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Genesis Project 2 by StormChaser

DJ Full 7 8 8 7
JesseG 9 9 8 8
Jorge22 8 8 8 8
manarch2 6 7 7 7
MigMarado 7 8 9 9
nerdfury 7 9 8 9
Phil 8 8 8 8
Ryan 8 8 9 9
Saki Croft 8 8 9 8
release date: 16-Feb-2022
# of downloads: 191

average rating: 8.00
review count: 9
review this level

file size: 259.00 MB
file type: TR3
class: Base/Lab

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Reviewer's comments
"Earned one point for the inventive healing system but lost it for the awful pushblock we've seen millions of times already. Otherwise a typical base level with too many keycards and plenty of combat. Of the latest releases by StormChaser, the Backstreets of London are better." - DJ Full (25-Jul-2022)
"A good TR3 adventure, in which the settings, the overall atmosphere (lighting included), the enemies, the get-a-coin-get-a-medipack system, the laser traps, the exploration are all well done. Except that I was a bit too blind to find all the weapons (my fault, my problem, I'm sure, as it doesn't seem to be a general complaint), so I had to face the four Genesis Project creatures with just five shotgun shots and the pistols - an impossible task. Thankfully, Peter, the Storm Chaser himself, told me about the save right after that, and, between replaying it all to find the weapons and using the save, I admit: I went the lazy way, after all I'd done most of what there was. I'd told Peter I wasn't going to review the level because of my first Genesis monsters encounter, but since there was a way to finish and all I'd actually missed was that battle, I'm still reviewing, and giving it the exact same rating I was planning on giving anyway. Thanks for the TR3 adventures, as well as for the friendly heads up." - Jorge22 (08-Mar-2022)
"A TR3 level is never going to elicit ecstatic oohs and ahs from me for its eye candy, and this one had much more crawling around in ducts than I prefer, but it gives you a solid raid of about an hour and a half with a slam-bang mutant fight near the end. There's a well- planned but laborious pushblock puzzle, which follows a more interesting exercise where you have to move blocks to allow one of those roaming electric carts to run against some live wires and blow a fuse. A timed run past a swinging crane was quite tight, so while for the most part it's a fairly pedestrian adventure (pull a switch or kill a guard, get a card to open the next door and so on) it does have its adrenalin-boosting moments. A pleasant diversion to enjoy between the longer and more elaborate productions." - Phil (07-Mar-2022)
"Compared to the 'previous' Genesis Project release 17 years ago this is a step upwards. The gameplay is more action based and diverse with lasers to dodge, mild time runs, box puzzles and exploration, overall nothing you haven't seen before but entertaining for the time it lasts. The looks are good enough with solid texturing, apt yet slightly dull lighting but overall, as the first in the series, also suffer slightly from too boxy areas. On the whole the enemy placement is also rather solid and I liked the retextured mutants at the end. The six secrets are rather easy to be found and it took 45 minutes it took me to finish this decent, if unmemorable level." - manarch2 (07-Mar-2022)
"Another sturdy piece of TR3 construction from the Tedstone Factory, this time in somewhat familiar surroundings. If you've played any of Peter's previous efforts and enjoyed them (TR3 or otherwise), then this should be right up your street as this is more of the same, not that that's a bad thing. The construction and texturing is well up to standard, the music usage throughout is effective and the gameplay holds generally enough interest to make the raid a worthwhile. There's possibly a bit too much corridor running for my liking, but that's nicely balanced out by some enjoyable laser traps, timed sequences, engaging enemy battles (particularly the end boss, which actually wasn't too bad once I realised the Genesis Units were just retextured Tinnos monsters) and neatly thought out pushblock puzzles. Definitely worth a look." - Ryan (05-Mar-2022)
"Lara infiltrates a base to have a confrontation with genetically engineered mutants. Although the architecture of this base is a bit on the boxy side, the texturing is pretty good and I like the various colors in the lighting. Getting health is a bit different in this level; instead of just finding healthpacks, players must collect money from fallen enemies and use it on one of the dispensaries scattered around the level to get a medpack. On the surface it's just an extra step for the player to do and doesn't benefit the game much, but it's an interesting idea nonetheless. The gameplay is a lot of fun in this level, and includes lasers to dodge, a multi-level pushblock puzzle, another pushblock puzzle featuring that moving machine that appeared in London, a timed run, and a climatic finish where the aforementioned mutants all gang up on Lara. I found this combat quite challenging (in a good way) and it was a nice way to end the adventure. 1 hour 17 minutes." - JesseG (03-Mar-2022)
"Gameplay & Puzzles: Respect the old but gold TR with new things! For example I like the One Dollar Coins system to get the Medipacks. All is logical and I wasn't stuck for one second. I really like when all is fluent and you understand what to do! Enemies, Object & Secrets: I saw a mix between TR3 and TR5. Enemies and Objects suit perfectly the custom and the secrets are the classic golden rose from TR5, well hidden, but I was able to find all of them! Atmosphere, Sound & Cameras: Was really beautiful, especially the osts from TR3 which is my favorite TR overall. I enjoyed 'Puzzle Elements' ost. Lightning & Textures: Were really good, it is really awesome that some blocks which come from TR5 were smaller than how usually they look like. Overall they suit the ambient Base/Lab. The Duration is Medium because if you are playing it for the first time you finish it in about 1hr+. But if you know what to do well it is around 44 minutes. As always I've done the complete video walkthrough with all items, coins and secrets collected on my YT channel! 🙂" - Saki Croft (19-Feb-2022)
"(7) Gameplay & Puzzles: This is an easy adventure that took me a little over an hour. The exploration is pleasant, with a logical and engaging flow. Nothing really stands out to me gameplay-wise, however. There are 2 puzzles, one involving the TR3 robot (woohoo), and a multi-level pushblock puzzle. The pushblock puzzle does last quite long, and the thing is, if you've played the builder's recent levels ("Aldwych Adventure" and "Venice at Night"), this pushblock puzzle doesn't really cover new ground, as there's a similar puzzle in those other levels. (9) Enemies, Objects & Secrets: TR3 trap objects are used well, and the helicopter dash sequence is awesome. The endgame boss fight is thrilling, and I enjoyed the mini-sidequest of obtaining gold coins in order to purchase medipacks. Static object decor is nice for the most part, however some taller rooms are lacking objects (you're up above, and you look down and around, and the bottom of the room seems really empty).  (8) Atmosphere, Sound & Cameras: The atmosphere is pleasant, but for me, something is lacking immersion-wise, especially when you consider the builder's most recent "Venice at Night". I know I have a massive obsession with Venice but I think there's an issue beyond my subjective biases for Venice levels. The issue is that in "Genesis Project 2", the player goes from enclosed room to enclosed room. You never really see a "big picture" of the world. There are some outdoor areas but they're all enclosed. I know from talking with the builder that he encountered limitations with DXTRE3D. Still, it would have been great to have seen rooftop to rooftop exploration, some open outdoor areas... in other words, architecture that incorporates a gameplay flow beyond "go from one enclosed room to another". The music cues and camera hints are well done. (9) Lighting & Textures: It's a visually attractive level, with both lighting and texturing being of a high standard (as I've come to expect from this builder). I never had to light a flare. Overall, it's an enjoyable level, recommended to people who want a relaxing, "no stress" adventure. However for me, something is missing in terms of immersion and world-building. 7/9/8/9. ** I beta-tested this level. This did not inflate my rating **" - nerdfury (18-Feb-2022)
"The 24th Storm Chaser level was the 10th release after its original, "Genesis Project", and was published almost 17 years later! These details delight me.

