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Lara in another Dimension - Part 1 by Pablo David

DJ Full 8 9 8 8
eRIC 7 8 8 7
JesseG 7 7 6 6
John 7 8 9 8
OblivionJaw 7 7 7 7
release date: 19-Dec-2023
# of downloads: 523

average rating: 7.45
review count: 5
review this level

file size: 311.00 MB
file type: TR2
class: Home

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Reviewer's comments
"The builder has make a lot of progress. A game with levels connected with Fmv. Many levels not very long, they become more ambitious and with more originality in the second half with some good ideas at times. There is a few things that worked less well : in the first level it was strange that Lara could go through a window but has a hard time to get out ; in the Venice level only 3 out of 4 movable blocks were necessary to open the door , the first of the other dimensions levels is a bit uneventful and two of the last ones way too dark. And i could not finish the game properly as in the Christmas level when Lara is in the fridge nothing happened , there was only a crask to the desktop if climbing where the pieces of meat are. Favourite level is ACT3. Maybe next time for part 2 the areas will be a bit bigger so to hide secrets. Some atmospheric audios. Overall good job." - eRIC (29-Mar-2024)
"Bugs/Functional Issues
  • Trying to grab the sword from the dragon causes the game to crash. Instead it seems the player must ignore the dragon and continue onward.
  • In the Christmas Special, triangular surfaces are used which are not supported in this engine, leading to collision issues.
  • In the Christmas Special, random invisible walls can get in the way. This also happens in a few of the other levels due to placement of doors.
  • Traversable solid curtains...nothing more needs to be said there.
  • Many switches are missing camera cues, not letting the player know which door opened or when a flipmap occurs.
  • The texturing does it job for most of the adventure, but there are entire levels that are a single texture. Maybe it's part of the alternate dimension narrative, but it doesn't really translate.
  • The lighting also does its job for most of the adventure, but some of the Alternate Dimension levels are too dark and constantly need a flare, while the levels at the end are too bright.
  • Lara being locked in the freezer by Winston...I'm surprised I haven't seen this happen before, but it is a fun moment.
  • There is a good amount of combat against a huge variety of enemies.
  • There are a couple of traps to provide some challenge, one notable sequence in Another dimension Act 4 with some sliding spike walls and blades, which was pretty engaging.
Time: 2 hours 24 minutes | Difficulty: Medium | Rating: 6.5/10" - JesseG (17-Jan-2024)
"Well I saw the word “home” in the level category and I was like a moth to a flame not quite realising what I was letting myself in for! lol. This is actually a level set and what we actually get besides the opening and closing home levels is a mix of different levels types ranging from Venice, offshore rig, library, oriental and of course the other strange dimension levels. Tasks start very simple and basic in the home level literally just finding keys or switches to open doors before moving onto a bit more challenging gameplay in the following levels, I say a bit because I’d say 80 % of the time the focus is on platforming challenges and exploration with a low amount of danger elements such as enemies and especially traps but these do increase in the later levels! Once we’ve completed the scary boss battle and finished the main game, Lara’s home loads up again all Christmas themed and if you want a short sneak peek at what is coming up in the next part of this level set then I suggest you go into the freezer haha! This is where Winston gets his revenge and a portal emerges to a short snowy escapade completely optional of course. Overall despite the lack of any proper involving puzzles, timed runs/challenges and a shortage of traps this level set was unexpectedly enjoyable for me. The builder certainly knows how to create great environments to explore and immerse yourself in and this is very commendable as with more variety in gameplay, further levels could be absolutely phenomenal!" - John (31-Dec-2023)
"Could be a 9+ if it wasn't both over- and underdone. Some segments are very good, other ones drag for too long, especially the library maze should be twice shorter. Visually it's the same - some places are atmospheric and pull you in, other ones lack essential lighting. The ambient tracks? Same - sometimes hypnotizing, sometimes unnecessarily notorious. There were even basic mistakes like softlocks, flickering trapdoors and door/object collisions obstructing the way too much. I don't agree with the complaint about the detonator key, cause it looks like a detonator key and if you played TR2 you should have no problem. I recommend this level but maybe after/if the builder fixes those easily fixable issues. Good game." - DJ Full (21-Dec-2023)
"This is certainly a huge improvement from the original levels- with a full story that involves the backrooms, giving some nice locations to explore, and with competent texturing, it's a step up for the builder! The adventure featured some really cool locations in my opinion, with the inclusion of TR2's locations in a unique way. The FMV's were a cool addition, and the level preludes made sense considering the story. However, outside those praises, I do have to give heavy critique- Many rooms are pitch black / have rooms with wallpaper texturing which can feel extremely detrimental to the adventure. It switches between levels quite abruptly and without real sense though makes sense because of the dimension switching. The lighting is also quite poor with many instances of the brightness becoming a bit unpleasant to the eyes. It's easy to get lost in the levels not due to sheer size but due to the darkness and sometimes innocuous texturing and item placement, also with the names of some keys and puzzle items missing, example being the detonator in the second level which puzzled me as I thought I softlocked my game due to the locks. Overall a pleasant adventure that I can recommend to people." - OblivionJaw (20-Dec-2023)