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Home of Lara by Pablo David

DJ Full 2 3 2 3
Jay 0 1 1 1
JoeTheCrazyGamer 0 0 0 0
John 4 2 2 2
Jose 2 2 2 3
Kubsy 1 1 1 1
lokky99101 0 0 0 0
manarch2 1 1 1 2
MichaelP 2 1 0 0
Mulf 0 1 0 1
OblivionJaw 1 1 1 2
Orbit Dream 0 0 0 1
Phil 3 2 3 2
Ryan 0 1 1 1
Wolf7 0 0 0 1
release date: 18-Dec-2020
# of downloads: 94

average rating: 1.10
review count: 15
review this level

file size: 16.40 MB
file type: TR4
class: Home

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Reviewer's comments
"It's essentially a TR3 Manor but with a few strange changes- such as adding the front of the house as an edited, additional playing area and basically not changing anything up. Some geometry is changed but the original manor is more worthwhile to play than this, although it's not the worst ever. Just lackluster and not adding anything new." - OblivionJaw (10-Dec-2023)
"A very, very simplified version of Lara's classic manor, with texturing inconsistency, key-to-key gameplay and at least two softlocks possible in just five minutes of playing. Unfortunately I cannot recommend it at all." - DJ Full (05-Aug-2022)
"While there is definitely a few places to climb and jump to and a few areas explore to its really basic and mostly boring gameplay here on your quest to find keys to open doors to pull levers to open more..... you get the idea lol. i was confused by the timed run in the bedroom at first and found myself trapped in there a couple of times before i understood. theres also some green dragons to collect, i found 2 of them but couldnt find a way to get to the one in the main hall. you have all the usual rooms here with the usual textures and an assault course, hedge maze, and access to the roof but theres nothing really up there apart from a key. the level really needs more polish with textures and lighting as it looks a bit unfinished and the gameplay is quite dull with no puzzles or traps but i didnt hate it as some areas were intriguing at first oh btw i love the lara model used here she looks good!" - John (03-Aug-2021)
"Well, 2 points for the possibly even unintended timed run in the bed room and 1 point for Winston tirelessly following Lara around. Everything else is just - well, not worth mentioning. 20 minutes. Do not bother." - MichaelP (13-Jun-2021)
"Yet another rushed, haphazard effort with pretty much no positives worthy of mention. To be fair, this effort does have more "gameplay" than a couple of Pablo's other efforts, but even that is severely flawed by a timed run that has the potential to get you stuck, the dreary hedge maze, finding the same (wrongly named) key over and over again (which I'm not sure is even needed anyway) and weirdly situated unmarked death tiles. This rendition of Lara's mansion is by far the most bizarre and I just could not get the hang of the infuriating gameplay and I just used a walkthrough to shamelessly get through it. Don't bother with this one." - Ryan (25-Jan-2021)
"Okay, okay, I have no wish to be saddled with a reputation of being a Pablo David fan, but I really believe this release needs to be rated several cuts above "Lara in a Box," but at this point it's not. The only exciting part of the level to me was the timed run to get a key in Lara's bathroom before the bedroom door closes, and part of the excitement is realizing that you're dealing with a timed run in the first place. At first I thought I'd stepped on a trigger tile that closed the door, but when the door closed upon a reload and I was standing in a different spot, it dawned on me that I needed to open the bathroom door, get the key and remove myself from the bedroom pronto while I still could. Mulf's review says in many more words the same things that I would say, only I can't justify the time needed to wax effulgent (damn, haven't used that word in forever). A completist by nature, I've documented every single small and large medipack in the written walkthrough, even though there are no enemies to be found unless you include a gas-bloated Winston who appears during the timed run and dogs Lara for the remainder of the level. And the few traps scattered here and there will kill you instead of causing mere health loss, rendering medipacks meaningless. Ditto for the weapons and ammo. The video walk shows a cheating move to gain access to an empty patio when you can get there quite legally with a running jump from a nearby block. Also, the video walk overlooks a shortcut to acquire the final key, which keeps you from having to run all the way around the humongous house twice instead of just once, and this also has the advantage of allowing you to finish the level all that much sooner." - Phil (25-Jan-2021)
"Another boring mansion level. Of course all builders deserve a comment about their work, but this time I can't give a favorable comment, because running through huge areas only to get some pickups and keys is not for my taste to take a good time. A bit better than the previous level, but still far from release an entertaining level. Please take more time working with the cameras, the sounds, the architecture, the puzzles, the objects, the texturization... and please read again my comment for your level "Egypt Return"." - Jose (07-Jan-2021)
"Not much done right in this level either. Maybe the lighting is a tiny bit better this time, but texturing is rather messy despite of the simple and almost copied structures. The gameplay ranges from repetitive (nothing else than finding and using keys) to obscure and annoying (death tiles, backtracking) and I was really glad when it ended after 10 minutes with too little done better to see a real learning curve. Please take your time before releasing games like this, really nobody needs them." - manarch2 (05-Jan-2021)
"Yet another home level. In-game title says Rockefeller Center, but whatever. It’s bad. It has the hedge maze.
