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Return to the Tomb by TRLE Maker

DJ Full 8 8 8 8
eRIC 7 6 6 6
Jay 8 6 7 7
Jose 6 6 6 6
manarch2 6 5 5 6
nerdfury 6 6 6 6
Orbit Dream 6 6 6 7
Phil 8 7 8 7
Ryan 7 7 7 7
Torry 8 8 9 8
Treeble 7 7 7 7
release date: 30-Sep-2021
# of downloads: 113

average rating: 6.80
review count: 11
review this level

file size: 32.70 MB
file type: TR4
class: Cave/Cat

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Reviewer's comments
"Classic stuff this and none the worse for it. For the most part, it moves along in a sprightly manner and there’s a mix of familiar fare in the way of traps, plus some interesting new puzzles. I actually found the balance of gameplay rather pleasing, although the jackals got a bit wearing after a while. Definitely recommended for players looking for a traditional level that doesn’t in any way overstay its welcome." - Jay (03-Apr-2024)
"Solid. At this point I'm sure I'm dealing with a good builder, maybe better than his levels indicate. I enjoyed this one and the entire, for now, trilogy." - DJ Full (28-Feb-2023)
"I really enjoyed this classic level. All the aspects of a good raid with many of the classic features from the Last Revelation and the only confusing part was the colored flip maps where I had to refer to the walk through to find the right path. I decent amount of platforming was involved and not too much back tracking except if you want that last secret which resides right at the start of the level." - Torry (12-Nov-2022)
"The first part of this level is quite simple, but as we go further the tasks are more entertaining. Most of the tasks are too classic, like the giant rotating slicer dicer, the jumps over the lava rocks, the reach-in switches spitting fire... but the quest for the teleports was more interesting. The rooms are very empty of objects and furniture, and many walls are wallpapered with the same texture; also I missed some more musics, flybys and more work with the lighting. Even so it's a solid level well playable for everybody." - Jose (27-Jun-2022)
"Solidly made level straightforward that plays in small areas at the beginning but rather soon it opens up to bigger ones that are also better lighted. The atmosphere and materials used are well known , and well used. The colour puzzle with flipmaps is surely the highlight here , the room with many ledges is my favourite. Entertaining and not very long." - eRIC (01-Nov-2021)
"After wrapping up a massive levelset which required a walkthrough every step of the way, I was glad to read Phil's review for this level right here and decided to push it to the top of my raidlist. It is, indeed, a pretty simple and straight forward level built around the settomb objects and textures. It's a bit dark but there are enough flares but it's still a quite relaxing play, as nothing is particularly taxing or demanding. 30 minutes, 2 secrets. 10/21" - Treeble (10-Oct-2021)
"Gameplaywise this started slow and tedious but improved later on, with some decent puzzles, especially one including flipmaps and coloured rooms to run into. Much of the content feels like revised TR 4 stuff though, but not too bad overall. Lookwise, this is also a mix between rather boxy and uninspired, sometimes fairly dark areas and a few more organic ones, but the design never feels more than functional. Still the texturing and lighting were rather solid this time, despite some issues. The whole look and feel of this game indeed reminds strongly of Osvaldo's style, so if true this would be his 30th level. Whatever. This is okay overall, but not really remarkable stuff. Found three nice secrets in 25 minutes." - manarch2 (09-Oct-2021)
"(6) Gameplay & Puzzles: This is an easy and short (30 min) adventure that has a logical gameplay flow and is never frustrating or disorientating. The builder does vary the gameplay with traps, puzzles and combat, but the vast bulk of it gave me a feeling of: "been there, done that, in 248243 other Egyptian levels". There is one standout puzzle that I thought was fun and interesting; it involves teleportation and memorizing certain tiles regarding how to proceed with the teleportation. I found the ending to be unsatisfying; in fact the game ended just when I thought I was getting my feet wet. In the final scene, you see a flyby showing the guide, and you think, "oh, cool, maybe there will be some interesting gameplay involving the guide!" but then the game abruptly ends. (6) Enemies, Objects & Secrets: The enemy encounters feel rather dull; just a few animals here and there that don't really add any element of thrill. When the player returns to a spike trap room after picking up a cartouche piece, several jackals are spawned. However Lara is on a higher ledge and can just shoot away at the jackals and they can't do anything. In my opinion it is better to not have an enemy engagement if the alternative is a dull engagement with enemies who can't fight back. Static object decor is lacking in many rooms, although the builder does incorporate a variety of traps. (6) Atmosphere, Sound & Cameras: The atmosphere isn't very convincing; initially, you enter a dark reddish cavern and the rock boundaries are very boxy and inorganic. Later on, there are a number of rooms that seem only to serve a functional purpose, without interesting geometry or architecture. There are adequate static camera hints, however, I think the level is lacking in flybys to build immersion, as well as more music variety associated with special events. (6) Lighting & Textures: This category is competently done, with few misshapen textures, and it's never too dark and the builder is generous with flares. However, the lighting needs more consistency of quality; it appears flat in smaller/connector areas, and the builder also has a tendency to plaster the walls with a plain-looking brown texture. I think more texture variety is needed to make rooms look more memorable and polished. Overall, if you're itching for an easy, short, retro-style Egyptian level, go right ahead. I am sorry to say that I personally did not find the gameplay or aesthetics very memorable (aside from the neat teleportation puzzle). 6/6/6/6." - nerdfury (06-Oct-2021)
"If TRLE Maker is Osvaldo (and from all indications he is), this level is typical of his previous offerings (except for his first one, which illogically stands as his magnum opus): fairly short, fairly easy with a couple of head-scratching puzzles and three rather inventive secrets. All the action takes place underground, hence there's little eye candy to speak of, but everything flows together quite nicely and adds up to a fun raid, much like Opaque79's levels. You get more than enough flares to light your way through the dark areas, the only enhanced weapon is the shotgun (but the enemies are few in number, so that's not a problem), and the third and final secret is timed but not unreasonably so. Others may complain about this builder's apparent lack of an upward learning curve, but he hasn't produced a bad or boring level yet in my opinion. A middle of the road diversion to enjoy while taking a break from the marathons." - Phil (04-Oct-2021)
"This level starts off in a rather underwhelming manner with levers that need to be pulled to open numerous doors one after the other. But it does pick up the pace and becomes more enjoyable from then on, throwing in a few neat traps, fun timed sequences and nicely executed colour and pressure pad puzzles, plus some nice side quests for elaborate secrets. The enemy attacks are a tad on the mundane side and the atmosphere and texturing is a little dark and dull (although undoubtedly competent), but it's a fun raid nonetheless." - Ryan (04-Oct-2021)
"The first 10 minutes of this subterranean adventure are a little lacklustre - a door in a cave needing to be opened by using a lever in an adjacent cave;and repeat. However,it picks up speed as it goes along,and displays a nice line in relatively simple yet interesting puzzles and challenges. A multiple teleportation sequence;a good timed run to a secret;and some fast-paced physical challenges all lead the player swiftly on to the big Prize,after about 3/4 of an hour. The enemies are a little underwhelming (scorpions and the occasional dog);but the cave atmosphere (aided by perfectly adequate texturing and lighting) is decent enough. The level generally lacks much in the way of visual splendour; but it's an entertaining and well assembled run-around, nonetheless." - Orbit Dream (03-Oct-2021)