in the level that might prompt a restart. The first is an extremely tight timed door you must get through with near flawless movement. Coming back to the switch is annoying enough, but the gunner on the balcony will wilt down your health if you retry too many times. The second hurdle is a death pit that requires a near perfect jump...twice. I have fallen down this pit an embarrassing number of times. It does not help matters that it's near the end of the level so if you die you have to slog through the timed run and a lengthy block pushing segment again. There are a lot of unique ideas here that I really want people to experience, but the decision to remove saves is asinine and will push away a lot of players who want to check this release out. Not to mention that it absolutely tanks my Gameplay score as it made the level way more frustrating than it needed to be. If you can stomach playing through it without saving then give it a spin. Otherwise, watch a video walkthrough to save yourself from frustration." - LuxQSD (31-Mar-2022)
"Very short and enjoyable level. Although no save game function can be frustrating for some players. Personally it does not bother me that much. Gameplay is focused on simple tasks that are enjoyable overall however timed run created by the author can be difficult for less experienced players. In this level you don't have any weapons, so you need to "think" in order to avoid huge damage from enemies. I like the atmosphere overall even though there is no ambient music, this small City level is constructed pretty well and the atmosphere creates itself. Lighting is quite well executed however I think in some areas lighting is flat and it should be more intense in my opinion. Textures are placed very well and fit in every area, I don't have any remarks to this. This level shows a lot of customization which is not very common on TR1. Recommended for players who can finish this level without save function." - Mahetus (09-Feb-2021)
"What I liked most in this level was the clever usage of enemies and the ways on how to avoid them. This would certainly not be that relevant if weapons and saves had been enabled, and actually the five minutes of this game are not filled with dangerous moments, so to a certain extent I understand the builder's decision. But still I hated it ... especially because of the falling debris in the basement. The timed run was okay but I see that it's annoying to return all the way if you miss it even it worked fine for me in the first trial. The fancy and cartoonish city setting was rather charming, but work in terms of atmosphere and sounds is rather meager. All in all this game had a few interesting aspects but, due to the disabling of the saves, was fairly stressful throughout. No secrets to find." - manarch2 (01-Dec-2020)
"Well, at least I gave a try. I was exploring the basement with the falling debris and found a sort of bag, but soon I died because more falling debris so I immediately decided to exit and delete the game. I don't want to waste my precious time starting a game from the very beginning each time I die. Totally agree with the Teone's comments. I'll never understand why this builder waste his time for too few players around the world can play or finish his levels..." - Jose (10-Nov-2020)
"After playing this level and reading the reviews, I have to agree with Jose and Teone. Drobridski once again annoys us with disabled save function after complaints in Satan's Spawn level (just my assumption, I don't know for definite) therefore I had to reload the whole game several times when I died. In addition, the gameplay consists of pulling a lever, collecting some key items, and finish the level, nothing special. However, I liked the custom sounds for Lara (or Natla even) and the outfit, also the level was well-textured with custom ones. Overall it's an OK level that fails in gameplay aspects, sadly." - Kubsy (10-Nov-2020)
"After a first failed attempt of making a game where saving function is disabled (I'm speaking of Satan Spawn, which was easily hacked and I can imagine the sorrow of Drobridski for his fail), this time the author seems to have achived his goal. Satan will be happy for all the players getting mad with this game and soon he will reward Drobridski with money, sex and power. Jokes apart, dear Drobridski, listen... now I speak to you directly: I know a boy who is able to play all the original TR1 without saving nor using medikits. And you know what? It's his choice to play in this way! Because in every respectable game, players do have choices, and choices always come from freedom. I said FREEDOM. Exactly what you don't want to give to players: freedom! Disabling saves means that you want to control players physically. This is the worst attitude a builder can have. So I'm very sorry (not angry, only sorry) but until the only freedom you give me is to skip your game, you'll never have my respect. Just for fun, I give you 0666 as scores. It's the number of the beast, I'm sure you'll appreciate." - Teone (21-Oct-2020)
"Another TR1 adventure from this author featuring his unique traits. This time around, we run about as Natla in a small plaza. The biggest challenge here is playing without saving or reloading, as the lack of guns or medikits is hardly relevant as the author offers clever work-arounds for the three enemies you come across. The timed run was a bit too tight, however, and having to try it over and over until I learned the optimal pattern took its toll on me. Not much else to say. I love the constant mockery this author brings to the table, either with the storylines or the objects and messages in game, and I hope we'll be seeing more in the future. The title for this level alone might raise a few brows, but it's all harmless fun. 10 minutes. 10/20" - Treeble (19-Oct-2020)
"Long story short, the path is interesting, the puzzles are surprisingly realistic, the customizations are more efficient than I have seen in any TR1-based level, so I guess the rating would be DOUBLE if saving was enabled, and I have no idea why the author thought it's a good idea to leave it off. Luckily the level is very short, so I didn't get bored. Also, I don't know which tombati was used here but I couldn't customize the keys and the display was shifted so half of it was on my left monitor, and half on the right one. Therefore, before playing, replace the tombati inclu... ah nvm, I'm just gonna do it... Michael? Michael!!" - DJ Full (19-Oct-2020)
"As far as TR1 offerings go, this is certainly one of the more unusual offerings. Having the savegame function disabled was an undoubted handicap, to be sure, but it wasn't really an issue until the rather tight timed run, and having to backtrack to where the lever is situated time and time again got annoying fairly quickly. Still, there are some interesting things here, including the options for avoiding the three enemies you encounter and the ingenious conversion sequence near the end, which was absolutely brilliant. If the level was lengthened considerably and the savegame function reinstated, this would doubtlessly be scoring much higher. Maybe something for the builder to consider in the future?" - Ryan (19-Oct-2020)