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TNT by StudBuddha

DJ Full 8 7 7 7
Jay 8 8 8 8
Jose 7 7 8 8
manarch2 5 6 7 6
MichaelP 7 7 7 7
Phil 9 8 8 8
Ryan 8 8 9 8
Teone 8 8 8 8
The Snarky Lesbian 6 4 6 7
Torry 5 6 7 7
release date: 21-Oct-2020
# of downloads: 84

average rating: 7.23
review count: 10
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file size: 50.00 MB
file type: TR4
class: Cave/Cat

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Reviewer's comments
"I can understand why this level may create a love or hate relationship with players. If you do manage to generally find your way around in the caves with many pickups to collect, the jumps and platforming is somewhat unusual and quite fun, but it is also very easy to get lost and frustrated about which sneaky corner you have not yet explored. There is a mirror room with a clue, but I failed to understand what the clue is good for as all you need to know can be seen plainly in the mirror as usual? There is a also a sword room that feels important somehow but again I missed any significance it may have by intention of the builder. As you would expect from the title the bang moment happens near the end, although the actual ending shortly after is very odd and abrupt. Overall I did count about 20 raptors that need to be killed, but they are really no challenge as you mostly shoot them from a distance and they only come alone or in pairs. Need to check out the sequel now to see if that abrupt ending gets explained there somewhat..." - MichaelP (16-Jan-2024)
"This level comes in at around 30 minutes if you follow the walk through but I wandered around aimlessly for most of the day trying to find the way. There are so many tunnels, passages and nooks to explore it became tiresome and only pure stubbornness got me to the end and yes, I had to refer to the walk though time and time again. There are so many pickups scattered about that most of your time is spent chasing these down. Enemies are mostly raptors with the occasional bat and one lone crocodile later on. I was expecting one of the Shivas to come to life but alas, it was not to be. The cryptic clue in the mirror room I gave up trying to decipher." - Torry (08-Oct-2022)
"This didn't really work so well for me, maybe because the title and the dozens of TNT boxes don't quite live up to their promise. There is one explosion near the end but I was really expecting a bit more here. Anyway, the game is rather solidly designed overall, the cave setting is interesting, but could be more so with less whitish-flat lighting and diversity in texturing and object design. Gameplaywise, it felt rather hard to get started in this game but I still liked a bit of the platforming and also the glimpses of puzzles later on. On the other side, the three secrets were rather nicely hidden. Spent a total of 35 minutes in this game which was rather not another step upwards compared to the last serious release of the builder." - manarch2 (12-Aug-2021)
"I think the best level from this author. At the start I got disoriented with all those pickups and areas to explore, but once you find the right way, the cameras will help you a lot. I expected more variety of enemies, and not only bats and raptors (and a lonely croc?); the old musics are well placed and the architecture is well worked too. As usual, I missed some puzzles to solve and not so pure exploration to pull switches, but even so the level is entertaining and worth to play. Good work." - Jose (12-Nov-2020)
"This one initially feels like if someone designed a map then squished it like a sheet of paper, plus the looks are rather tiring, so I wasn't motivated to continue and kept missing the same passages over and over. But if you push through the first 15 minutes, the rest will be much more rewarding. I like levels which work like one bigger puzzle, it's good to solve them sometimes instead of a usual chain of separate riddles. Ending should be better." - DJ Full (31-Oct-2020)
"Crikey, the place is absolutely riddled with raptors! I’m pleased to say that after this builder’s previous oddity of a level he’s back on form with this highly enjoyable raid in an attractive setting. It involves a lot of exploration, the aforementioned raptors ganging up on poor Lara, some nice flooding/draining work and some quite inventive puzzles. I did refer to the walkthrough a couple of times, but otherwise found it all very doable and fun." - Jay (29-Oct-2020)
"I'll come right out of the gate, I didn't really enjoy this level.
First of all, the pacing is really strange. Essentially this level consists of two parts. There is your intro sequence that can take up at least 50-60% of the level and consists of running around in a fairly drab looking cave with TNT Boxes everywhere. The area is absolutely sprinkled with countless boxes of ammunition for enemies you are not seeing, because they only show up in the second part. You will move through the cave fairly randomly in what seems like a bit of a waste of time, until you finally find that one climbing section that leads somewhere, and area with enemies and switches that actually resembles a level. And that part is fairly good, other that consisting solely of Raptors as enemies, Raptors with a super terrible AI that just rarely manages to actually hit you. If you actually engage them directly, as opposed to standing on a safe block and pelting them with your default pistols. Sure, you could climb down and give them a real fight, but why would you? And as I mentioned previously, even if you do, they lack the aggressive AI from Tomb Raider 3 so they are really tame enemies. In that later part the puzzles consist of easier water-level switching, but centralised to one room, so the solution is fairly easy. That part of the level is okay I'd say, pretty mediocre but okay.
