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Natla's Quest by Sweet

DJ Full 8 8 9 8
eRIC 8 8 8 7
JesseG 9 9 9 9
Jose 8 9 8 8
LuxQSD 7 6 9 8
manarch2 7 8 8 7
MigMarado 8 9 9 10
Ryan 9 9 9 9
Torry 10 10 10 9
release date: 18-Nov-2021
# of downloads: 286

average rating: 8.44
review count: 9
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file size: 259.00 MB
file type: TR1
class: Egypt

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Reviewer's comments
"Mixes very good with very bad. On one hand quality puzzles and landscapes, on another oversized maps with tons of pushblocks. I both stayed intrigued about what's next, and took several unplanned breaks because I was too tired. Of course recommended but make sure you have time." - DJ Full (29-Jul-2022)
"Lara returns to Egypt so she can bump off Natla and her brood one more time. The level pack consists of 7 levels that range from classic egyptian tomb exploration to underground caves, mines and finally atlantian hives. The whole experience is a bit of a mixed bag for me. The textures and atmosphere are on point. The camera work is very helpful while sound cues are very efficient at what they do. The puzzles and traps are satisfying to solve and traverse...until all of the above just falls flat at points. I did enjoy this release quite a bit, but every level seems to have a very low point or two for me that has me groan in frustration. Certain rooms have sloppy textures or design, cameras being completely useless, enemy spam, unfair traps...etc. My main examples are that at one point you pick up an item in a corner and are forced to fight two mummies that wake up a block adjacent to you, which usually ended up in stunlocked death for me until I got lucky. And the first room in the fourth level...I honestly wanted to manually remove it with the editor after the umpteenth unfair death. Regardless of these low points I must say that there is plenty of fun to be had with this release despite it's flaws. While levels do have low points for me the good bits definitely outweigh the bad. Expect a decently challenging classic TR1 adventure. If you enjoyed the last few levels of the original game you will definitely enjoy this release. Recommended." - LuxQSD (22-Apr-2022)
"TR1 game with a classic vibe , half a dozen levels that offer lots to do , mostly exploration and combat , some platforming not very hard , traps and puzzles with movable blocks. No great surprise with gameplay enemies or atmosphere. It is not a remake but in a few places it was cool to recognize some rooms of the official game but raided differently. The puzzles involving a rolling ball with pushable block(s) were of the most inspired moments here , there are 3 variations of it , i appreciated the first and the third the most. I notice a few defects like unvisible blocks before some doors , in one instance Lara was trapped inside one of those in a timed door sequence. The difficulty level is well balanced imo. Secrets were good to find. Look wise some areas are more atmospheric and done with perhaps more care than others. Overall hours of solid raiding where we rather feel at home." - eRIC (16-Feb-2022)
"Another long-awaited return from a builder from long ago, and in the TR1 engine no less. I'm not particularly fond of this engine in itself, but when they provide entertaining classic raids such as this seven-parter, I'll likely keep on playing them. This could easily be classed as a shortened version of the original game, as a lot of the locations and gameplay will immediately seem familiar, in addition to the music files, but enough new content is added to keep things fresh and there's plenty of (mostly pushable block) puzzles, traps and combat to keep proceedings spiced up. I did feel that a few of the enemy attacks were a bit on the overwhelming side and the pushing and pulling was rather wearying after doing it so many times in succession, but apart from those, this is very well done." - Ryan (01-Feb-2022)
"A good return to bring us a long TR1 classic and solid adventure with all the old elements you can desire. The gameplay is fluid and there are some creative puzzles with movable blocks and rolling boulders. There's a wide variety of enemies, sometimes you can avoid to trigger them but another times it seems that there are too many in the same area; the secrets are nice to find, sometimes not too easy. The atmosphere is usually good with a correct combination of classic and cool old musics, and some camera touches in certain areas. Perhaps the lighting and texturization is not the best of the adventure, but always according with the locations and never annoying. All in all, a fantastic adventure very worth to play, even for those who don't like the old TR levels. Recommended." - Jose (26-Jan-2022)
