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Missing Skull by Opaque79

billie2001 7 6 7 8
Ceamonks890 8 8 9 9
DJ Full 7 8 8 7
Jason L 6 6 5 5
Jose 6 7 7 9
manarch2 4 4 5 5
MichaelP 5 6 7 8
nerdfury 5 5 7 8
Orbit Dream 5 6 7 8
Phil 6 7 7 8
Ryan 7 7 8 8
Tolle87 5 5 6 7
Torry 7 8 8 7
release date: 13-Nov-2021
# of downloads: 168

average rating: 6.71
review count: 13
review this level

file size: 30.70 MB
file type: TR4
class: Cave/Cat

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Reviewer's comments
"Another very classic affair of 20 to 30 minutes duration, this time mainly based on the Cleopatra Palace assets and hence gameplay being about the collection of the 4 black beetles for the Pyramid to get the scarab that gets you to your prize in the end. Enemies are tinmen, big scoprions and one lonely demigod and the one little highlight is the timed sequence and maybe that there is a bit of torch action and one secret to find. Solid, but kind of uneventful." - MichaelP (05-Feb-2024)
"I think the door before the beetle floor wasn't needed, since it cancels the puzzle. Similarly, gating the 4-beetle pyramid with a closed door weakens the puzzle. Aside of that, the level was nice, pretty and too brief to get bored." - DJ Full (25-Feb-2023)
"A classic level that incorporates many of the tasks from TR4 with nothing too taxing and next to no back tracking involved. Game play revolves around a central room which you come back to as tasks are completed. I did not have to refer to a walk through once. OK it is not a great level but entirely satisfying if you have 30 minutes or so that you wish to kill." - Torry (07-Nov-2022)
"Another characteristic level from this author; easy to play without backtracking, a fast gameplay with the classic tasks and a good texturization. In the dark corridors I avoided the knight 'cause he refused to follow me up the ramp, but later when I saw the two receptacles I had to go back there to get the second gem. If you are looking for a level without complications, the levels from this author are good for you." - Jose (03-Jul-2022)
"I know what type of level I should expect from Opaque and I got it. Basically, previous reviewers (at least the authentic and honest ones) said everything that needs to be said. This is a short, easy, straightforward warmup for some more elaborate levels. I will not get into some minor flaws, I'll just mention the biggest one - the unclear ways of opening certain doors, which happens off-screen at pretty random moments. And yeah, the secret is way too easy (many builders started doing that recently, so I guess I just have to accept the fact that most of the builders have adjusted themselves to average-to-low-skilled players). Anyway, there's nothing frustrating in this level, so it's worth checking out." - Tolle87 (28-Nov-2021)
"(5) Gameplay & Puzzles: I am sorry to say that I finished this 30 minute level feeling disappointed. I did not find the gameplay here to be interesting, and it lacked puzzles. This is the 5th level I have played by this builder, and I feel that it is a step backwards in terms of gameplay tasks. The builder's "Fire Caves", which I played about a year ago, is a prime example of an engaging short adventure, full of varied tasks, exciting platforming, and problem-solving. (5) Enemies, Objects & Secrets: I feel like the 2 giant scorpion engagement could have been improved a lot. Thrilling music plays when Lara approaches them, however she is on a ledge and can just shoot them without harm. I think static object decor is lacking in larger rooms, as well as in the underground passageways where you meet 1 of the 2 horsemen. I just think this category has been done much better by the builder in his other levels. The 1 secret is very easy. (7)Atmosphere, Sound & Cameras: The architecture is decent in most rooms, although I recall some larger rooms (e.g. the horseman fight room, the throne room) to be looking plain and empty. I know, from playing the builder's other levels, that he's capable of eye-catching room design. Sounds and flybys are used effectively, although as Phil mentioned, the camera shown when you commence a timed run near the end of the game is not helpful. (8) Lighting & Textures: As always the builder demonstrates a keen eye for this category, and the classic textureset is used attractively. There are a few occasions of intense red lighting that I think are a bit overdone. There are some dark underground passages, but plenty of flares. Overall, if you're after a short and easy level, I would recommend some of the builder's other levels instead. "Fire Caves" and "Temple of Danger 2" in particular come to mind. The builder's recent release, "Crash to an Accidental Discovery", is also a good fit. I definitely want to be supportive of the builder -- it's just that I wasn't keen on "Missing Skull", I'm sorry to say. 5/5/7/8." - nerdfury (16-Nov-2021)
"Basic level with TR4 Cleopatra Palaces textures and objects. I actually enjoyed it, but I think the lighting felt a bit boring... Maybe more colorful tones will hep in Opaque's next level. There's also a few things that felt like made without any joy... The last room with the final enemy should be bigger or at least more iconic since it's supposed to be the final boss. Still fun and cute. I kinda like his style, but I think author can offer something so much better next time!" - Jason L (16-Nov-2021)
