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Mystery of the Sunken Submarines by DennyCroft

BlackWolfTR 7 8 7 7
DJ Full 8 9 9 9
JesseG 7 7 8 8
manarch2 6 8 8 7
Phil 9 8 8 8
Ryan 7 8 8 8
Torry 4 8 9 6
release date: 06-Aug-2022
# of downloads: 198

average rating: 7.64
review count: 7
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file size: 101.00 MB
file type: TR2
class: Ship

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Reviewer's comments
"A decent TR2 ship level that takes just over an hour to complete, and would probably have been even more enjoyable if the backtracking had been trimmed down a bit. It's not a major issue, but it begins to get tiresome towards the end when you're required to make your way around the gigantic shipwreck cavern another time, and the narrow ledges don't help either. The darkness was also a bit overdone at times, but it's at least bearable. On the positive side, the construction is solid, the atmosphere is suitably nostalgic and the timed sequences and trap segments are nicely executed to present just the right amount of challenge without being frustrating, while the enemies provide an engaging amount of combat. Definitely worth playing, but bring a bit of patience along." - Ryan (05-Sep-2022)
"A TR2 shipwreck level, which plays relatively smoothly, albeit repetitively – players will need to repeat many jump sequences several times as Lara goes back and forth and up and down. Taking out some of the keys / puzzle items would have gone a long way, or at least opening up some more shortcuts to simplify return trips. I did find some unintended shortcuts though – trapdoors that don't have collision underwater, and Lara swims through them. Thankfully that doesn't really break the game. Besides the backtracking one can expect to gun down some fish, spiders, yeti and a final boss at the end. Whoops – those guys die the instant they touch water! There is also a nice timed run and two puzzles. One is a swing and a miss – a room full of metal pillars where two of them serve as hidden flame traps for no discernible reason, and Lara must step on the others to proceed. The other is an underwater lever puzzle that fares better and is solvable for the observant raider. The visuals, while not eye-popping, do a good job of conveying a wrecked submarine. Good use of camera shots and cues. 1 hour 51 minutes." - JesseG (31-Aug-2022)
"This level compares favorably with the builder's other recent ship level that makes use of the TR4 engine. Both are well conceived and provide a moderately challenging raid of well over an hour. The backtracking became somewhat wearisome near the end but not distressingly so. Torry and I seem to be kindred spirits where it comes to dark levels, but if builders continue to insist upon giving us levels with antiquated origins, the antiquated savegame editors will continue to serve a useful function. Although the argument can be made that ample flares are supplied here, I always manufacture an unlimited number whenever I encounter a level that's unreasonably dark throughout, just to make sure there's no chance I'll run out. The puzzles, traps, timed sequences, enemies and secrets are well spaced and provide a refreshing variety of activities for the player's enjoyment. Recommended." - Phil (31-Aug-2022)
"Now everyone knows that I love ship levels but this one had me tearing my hair out and whilst it was a few hours in game according to the in game clock it consumed almost 12 hours of my day. The back tracking was horrendous. You end up covering the same ground time and time and time again. Couple this with the darkness of the level necessitating the constant use of flares just to see what the hell is the next road to take it really becomes tedious. The passageways and crawl/swim spaces are numerous and you really need a map to find your way around. The only way I managed this was constant referral to Saki Croft's video walk through. Then there is a high ledge that you would not normally attempt but the face under the ledge is an unmarked climable which I would never have discovered if not for the walk through. A big no, no in my opinion. Guys, you don't need to make levels this complex. The denizens of the deep are all there but two enemies were out of sync with the territory. OK, the giant spiders I can accept. They got on board in a port and festered but the Yeti's? How the hell did they get there? I only found one secret but this is more due to the fact that I was so fed up with the myriad of passages that I did not follow them all and just went through the main ones indicated by the walk through." - Torry (24-Aug-2022)
"A step upwards compared to the builder's debut. The colour scheme created by the used textures and objects that slightly differs from the original TR 2 one is interesting, and the atmosphere is alright. There are very decent gameplay ideas in this one with timed runs, puzzles and a lot of platforming, nothing outstanding but entertaining, but it's all slightly less fun due to the backtracking and repetition of several tasks and of course the omnipresent gloominess of the surroundings. The secrets are nicely hidden as well as the enemies, and despite a few shortcomings this was a solid 40 minute level for me." - manarch2 (17-Aug-2022)
"Gameplay could be better organized - there's too much passage repetition and especially that final cave didn't need a triple or even quadruple climb. Still, it's a very good, slowly paced map suitable for a chill immersion session. Recommended." - DJ Full (10-Aug-2022)
"A ship/underwater themed level on TR2 engine made by DennyCroft. It shows improvement of author since his first released level.

Level takes place at underwater caves and sunken submarines as title says. There are plenty of tasks and few puzzles which are quite simple but satysfying. There could be added some hint to the underwater lever puzzle though. I think sometimes there is too much of backtracking, especially in biggest area of level. Some more shortcuts could have been added. We fight spiders, yetis, sharks and there is even fight with boss at the end of the level.

Design, Atmosphere & Sounds
Design is quite nice but with some issues. Architecture is very good, I didn't see any flat walls or boxy rooms. I liked how you can see different parts of levels through windows and grates. Author had nice idea for rooms inside submarines. Texture usage is good and there are many transitions. There are some squished textures here and there that could have been fixed but it's not that big of a deal. I liked customizations of objects. It's nice to see classic objects retextured, it gives freshness while still looking classic. The biggest issue in the level is lighting. Author has problems with balancing the lighting and areas look flat. Plus some of them are too dark. It kinda broke that effect of spectacularness of tha main biggest area unfortunately as it was too dark to see clearly. My advice to author is to set ambient lighting of room to very dark and place light bulbs in the center of rooms. That works most of the times. As about sound usage, it was good however there are missing sounds of saw and fan due to it's loudness hearable far away in level. Soundtracks placement is nice though.

It's nice and classic styled level with some issues but still quite enjoyable. Can't wait for author's next level. I can recommend it :)" - BlackWolfTR (06-Aug-2022)