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The True Life of Tutankhamun by J.J.S.

DJ Full 9 10 10 9
Feats 9 9 8 8
manarch2 7 9 8 8
Phil 8 8 8 8
Ryan 8 9 8 9
Samu 8 9 9 8
release date: 26-Jun-2022
# of downloads: 174

average rating: 8.50
review count: 6
review this level

file size: 123.00 MB
file type: TR4
class: Egypt

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Reviewer's comments
"Enough time had passed between me playing and reviewing the first part of this adventure as a standalone release that I didn't mind playing again. Afterwards it branches out into entirely new (and somewhat colourful) territory and makes for a pleasant change of scenery. The gameplay isn't terribly complicated (apart from a couple of surprisingly tricky trap sequences that required some precision) and possibly relies a bit too much on pushing levers and backtracking down corridors and hallways, but is somewhat balanced out by some enjoyable timed runs, a motorbike ride, engaging enemy attacks and a few neat block puzzles. The lack of any background audio does somewhat compromise the atmosphere, although music cues were used nicely. Secrets aren't too badly hidden either. Overall, a nice solid gaming experience and another welcome return from a long-absent builder." - Ryan (01-Sep-2022)
"The record will show that I played and reviewed this builder's initial release nearly 19 long years ago, but of course I remembered none of that when I played the current expanded version for the purpose of writing a walkthrough. After two decades of inactivity most builders will have gone on to different and hopefully better things, but this builder has revisited his maiden voyage by giving us a walk down Memory Lane while remaining faithful to the basics characteristic of the earliest custom levels. And more to come is promised, as evidenced by his subtitle (parts 1 and 2 of 4). Although I found this to be a pleasant enough raid, it left me slightly underwhelmed. As others have noted, there are sound issues that proved to be of only a minor distraction. The game itself consists of five levels, but their titles tell us that they're intended as a single flowing adventure. The lighting is uniformly player friendly and the enemies are generally foreshadowed by appropriate ammo pickups. There are some challenging sequences, but not to the extent that I would elevate the full game above the "medium" category. In sum, a nice romp in the Olde Style, but not one to be long remembered." - Phil (23-Aug-2022)
"I directly moved on to the second level, knowing that the start is made less tedious, and in general I was positively surprised by the general quality of the game that manages to tell a story in a very smart way and while not using the newest tools it still has a modern touch. It is good looking and visuals are applied carefully, though the darkness is a bit overwhealming at times and it's hard to get oriented at times despite enough flares provided. The gameplay is often enjoyable but gets rather repetitive towards the end and has too many levers that need to be activated instead of more interesting tasks. Some background tracks still seem to be missing here. There are few (5) secrets that are not too hard to find, but enemies are very well used, also with nice foreshadowing in some places. Overall a very solid and unique level and a worthy sequel having taken be 1:55 hours to finish. (The record for the longest time between two subsequently released levels is broken again!)" - manarch2 (19-Aug-2022)
"It seems for some reason not all the audio files for respective triggered audio tracks are included - if that's not intended, I'd recommend the author to supply them. I rated the level as it was after I took the audio files from default trle folder I considered missing and pasted them into the audio folder of the downloaded levelset. It is indeed a better game than its old version. I feel like both atmosphere and gameplay were smoother in the first level. The following levels are even more creative and fluent in gameplay, however in certain places the amount of sparkle and shine is like applied by J.J.Abrams so these were a bit tiring to my eyes - it doesn't have to be that much in your face. But I think overall it's a very good level, maybe to try in one sitting and therefore better appreciate how it all comes together in the end." - DJ Full (10-Aug-2022)
"A very enjoyable raid for myself with this level set. There was a few deaths via questionable hit boxes (mainly on spikes), but they were consistent so once discovered I was able to work around them. I liked the idea of what seemed to be a New Game + feature, didn't take the builder up on their offer yet but would be curious to know what the Key Item you get right at the end of the game could be used for (if anything). Would recommend this level set to anyone!" - Feats (05-Aug-2022)
"It is always interesting to see builders from the old days make a comeback. This game consists of four levels that are built with the original TRLE and therefore, the gameplay is typical to slightly older releases. The game is mostly quite straight forward flowing from tasks to another although you will be often revisiting the same areas. I enjoyed a lot the platforming, timed runs, and the use of traps, particularly the rolling spiky balls that are used in a unique way in few areas. Although some of these tasks can be a little tricky, I found difficulty to be medium in general. There is also quite a lot of switch activation throughout the game, especially in the beginning, which can be tedious at times. However, don’t let the slow beginning to turn you off from the game, since the gameplay gets more interesting later on. In terms of aesthetics, the levels do not necessarily feature highest amount of eye candy, but nevertheless, texturing and lighting are done with care and the environments look visually pleasing. The choice of audio tracks was very nice and there are also some cool custom objects and cutscenes that are used to tell the story. Some scenes contained a lot of gore giving some horror vibes, even though this is not a horror level in general. Overall, it is a great continuation to author’s previous release, and it offered me 2 h, 53 min of quality gaming time." - Samu (20-Jul-2022)