So what really annoyed me was that first part of the level, where you walk through a drab cave that in terms of colours is very one-note and geometrically looks like someone took a Rocket Launcher and shot a few rockets into a mountain side. I'm not sure where I am, what it is that I am doing there or how the structures fit with one another. And what annoyed me the most as I was climbing around more or less randomly, was how many pickups you find. Shotgun shells, med-kits, flares and Uzi magazines were found absolutely everywhere. There was no rhyme or reason to it, and I didn't really feel anything picking them up either, because I didn't see any enemies for like half an hour. Since the second half of the level had enemies but almost no pickups, it's like you're supposed to really fill your pockets at the start to use for later, which in terms of pacing is kinda bollocks. At the end you find an artefact by jumping into a tube enclosed on all sides by bars. So idk how post-game Lara will get out of there now.
So yeah, this played really awkwardly, had super strange pacing, Uzi magazines for a weapon you can only get via secret (that didn't work for me) and if you do not have that, all the magazines are useless for you, otherwise reckless abandon when it came to the pickups, the same drab brown-beige colours on every wall and only a small section of the level was fun.
I apologize for how negative this review sounds, the level is not that bad, it's just really mediocre and tired me out due to the colour scheme." - The Snarky Lesbian (28-Oct-2020)
"If this level is indeed a continuation from Temple of the Dog, then it's certainly a very worthy one. The surroundings are an interesting mixture, ranging from Cambodia to Lud's Gate, but the overall effect is definitely pleasing and music is also used to its advantage. The gameplay has its fair share of challenges, but nothing at all frustrating, meaning that you are required to think outside the box at some points but the answer will eventually present itself if you persevere. I also liked the fact that there were hidden caches of goodies scattered around off the beaten track and they are undoubtedly worth collecting. The only slightly odd aspect (if you want to call it that, maybe it's entirely a personal preference) is that there seemed to be an unnatural abundance of raptors in this place, but maybe that will be explained in possible future installments? I certainly hope so..." - Ryan (27-Oct-2020)
"I found this level to be a significant improvement over the builder's previous two offerings. The surroundings are much easier on the eyes, the gameplay progresses in logical fashion and plenty of weaponry is provided to deal with the plethora of raptors you meet along the way. The builder has also provided his own video walk, which I followed while playing the level. For this reason I didn't try to figure out the apparent clues on the wall of the mirror room or on the floor of the sword room. I just noted what Lara did in the video and wrote it down. The glitch-free rendition takes just over a half hour, but most of us trying to get through unassisted will probably require an hour or more. It's time well spent, but I agree with the previous reviewer regarding the abruptness of the ending. The builder says this was intended as part of a series, so I'm hoping that additional segments will be forthcoming." - Phil (26-Oct-2020)
"Gameplay & Puzzles: Very few puzzles but a lot of exploration, there are many anfracts and niches. The most difficult thing for me was to find the way up in the initial caves but, after that, the gameplay becomes more linear. The geometry is very interesting in general. I like the technique of showing through closed gates areas that you'll visit later. What I dislike is the abrupt ending after picking up the final artefact (matrix?). It would have been better to add a trailing part where Lara gains the exit of the caves. Enemies, Objects & Secrets: Enemies and objects are a bit monotonous, but that's not a problem because one of the strengths of this game is coherence. Atmosphere, Sound & Cameras: Sounds and cameras are well placed, music is traditional, atmosphere is quite good, even if there are no climax. Lighting & Textures: I love the textures, very coherent, the insert of cambodian textures is a good touch. What I totally dislike is the text hint in the swords room. It's a punch in the eye, I don't know if it's possible to use a different font which mixes better with the textures. In sum, It's an entertaining level, coherent and well built. It took me about 1 hour of raiding and I found 3 secrets." - Teone (25-Oct-2020)