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72412 reviews (20.4/level)
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446 Hall of Fame levels
1223 levels rated >= 8

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CalrOsario 7 6 8 8
DJ Full 5 5 9 9
JesseG 7 7 9 9
manarch2 6 8 7 7
Ryan 5 7 7 8
Samu 8 9 8 8
Treeble 4 8 8 8
release date: 15-Apr-2023
# of downloads: 170

average rating: 7.32
review count: 7
review this level

file size: 14.60 MB
file type: TR1
class: Pirates

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Reviewer's comments
"This level is completely different from usual custom levels, since it is a racing game where you control a car that is constantly moving forward. You steer with arrows, and you also have to use brake at right times to stop the car briefly on specific areas to complete each track. In the beginning I found it extremely difficult to control the car and I ended up nearly breaking my keyboard. However, after several failed attempts, I managed to get a hold of the car, and really enjoyed the challenge in the end. If you want to play something unusual, and if you are a type of player who enjoys very tough challenges, I suggest you give a try for this level." - Samu (10-Oct-2023)
"Holy, what a ride (four, to be exact). I'm writing this dizzy and with tired fingers, but in the end it was a fairly rewarding challenge of the extreme kind. A unique experience, no idea how the builder has set this up in TR 1, but not without some downsides as there were moments where you just require sheer luck to progress (the volcanoes) and the controls aren't exactly stable, additionally to the rather annoying fact that you need to release the Up key after each checkpoint, but you get better and better during the levels (well, you shouldn't stay too long in the last one, just a tip). The visuals are crude but just as they should be, and the adjustable cameras were very helpful for me as I didn't like the standard camera here. The sound is too annoying after a while... All in all a truly memorable experience that took 3 minutes of net playtime, but about an hour in reality." - manarch2 (15-Aug-2023)
"Very difficult and challenging at all levels. With curious but nice graphics. A lot of patience is needed to learn to control the vehicle and complete the stages (especially from a keyboard!). The last circuit is just crazy. Despite all the difficulties, I really enjoyed it. This a very diferent kind of TRLE. Not conventional at all, but anyway, recomended!" - CalrOsario (27-Jun-2023)
"This is the most evil TRLE has ever become. It's like if the author did absolutely everything to make it iconic, and then absolutely nothing to make it enjoyable. Mostly it's because of inconsistency in response to player's inputs, what makes it almost impossible to learn the controls and/or get better, leaving most of success to depend on luck. Not recommended." - DJ Full (05-Jun-2023)
"This is extraordinary difficult to rate by conventional reviewing criteria and it's honestly amazing how it must have been constructed. That said, this is also a bit on the frustrating side, despite the actual gameplay content being minimal. Controlling the little vehicle proved rather challenging for me and I never got close to beating the lap times listed in the walkthrough, the normal gameplay was more than enough. The graphics, objects and stylistic touches are all cute though and it does remain charming in its own way." - Ryan (23-May-2023)
"In true Drobridski fashion, this is unlike anything you've seen before. I honestly have no idea how this even works, but I'm actually surprised I managed to clear it honestly, it took me forever (well over 20 tries) to clear the first level, afterwards it didn't seem to be quite as impossible but the author kept throwing curve balls. The final circuit was easily the hardest because of the very sharp turns, it's the only one I didn't finish on time to get the password bit, even though I triggered all the zekpoints in a single lap, like the levels before. Storyline unfolds through a series of slides with commentary from Anton Gris (of AOD shame) and very humorous ones, too. This is not something I'd suggest to play after a rough day; I found myself pressing the keys harder and harder upon each failed attempt but ultimately I have to say it's super cute, the simplistic art style suits it very well, and I am still amazed this is TR1. I can't imagine how or even where a LARA object is in play here. Rating this by our conventional standards isn't easy as this is anything but conventional raiding. Give it a go if you dare. 10 minutes. 05/23" - Treeble (21-May-2023)
  • As I was trying to complete the last level, I committed the sin of enabling saving at anytime. Normally I try not to go against the author's wishes with things like that (and in this case you will be called out for it!), but I don't believe it gave me much of an advantage other than shaving off time between attempts. It is also hard to steer after loading a save so it is only beneficial if you save right after braking. I should note that this release, as it is, does allow players to save between levels.
  • My difficulty rating mainly comes from how much of a struggle the controls put up. This is not a driving game for the feint of heart. Doing the tutorial level and reading the instructions is essential for anyone taking this game on, but even with the explanation the controls don't feel intuitive. I'll put my overly elaborate theorizing about the technical details below if you wish to read it. To keep it short I'll just say that even though the controls are going for an unorthodox usage, there is still room for improvement to adjust the setup and make the car feel more responsive and less frustrating for the player.
    I believe what is happening is that if you imagine the car as Lara, at the start she is "standing still" while the animation shifts her forward. Thus the left/right turning is faster, but it is also why you need to hold forward while turning - one of the things I found unintuitive. Hitting the walk button to brake initiates an animation to slow down, after a delay that I also found a little unintuitive. These things alone wouldn't put the game in Very Hard territory for me. However, after this braking animation then I think Lara is now "jumping", greatly reducing the turning ability, and this jumping animation does not transition into the standing one for at least a whole second, if not two, and this is what I found to be the main source of difficulty. There is no visual indication when this transition occurs, so a player may end up frantically mashing the forward key several times while holding left or right to navigate the next sharp turn. I think reducing this delay (what the game calls the braking cooldown) would make this game much more approachable to players. I would also consider either removing the automatic foward motion, or adding legitimate left/right turn animations so the player doesn't have to hold forward to steer (this would also eliminate the need to reset the forward keypress after a braking cooldown).
  • The audio is unique, but some sound effects may get grating after playing for a while. This is especially true for the last level which also has a constant camera shake.
  • The graphics have a cartoony charm to it that makes it hard to believe this is even a Tomb Raider game at a glance. I appreciate how cohesive the aesthetic is.
    -The design of each course lends itself to some stratigizing, not just when to brake but also how to avoid staying in the red zones for too long (they activate traps) as you aim for the blue ones.
Time: Approx. 5 minutes| Difficulty: Very Hard | Rating: 8/10" - JesseG (20-Apr-2023)