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The Millionaire Waltz by Drobridski

DJ Full 9 10 9 9
El Dorado 9 9 9 9
g12STL 8 7 10 10
Jose 6 7 7 7
Leoc1995 8 10 10 10
LuxQSD 9 7 9 7
Mahetus 8 10 10 10
manarch2 7 7 8 7
MichaelP 6 7 9 8
Mulf 6 8 8 9
Orbit Dream 6 7 6 9
Ryan 7 8 8 8
Teone 7 7 8 8
TimJ 7 8 10 10
Treeble 8 8 9 8
Wolf7 7 10 10 10
release date: 21-Dec-2020
# of downloads: 135

average rating: 8.23
review count: 16
review this level

file size: 31.00 MB
file type: TR1
class: Xmas

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Reviewer's comments
"As unique as they come again. This time we get a level in overall nice sepia colored tones and while there are a few good ideas here, there was still too many things that irritated me for it to really be enjoyable. I am generally not a great fan of hiding important pickups sneakily behind objects as is consistently the case here. There is a myriad of doors, rooms and switches to work your way through. And the most irritating of all, a rather tedious swim you get to repeat multiple times to pull underwater levers: 6-9x if you go for the secret as well. That alone makes up for a lotof the 30 minutes you will spend here and lets the (rather nice) pushable box puzzle seem a walk in the park. I liked the sound effects, but the looney tunes ambience music throughout got on my nerves pretty quickly. The final boss fight is a solid challenge, so it kind of ends on a high note - but still, overall this waltz was not my kind of dance." - MichaelP (18-Mar-2024)
"Now, this is a parody. It’s funny, well made, styled. It is not long, but really doesn’t needs to be, everything is well compacted and enjoyable (maybe expect water puzzle, which might get frustrating for some). The story was wonderful and I wish every mod was made with the same love as this one. Also, "ACNE" crates XD" - El Dorado (28-Dec-2023)
"Those readmes are like my reviews used to be in the old good times (not as old as 1930 though). We get a nice sepia level from before colors were invented. Stealth is done nicely and mostly we get a choice between silence and combat. The level offers some usual exploration and puzzles but the timed one has a twist. If you have the author's earlier work "Zeitgeist", you can decipher the message hidden in this one (controversial idea to require a game to solve another game, but it's optional therefore fair). Enemies are tough but the entire thing is too short to get enough of them, and in the end it appears to be a very solid work. I think you should play it." - DJ Full (15-Nov-2023)
"To truly appreciate this level, the player needs to be in the right mindset. Thelia (you're not playing as Lara in the storyline) will lose 3/4 of her life right at the beginning and be short on any sort of medipacks. Unlike Plum Uncle (a previous level by the same author) that had Lara begin on fire, I didn't think that was unfair as there is a real gameplay intention this time. The level is meant to be played stealthily, avoiding to trigger the alarm system that would send guards — and inevitable doom — Thelia's way. That said, this short level is really enjoyable, full of humour and involves clever puzzles. However, the underwater switches were a bit tedious. I wouldn't have minded if fewer of them needed to be activated OR if some sort of secret thing could have opened a trapdoor with an air pocket for the keen observer. I only found 2 of the 3 secrets, the last of which certainly was in one of the security room, but I was a bit too lazy to try them all. :-) Drobridski shows a lot of creativity with all the custom textures and the accompanying music to give a one of a kind atmosphere to this level. Just for this I would definitely recommend it to anyone." - TimJ (22-Jul-2022)
"Yet another creative Drobridski adventure. This time you play as Thalia who is infiltrating a mansion in search of her stolen baking recipe. I very much enjoyed the unique sepia style the author used in the level. This combined with the many custom music tracks really brings out the level's atmosphere. While you do have your base pistols for the majority of the level, you are heavily incentivized to use stealth while traversing the mansion. The many alarm pressure plates opening up security doors with a handful of enemies behind them deter you from going in guns blazing. There are no traps aside from the alarm pressure plates and you will spend the majority of your time solving unique and interesting puzzles. The only difficult part might be near the end where you have to fight a boss with low shotgun ammo and a single medpack. Otherwise it's easy sailing for the majority of your time spent on the map. Out of all of Drobridski levels thus far, I have enjoyed this one the most. Definitely at least check it out to witness the customization and creativity that's possible with the TR1 engine. Recommended." - LuxQSD (07-Apr-2022)
