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Searching for Cleopatras Tomb - Part 1 by PinkFlav0r

DJ Full 5 5 6 5
Jay 5 6 5 5
Jose 4 6 6 6
Kubsy 2 2 2 2
manarch2 3 4 4 3
MichaelP 4 7 4 4
Phil 6 6 5 6
Ryan 3 4 4 3
Teone 4 4 4 3
release date: 01-Nov-2020
# of downloads: 73

average rating: 4.36
review count: 9
review this level

file size: 60.70 MB
file type: TR4
class: Egypt

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Reviewer's comments
"Well ok, I admit I am rather biased against the assets from the City WAD, as mostly they are used to produce rather gloomy and uninteresting levels and this one here is unfortunately no exception. It is also a collecthaton as you get a myriad of pickups (that you will not have much use for) and it has plenty of crwaling to do which drags out the duration to a little over 30 minutes. Oddly, it should maybe be called City of the low hanging jump switches, as these are all placed quite low on the walls. The 5 amulet secrets are a nice addition though, the use of the motorbike is decent and generally the second half plays more interesting than the first, but overall it is just too depressing and those sentry guns shooting at Lara also do not help to lighten the mood." - MichaelP (15-Jan-2024)
"No reviews from two weeks after the release until now means something - this game is rather unenjoyable with all the dark surroundings when you cannot see much around you, and inconsistent ladder textures, a very badly hidden object and enerving sentry guns are not particular helpful in those regards as well. Sadly so, as the outside area was rather interesting to look at (especially in comparison to the cramped tunnels you spend the majority of the time in) and the pushables are also rather nicely used. On the whole not recommendable. Found the five secrets in 30 minutes." - manarch2 (24-May-2022)
"A good effort, but I can't give high ratings for a level with illegal slopes, not marked ladders and excessive dangerous situations where Lara is exposed to the sentry guns without any alternative. The worst was the location of the valve pipe, excessively hidden inside an object so you can get stucked forever, forcing the players to consult the walkthrough. No, no, no, that's not the right way. In the final areas, the players can prematurely exit the level avoidind part of the gameplay. Is it intended? I don't want to discourage this builder, but I think he needs to think about to lead players to the gameplay he was thinking about when building the level. Cheer up!" - Jose (13-Nov-2020)
"I wish the author didn't begin the level with the second half because this sewer beginning is rather offputting. It's literally like playing two different maps of two different qualities. I can see a step forward compared to the first release, especially the gravity puzzle is creative, but still the level needs betatesting and eradicating a lot mistakes and risky design choices which shouldn't be there. Also, lighting - arrrrhh... Therefore I cannot give high marks despite witnessing some potential." - DJ Full (12-Nov-2020)
"You’ll need to play in a darkened room for this one – I know City of the Dead is somewhat gloomy at the best of times, but this is really dark. In fairness, flares are supplied throughout the game, but I’d rather have been able to assess the quality of the building a little better, although from what I could tell it does seem to have been solidly constructed. Gameplay-wise, I confess to having enjoyed this builder’s first level rather more and found this a touch underwhelming, but hopefully he will return to the promise he showed previously and I sincerely hope he does continue building." - Jay (09-Nov-2020)
"My scoring is not as harsh as the previous reviewers', as I actually found quite a bit to like here. If the builder had solicited the aid of someone having solid credentials before releasing this level, it could easily have been tweaked into something enjoyable. But as it is, it's much too dark throughout, and even through ample flares are provided, why not just boost the ambient lighting so that players can see what they're doing? As already noted, it's possible to finish the level prematurely, which in retrospect may be considered a blessing depending on your point of view. I got the distinct impression, near what I presumed to be the end, that there was still more to be done, so if anyone using my walkthrough can tell me where I may have gotten off track, I'd appreciate this information for revision purposes. A deeply flawed level that fairly cries out for a remake." - Phil (04-Nov-2020)
"What a strange adventure this was. I managed to finish this no problem but I was still left with a few unanswered questions and the overall feeling that this was an incomplete and flawed raid. The darkness is too oppressive in quite a few places, the textures are bland and monotonous and the actual gameplay never really reaches any level of excitement. Apart from a motorbike sequence that provided a brief burst of much needed adrenaline, there's not a whole lot to pique the interest here, progression mainly revolving around throwing levers and crawling through dark, tedious passages. I also thought it was odd that you can exit the level prematurely without exploring the final areas (although progression there turns out to be futile too as you can't do a whole lot from there anyway). Sorry but this didn't work for me at all." - Ryan (04-Nov-2020)
"The general atmosphere of this game is from TR Last Revelation's City of the Dead (by the way, the original City.tr4 file was forgot in data folder). I'm sorry to say that this level is not very good. Extremely dark, roughly built, there are many softlocks and gameplay errors (I managed to open the final gate skipping all the last part). The Valve Pipe is impossible to find, if I didn't read nad's spoiler on laraslevelbase forum I could never find it. Then, the sentry-guns are annoying if you have no possibility to make them explode. I don't know what to say, this level in my opinion is even worst than the previous one by this author. And it's Part 1 so we have to expect also a Part 2 (groan!)." - Teone (02-Nov-2020)
"I have not found this level enjoyable whatsoever. This level is extremely dark and doesn't fit the setting in my opinion (Cairo objects in a cave?? - doesn't match). There are also soft locks where you can easily be stuck in and geometry in general (The author could use the "shovel" tool to improve it a bit if he uses Tomb Editor). Hopefully, the author's next level will be better." - Kubsy (02-Nov-2020)