Within the limited space accorded to a review it is of course impossible to list all the flaws from which this level suffers and all the errors that its builder has committed, but I’m surprised that so far no reviewer has mentioned the unmarked instant-death tiles which the builder saw fit to distribute rather randomly throughout his level. In some cases, they can be defended (weakly) as a terrifically unimaginative means of preventing Lara from going where she isn’t supposed to go, but even then their presence or absence depends on the builder’s whim (I can accept—maybe—that the top of the perimeter wall is deadly, but then don’t ask me to use a stretch of it anyway in order to reach one of your precious keys); other times, they clearly exist just because, like the already infamous booby-trapped lever, only worse. While they may be a great draw for the masochists among us, they are the thing that I hold most against this (barely) playable level, alongside the laughably dramatic and also very loud title tune. It’s a long time since I encountered some, and I felt reasonably secure in the knowledge that they fell out of fashion ca. 2001, yet here they are again—all certainties destroyed in one fell swoop, and it’s back to square one. The entirety of this level is a fetch-quest for keys, or to be precise, the same key many times over: all are named ‘Gate’, and each fits in any keyhole you come across. If you acquire one, use it immediately. Don’t try to hoard them, or you may find yourself shortchanged, although I’m not convinced that every one of them is actually required to finish the level. Apart from the picking up of keys, the only gameplay element present is a timed run. I was tempted to grant the level 1 point in gameplay because of it, but I have to subtract that point immediately because the timed run will get you permanently stuck if you fail (which you will, not only because it is a fairly tight one—quite out of tune with the rest of the game—, but also because it isn’t even clear that it is one until you find yourself stuck). Large swathes of the map serve no purpose and exist solely because they existed in the level that this one imitates (poorly). Many rooms house a single pickup; many fail to come up with even that threadbare excuse for their existence. Since the aforementioned unmarked instant-death tiles are the only hazards you’ll ever encounter, and since there isn’t so much as a window to shoot, the ridiculous amounts of medipacks and ammo you can pick up are entirely useless and serve only the purposes of prolonging the misery and pretending that actual gameplay is about to happen at some point, which it isn’t. Similarly, you can ignore the dragon pickups, as they don’t register as secrets and are too obvious to count as such anyway. Flares, on the other hand, are useful for navigating a few dark passages, though one set of them (in the kitchen) can’t be picked up due to the collision of the object on which it was placed. There are cameras, but only one is actually helpful; some may or may not have been helpful, had they lasted longer than a split second; one that works gives you a crotch shot of Lara. So, if you feel adventurous and absolutely want to give this level a go in the face of all warnings, do yourself a favour and disregard all pickups except keys and flares. This should cut net gaming time down by half, so you might get through in 12 minutes or thereabouts. It will not be enjoyable, but it will be brief." - Mulf (03-Jan-2021)
"Home levels tend to be really good or really bad. This one is bad, and filled with bugs. 0/40" - JoeTheCrazyGamer (02-Jan-2021)
"You know, I can forgive someone for rushing out their first attempt at building a level in a glow of euphoria that overlooks faults galore; it must be heady stuff achieving your first build. However, when you release the results of your third misadventures with the level editor my sympathies become severely curtailed. If anything this is even worse than the last level and I really, really couldn’t understand the incoherent gameplay and had to find a walkthrough just to finish it. Dreadful." - Jay (29-Dec-2020)
"Ill be honest as much i hate saying a bad thing about someones level as i envy all the talented builders out there I'm gonna say this now. This level is definitely not worth playing you've got broken sounds insta kill switches and much much more and thats only just the start lots of stretched textures missing sounds missing cameras and much much more overall this level is definitely not worth anyone's time but im pretty sure if the builder takes his time im sure he will able too do much better than this." - lokky99101 (28-Dec-2020)
"Unfortunately, I cannot recommend this game from this author. Here we have yet again: carelessly placed textures, empty areas, blocky architecture, and pointless weapons plus with the awful Cairo background music from TR4 (Which I don't like). The gameplay consists of collecting keys (which go to the same keyhole) and open a bunch of doors and finish the level which, unfortunately, bored me. I would strongly suggest that the author take his time and learn before he decides to rapidly build another level without careful testing. Harsh but true." - Kubsy (20-Dec-2020)
"No-one should be expected to play this from beginning to end,as (without the help of a Walkthrough) no player could possibly be expected to understand what it is that the builder intends them to do. I suspect that the builder is equally at a loss as to what they themselves expect the player to do. There is absolutely nothing favourable to note,except that the builder has managed (somehow!) to build and texture an original version of the Mansion; but the lack of sounds for gunshots combined with modified underwater audio are all uncomfortable indications that the builders priorities are completely screwed up. There is nothing to be gained in cataloguing the plethora of oddities and frustrations to be encountered here;but it would at least seem to be possible to bypass several parts of the level by somewhat unorthodox jumps. Come to think of it,it would be strongly recommended to all players to bypass the entirety of the level - by the simple act of never downloading it." - Orbit Dream (19-Dec-2020)
"That's another huge no, Tomb Raider 2 house map being texturally modified badly and thrown with: modifications to the structure that look bad and play bad, a lever that kills you for no absolute reason at the start of the game, a timed run that might softlock you, lack of enemies, WINSTON! (10/10 Best game of the year), cutsie Dragons (20/10 BEST GAME OF THE ENTIRE UNIVERSE), lack of atmosphere, lack of sound, cameras, yeah, but nor any helpful. Pablo, take your time and check the manual, inspiration may not flow immediately, but if you start off in little you can achieve something, if you get so ambitious at this time, you will not get anywhere. Not recommended at all. Wolfy Regards." - Wolf7 (18-Dec-2020)