"Tomb Raider Level Editor allows builders to use their creativity and talent to create. And this author, despite some mistakes (and trolls) on some levels, uses these characteristics very well. Millionaire Waltz is a very creative level, with an excellent customization of enemies, objects and textures. The sepia style, with a "cartoon feel" using the soundtrack of the game "Bugs Bunny Lost In Time", makes the level looks like set in 70s/80s. Considering the limitations of TR1, I can say that the work of this author should be valued and highlighted. It's not easy to build on TR1 engine, and in this sense the author has done a fantastic work. The level has some interesting and innovative elements, such as the alarm system (giving a stealth feeling) and the puzzle with Morse code. The visual cues for the player to progress are well placed, although some items and levers are hidden more than necessary. The negative point is a repetitive and monotone task under water. Swimming on the TR1 is "complicated" and repeating it several times, to do the same thing, isn't the best feeling and is the low point of the level. In general, this is the best effort of this author, since the author clearly has talent and a lot of humor when building his levels. Despite the repetitive part, this is a highly recommended level for anyone who wants to play an innovative level for the TR1 engine. I finished in 35 minutes without finding any secrets. My rating is 8/10/10/10." - Leoc1995 (26-May-2021)
"This is next to a pretty good level by Drobridski, but unfortunately with some flaws this time. Gameplay has pretty nice and fresh ideas, like a stealth system which is made in a simple way but still it is not a very common idea, especially for an old engine like TR1. Other tasks are rather simple and pretty typical but enjoyable overall. There is also a very good idea of using morse code as a hint to the underwater puzzle, which unfortunately was made in a very improper way. By this I mean that it is a repetitive sequence of swimming up & down to pull some switches. In my personal opinion this should have been done in a totally different way to avoid the monotone of this sequence, as I said the idea is great but poorly made, that is all. Because of this sequence I need to downrate my grade for gameplay & puzzles. The enemies mostly appear when you turn on the alarm but it is not recommended since the amount of them can be not that easy to beat as it should. The usage of objects is really good which makes rooms full not empty, again the author takes care of those details. The secrets are pretty nice in my honest opinion, there is only one secret that rewards you with some resources, the rest are drawings made by the author itself which looks pretty nice. Also, there is a lot of customization for objects, overall the whole environment is created with the feeling of old sepia movies which creates a very unique atmosphere. The author customized literally everything to make his level look like this. Pretty good job with that. Most of the sounds are modified by the author himself to make them fit to the level and I think he did a very good job with it. There are enough hints, which shouldn't make players any confusion, everything that should be shown is shown. As I said there is a lot of customization so the textures are customized too. The placement of them is definitely proper and the look of them is very good. In all it's polished as it should be, as well as lighting. So I can definitely recommend this level for players, despite the one monotone sequence that probably can be most of them bored. Also I need to remind that this level is different from the usual TR custom level, so it is not for every player that is for sure." - Mahetus (23-May-2021)
"This starts out well enough as a ‘stealth’ game (in quotation marks because stealth here simply means avoiding certain tiles) featuring a pushable puzzle of the good kind, a fairly challenging triple timed run, and the setup for an original and inventive puzzle. It’s the execution of the latter that brings the gameplay score down by its tediousness and its relentless repetitiveness. ‘Down’, however, is relative, and while the level may not give the barnstorming (or should I say churchburning) performance that would land it instantly in the Hall of Fame, it’s a highly original and mostly enjoyable game that—judging by the reviews of the builder’s previous efforts—is also a huge step in the right direction.