"Another solid offering from this prolific builder, again taking things back to the roots. As ever, you can't fault the technical side of things: the textures and lighting are applied with care and the atmosphere is well constructed throughout Gameplay isn't anything revolutionary, and it probably isn't for those looking for a challenge in their raiding exploits, but the platforming exercises are entertaining and the torch puzzle was a nice touch, plus the traps keep you on your toes. Good fun." - Ryan (16-Nov-2021)
"One of the less inspired levels of this builder. Basic and straight forward gameplay, basic decoration, one too hard to miss secret, no puzzles, a timed run on a extremely generous timer, few and easy to kill enemies including the annoying horseman on his horse. All this in a rather attractive environment, well lit and textured. It doesn't get boring because it only lasts around 30-40 minutes. Suitable for a quick and easy raid." - billie2001 (16-Nov-2021)
"Returning to critiquing for TRLE releases after a long absence for a large chunk of the year, I'm honestly left utterly baffled by the reception Opaque79's latest release has received thus far at time of writing, being reminded of why I made the decision to mostly disappear from the Tomb Raider community for a long time to begin with (as it seems to me a lot of critics can't seem to make up their minds as to what is considered a good level or not, randomly talking down to their audience as if everyone is at the same skill level as them). Not creative and rewarding? Arbitrarily uninspired? Too short? I'd really like to know what game these other reviewers were playing during the writing process (as Ryan is honestly as on top of his creative game as ever, if not more so in the time I've been gone). And to me personally, I don't really see how a level being too short or easy is considered a detriment. These aren't full-priced games, they're levels made for free by dedicated creators in their spare time for players to go through for a raid of varying length, so I think it best that some of the more elitist critics within the community re-evaluate things and learn to understand that old-school Tomb Raider has a more laid-back, casual playerbase too (who appreciate more accommodating raids like Opaque's which feel more fair in difficulty whilst offering a familiar but positively comforting experience that doesn't outstay its welcome and lose focus by the end, unlike a lot of the more needlessly demanding and cumbersome levelsets which have been made available over the past two decades). But as always, Ryan continues to absolutely nail the atmosphere, lighting and texturing with his levels (with the stock TR4 assets being put to great use here to create an environment that whilst small, still feels lived-in). Gameplay also offers a couple of satisfying platforming sequences and brief combat encounters with giant scorpions and armoured horsemen in order to obtain gems & black beetle stones necessary to retrieve the complete mechanical scarab and get the prized golden skull locked behind a hallway of active spike traps and a Cleopatra guard on an upper level of the tomb. It may not be anything revolutionary at the end of the day, but it does the job and it does it very well. So in conclusion, ignore some of the frankly disingenuous and pretentious comments made by prior reviewers and give Missing Skull a chance. Believe me when I say that you won't regret it if you go in with reasonable expectations." - Ceamonks890 (15-Nov-2021)
"This is a fun and competently compiled raid in the classic Egyptian style, but it's so absurdly easy that I can only conclude that the builder intended it primarily for the enjoyment of beginning players. The only rough spots I can recall are a generously timed run and a shimmying exercise past flame blowers. Two giant scorpions also make an appearance, but they can be killed at leisure from a safe vantage point. The timed run took a while for me to figure out, because when you enter the room in question there's no immediate sense of how tall it is, and the cut scene you get when you pull the timed switch is therefore of little help. A better decision would have been to have a flyby of the room triggered upon your first entry. As in the builder's other levels, the surroundings are well lighted and pleasing to the eye, but the lack of challenges and its brevity will keep the scores down, and perhaps deservedly so." - Phil (15-Nov-2021)
"I'll keep myself short as everything is already said - if you were always a fan of his style, go ahead, but if not, there are certainly many more creative and rewarding levels for you out there. This one is even less inspired than most others of this builder IMO, both gameplaywise and visually, with many boxy areas and also lighting, usually one of the builder's strengths, felt a bit less worked upon. Finished in 20 minutes with the sole and very easy secret found." - manarch2 (14-Nov-2021)
"The latest entry from the Opaque factory: It's 30 minutes in length;looks rather nice,in an old- school Cleopal sort of way;the textures are well placed;the lighting is effective;the gameplay flows easily from one straightforward quest to another;the traps and challenges are never difficult;there are,for some reason,three shotguns to pick up;the enemies are easy to despatch; a Walkthrough will never be needed by most players. The one unexpected moment was the inclusion of the two giant scorpions (even though they could be killed from a very safe distance);because these creatures traditionally don't usually appear within a level of this particular theme. What we need is more moments like that. You can't fault the technical side of things - but,once again,it's very much more of the same thing." - Orbit Dream (14-Nov-2021)