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Barbie in the Christmas City DX by shabaobab

Adrian 10 10 10 10
DJ Full 9 10 10 10
Ryan 10 10 10 10
tuxraider 9 8 10 9
release date: 08-Dec-2023
# of downloads: 575

average rating: 9.69
review count: 4
review this level

file size: 562.00 MB
file type: TR4
class: Xmas

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Reviewer's comments
"My review for the initial version of this level could also apply to this one, as the changes made are very minor. It still remains an awesome experience, with involving and quite taxing gameplay and a high standard of construction, and now a couple of the more tricky manoeuvres have been modified it should be a bit more accessible for different raiders. I did dip into the walkthrough for the previous version (which still applies for the most part here), and with its help I managed to gather all 100 collectibles. Definitely recommended, but I would say just play one or the other." - Ryan (01-Jan-2024)

This is a small update to the 2022 release titled " TR Advent Calendar 2022 - Barbie in the Christmas City". There's no reason to play the older release, but the reviews and most of the walk-through for the previous release still apply, if you're wondering about that.

I played the re-release again because I had nothing else to play. This time I tried to collect all 50 snow flakes and presents. (It's optional and it's very hard to really find them all. The WT lists all of them, but it's hard to know which ones you missed.) Then I played the level again and again until I could collect everything without having to search. In short, I found it has good replay value and improved my opinion of the level.

As amazing as this level is, I still think it relies on custom moves too much. The short timed run in the sewer is really tight and I think the difficulty of it seemed a bit out of place.

" - tuxraider (28-Dec-2023)
"Absolutely brilliant. Missed it last time around, but so glad to have caught it this time. Just great in all categories. Immersive and just such an enjoyable festive adventure. The story, quests, platforming and custom object keep the interest and excitement alive throughout. Eight hours, 50 snowflakes and 50 presents later, I want many more levels like this." - Adrian (15-Dec-2023)
"I could copy my review from the previous version as I had no problem with that and no problem with this. Again we inspect every corner of a town which took massive effort to build, we interact with fairies, gnomes, reindeers, the Claus family and even Lara+Winston manage to get their little episode. It's impressive how many elements were packed into this game despite of being a single level, as you'll need around 3 hours to complete it - nota bene the other two Xmas levels: Another Winter Castle and Another Christmas City are also single maps which manage to do that. There's just something about TRLE Xmas being HUGE... will it also happen this year? Recommended, boing boing boing...." - DJ Full (08-Dec-2023)