From the photograph of The Boss in the break room, on which an employee has drawn devil’s horns, to the literal money trees, the level is thoroughly customised not merely for the heck of it, but in service of its plot, which is enjoyably bonkers. Much work went into conveying that plot in-game, and also into ensuring that players aren’t stumped by obscurity (your tasks are clear, and the results of your actions are always transparent). The overall design is full-on retro (maddeningly cheerful audio, cartoonish SFX, everything is sepia-toned), and TR1 is probably the best engine to attempt that kind of thing with. Still, this could have gone terribly wrong six ways to Sunday; yet the builder manages to pull it off regardless. I’m usually strictly against using musical pieces as background audio in TR levels, but in this particular case I have no objections since it suits the style (arguably, it’s even demanded by it), and there is enough variation not to make one crawl up the walls. The game supposedly takes place in the 1930s, and while we’re waiting for Plesiosaur’s magnum opus to arrive (no pressure, though), you could do much worse than fill the 1930s-shaped hole in your TRLE history with this." - Mulf (22-Feb-2021)
"Drobridski's levels are nothing if not unique - and this is absolutely well up to par in that regard,as well as being a little more player friendly. I say 'a little',because although the puzzles are well set up and creative (you'll actually need a pen and paper to work one of them out - or,at the very least,the Walkthrough)the final lever-swim challenge was simply too repetitive by far;and pushed this level from 'intriguing' into 'frustrating'. This was a pity,as I had been enjoying its originality up until then. The textures are nicely done and sufficiently quirky;the colour scheme,original;the choice of music rather fun to begin with (although it can't help but become annoying after a while);and enemies and objects are entertainingly incorporated. The builder certainly has talent and imagination in spades - but they still need (to borrow an apt phrase from Mulf) to reign in their Imp of the perverse by a further degree in order to become properly player-friendly." - Orbit Dream (22-Feb-2021)
"Here's another unique release from this quirky builder, again using the TR1 engine but this time around players are free to save as they wish. And being able to save and load is pretty much a necessity here, not only in case you accidentally trip the alarms (beautifully enhanced with a peculiar and well known MGS sound) but also in the one long sequence for five underwater levers -- worth noting that it was also combined to a puzzle involving a sound tape and a cheat table. Swimming up and down so many times felt a bit like padding, but it didn't bother me. Combat is kept to a minimum, other than a couple of dogs and an angelical Lara shooting bibles at you (lmao), although you might feel a bit brave and try to take out the several guards waiting for the alarms to go off. The one secret I found required previous Drobridski knowledge, which was nice. The atmosphere at first felt rather silly with the cartoonish sound effects, but towards the end I found myself enjoying it more and more. 35 minutes, 1 secret. 01/21" - Treeble (24-Jan-2021)
"This TRLE was something special, I mean it was very unique (in terms of appearance). I fell in love with the aesthetic of this game as the cartoon-styled music made the experience even better. The map was fairly small, so it's not likely that someone would get lost during their adventure here. The puzzles were great as well, they make you used the resources that you find in order to progress in the game too. I don't have any real complaints. I really hope to see more from this author or even a sequel to this TRLE." - g12STL (24-Jan-2021)
"Well, it must be admitted that it is a fairly original level, with fresh ideas, but not too friendly if you don't notice the alarms and alert to the enemies; in that case you don't have enough medikits to survive. I liked the puzzle of the moving boxes, but in the pool having to swim up and down each time you press a lever is quite tedious. The final boss is cool! Found only two secrets. Next time please give more guns, ammo and medipacks." - Jose (20-Jan-2021)
"Despite a few long-winded sections in this level, the neat ideas of the builder do help it to retain a certain charm. The textures are a great addition, admittedly the TR1 engine does make them look somewhat pixelated but the choice of the rustic wood textures and the paintings really help to the atmosphere. The whole central idea (at least initially) of using stealth to progress was nicely executed and the hint puzzles were enjoyable to solve. However, the execution of the lever puzzle left a bit to be desired as it was so utterly tedious to have to swim into the deep, dark depths to use one switch, have to return to surface for air, head back down and repeat. Even a drained version would have been more bearable, but I'm not criticising the builder too much. It's definitely Drobridski's most well rounded effort thus far." - Ryan (19-Jan-2021)