"Yet another return of a builder after a long time of absence! On the whole, I enjoyed this level. The game has good bits including timed runs, boulders, other traps and also some engaging pushable puzzles. Of latter I became somewhat weary later on because there are just too many of the same kind, although some like the one where you have to create a bridge for a boulder are creative. But in general, the game became rather less inspired the further I got and there are many repetitive parts mainly about shooting a lot of enemies and those pushable puzzles. Enemies are generally well placed though and there are a lot of nice encounters. I also liked the hideout of the 15 secrets which were not too easy to find. Atmosphere is generally very nice, there are some particularly nice looking larger areas but also decently designed smaller ones, and sound and cameras are well used. While there were very nice looking rooms with a somewhat 'different' kind of look and feel and overall rather strong lighting, the texturing sometimes failed to impress me as there were a lot of wallpapered and mirrored sections and sometimes even whole areas that could've been avoided as that disturbed the otherwise good impressions. All in all a nice return though and I hope to see more of Sweet in near future. Finished in 3:05 hours." - manarch2 (07-Jan-2022)
"An ambitious set of seven levels spanning Egypt, the cistern, Natla's Mines and Atlantis. I'll start with the visuals first, which are pretty strong for a TR1 levelset. The architecture borrows some highlights from the official game such as a sphinx, an obelisk, and stepped pyramids, but also contributes some original and interesting chambers and outdoor areas highlighted nicely by the lighting. There's a bit of wallpapering and warping in the textures, which is probably on par for the engine used, but I did not find it very distracting. There is a lot to talk about in terms of gameplay. A general pattern for each level is that Lara finds seveal receptacles for items, and runs around to get them all before returning to use them and move forward. This does mean there is a bit of backtracking across these sprawling environments, and a couple of times that involves repeatedly overcoming the same traps or tricky jumps, but thankfully those moments are in the minority. I learned something new about the TR1 engine while playing this, that the boulders can be reset and re-activated. This is used effectively in combination with pushable blocks for some interesting puzzles where Lara must guide the boulders to the correct spots. I enjoyed these, but a minor complaint is that the room where the boulders have to be blocked to avoid blocking the exit could have been made more clear (I didn't even realize the exit trapdoors were being released when the boulders reset). There are some other nice puzzles as well, usually involving figuring out which tiles to step on. The rest of the gameplay is much more intense, and I marked the difficulty as "very challenging" for that reason. Each level has plenty of traps to dodge, the most challenging sequence involving a room with two of those lightning orbs combined with tiles triggering a dozen boulders. The combat will also be very difficult in the later parts of the adventure, with many Atlantean monsters ganging up on Lara, sometimes in very tight corridors. Every boss from TR1 will be present as well, so Lara will need every gun and medpack she lays her eyes on. As a miscellaneous complaint, the fake fuses lying around should have been removed, as they made the real ones feel less special and only serve to be confusing. This is definitely worth a try for an enjoyable "TR1 remix". 4 hours 49 minutes." - JesseG (16-Dec-2021)
"Great four level TR1 set that will keep you busy for 3 hours or more. Some tight timed runs in places and lots of enemies in the final level so that health becomes a concern. This is very much like the original game in that the environs are almost identical with just a few little tweaks to make them different and entertaining. I did have difficulty getting the game to start and had to replace the supplied tombati.exe with the original. Also the game dropped into complete blackness at one point but a reload of the game and a prior save seemed to fix or at least avoid the conflict that caused it. This was confusing in places and had me running about for a while trying to find my way forward. Only found six of the secrets so they are well hidden. I could not figure out how to turn off the flames to grab the Uzi's so completed the level set with just the Magnums. However, I really enjoyed this level set." - Torry (24-Nov-2021)
"It is a very appropriate come-back from Sweet, 15 years later and after 25 years of Tomb Raider, to release a truly classic game that will throw you right back to those 1996 days.

"Natla's Quest" is a reinterpretation of the first TR, and it works very well as that, especially for the first four levels. Those earlier moments are geared towards exploration and puzzles, including many enemies as well, in a very creative approach. The latter two levels were very good all the same, but they felt more like shooters which were extending the game after the most exhilarating bits. Still worth it, though!

The minor issues in gameplay report precisely to the overuse of enemies (and lack of other gameplay mechanics) in some later bits, which becomes repetitive. Some cameras were also not very helpful, but manageable. The lighting and textures were near perfection, at least for me, much like the atmosphere and object use.

This long game is a delight if you want to feel the first Tomb Raider game anew. It is never too hard, but there are challenging bits. Beginners might want to play the original first and treat this one as a sequel.

Thank you, Sascha, for the great return to form! Incredible stuff! Congratulations on this instant classic. More, please!

Disclaimer: I was a beta-tester for this levelset, and I feel like that has not skewed my perspective." - MigMarado (19-Nov-2021)