This time Lara has to go through a base in a very intense and slick adventure, again intent on putting an end to this destructive project, now clearly in the hands of VCI. You traverse from area to area, encountering enemies, traps and the odd puzzle, alongside contrasting views: you'll go from wide and mysterious large areas to narrow and tight corridors and rooms.

The attention to detail is high and you see the markings of an experienced and intelligent level builder in every room: everything breathes VCI -- even the places where innocence could be found -- and realism is paramount.

I have to say, at the risk of being unfair, this entry suffered in comparison to the original because of the engine limitations. In TR3, VCI's personnel budget is somewhat trimmed in comparison to TR5. The puzzles on offer are also limited. The use of an older engine combined with an older editor put SC in a corner from where only he could get out of so masterfully. Even so, I admit that the "gameplay" and "enemies" sections suffered from this a little bit -- not too unfair of a comparison, but a bit, maybe.

As for the atmosphere and visuals, I felt that more fog effects and some increased mayhem would have hit the mark even better.

Please notice how, overall, this is an excellent level to me! It has a very natural flow, and there are great moments that stand out throughout. The level is of medium difficulty (maybe "challenging" if you don't spot the arsenal at your disposal), and took me about 1h20min.

Pete, congratulations on crafting this level out of a limited set of tools! Thank you for keeping up with such a tight building schedule! You're free to lighten your load a bit, of course. Just don't go the way of the last "Genesis Project", after which you took off for 13 and a half years!! Hopefully you'll keep up with these classic raids where the story plays out, and the thrills of exploring and blowing a couple of goons away are always there." - MigMarado (17-Feb-2022)