"Despite all problems, the quirky and unorthodox ideas of the builder are always something very welcome, and this time he even manages to put those in a rather enjoyable and atmospheric level. The old sepia colours and the perfect use of audio are adding a lot to this level. It is technically far from faultless with several cracks in the texturing and paper thin walls but the way it is done is very special and the level is quite charming as a result. I am also impressed by the inclusion of stealth elements in a TR 1 game, although after some time the trigger tiles are fairly easy to avoid and probably even more could've been made out of this. There are decent puzzles like the pushables, the triple timed run and the idea of the lever puzzle and the hint is brilliant. However, the execution is a bit poor - first the superfluous backtrack to the janitor room and then the necessity of swimming down way, way too often to use the respective levers. It was just bearable because it is possible to use two close levers at once if you are really quick. The three secrets are excellently hidden (not exactly rewarding though) and the sole boss fight just about fine as it is possible to do with pistols and a few shotgun rounds and limited health if you behave strategically. I enjoyed these 25 minutes more than I thought." - manarch2 (09-Jan-2021)
"TR1 custom levels are not my cup of tea, but I have to admit that this one is original and (hear hear) a little more player-friendly than the previous from this builder. At first sight it doesn't seem player friendly at all but, reading carefully the authors notes, it's possible to arrive at the boss fight having met only 3 weak dogs on the way. The gameplay is quite easy, there's a pushable puzzle, a beautiful timed run and there's a very interesting audio puzzle (it's the first time I found an audio puzzle in a custom level). The boring part is the underwater levers sequence: up and down, up and down, continuously up and down... An air hole to breath would have been blessed. I think it's typical of this author the use of repetitive tasks, but he could think a different gamaplay for the LOVEroom secret, at least. Gameplay apart, what I loved most are the textures, monochromatic like and old sepia photograph of the wild west. I also loved the music and sound effects, they reminded me the audio of some old dos games. All in all, I enjoyed this little level and since it's the first time I enjoy a Drobridski's game, I hope he finally took the right path. He still has to work on reducing the repetitive tasks, but it's ok." - Teone (24-Dec-2020)
"Arguably one of the best game of Drobridski, showing off a quite cartoonish look and sound and some pretty good fun!
The gameplay is what shines the least, while being quite some fun I do have to admit there are two instances that might really off put everyone, like the crates enigma and the letters enigma (while the execution is a 10 out of 10). The Author would have benefit from the removal of the second part of the letters enigma (that long swim I am talking about) and shortened up or spiced up the pushable block part. The best was quite the rest, some nice timed doors, an amazing enigma that made ME take notes!! ^w^ like a real enigma out of Silent Hill or Resident Evil, LOVED IT!!
The overall objects of the game had some modifications to look in par with the game, I really found neat how the chairs in the security room are knocked off implying how fast those guards immediately jumped off to kill "Lara" and I also really found neat how some of the object were slightly altered in textures to match the feel for the level, I can't help but give full mark for this too. The secret I found in the end, wow that was neat too! And the boss's appearance? This is so unique!
The atmosphere and sounds really worked out to give the feel that we are in a cartoonish world, I also found very neat the seppia coloring and the overall music in the game, can't help but give a 10 here too :3
Lighting and texturing was really, good especially the texturing, that was quite unique during the whole entirety of the level it kinda looks a little less pleasant on one side of the last boss room but I am not gonna count that, the lighting was pretty good too, again, this is perfect I can't help but give a 10.
I came in with some LOW expectation on how the game would have been, asking myself "What newer way did Drobridski found to totally destroy the player's playthrough?", I am quite glad to say that except the lack of medipack, that is not really felt as the game makes you save so if a doggo hurts you a bit you can reload, except for the end, and the overall second part of the letters enigma, this game is complete perfect and actually really deserves to be played by quite patient people, I can already feel and hear people having to say against the letter enigma and the lack of medipacks and give a 5. At the end of the day everyone has got his own opinion and everyone should respect everyone else's without judging the different way to think somebody has, in quite EVERY sense, videogames and beyond. Good Job Drobridski. Wolfy Regards ^w^" - Wolf7 (22-Dec-2020)