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iSore by Drobridski

DJ Full 8 7 8 7
JesseG 4 5 3 2
MichaelP 6 3 4 3
OblivionJaw 5 3 1 1
Ryan 3 3 3 3
Treeble 4 4 4 4
release date: 20-Dec-2023
# of downloads: 214

average rating: 4.08
review count: 6
review this level

file size: 1.20 MB
file type: TR1
class: nc

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Reviewer's comments
"While this may seem really simple, it's quite genius in the TR1 engine and really unique, but that is to be expected from Drobridski. The level is very simple- a minigame on avoiding boulders, and while the textures are very... barren, the gameplay makes up for it enough in my eyes. Try it out." - OblivionJaw (01-Apr-2024)
"The gameplay is pretty simple here, the player maneuvers Lara to create pitfalls for the boulders rolling at her. If one rolls too close to the bottom, Lara loses one of her three lives. It shouldn't be difficult to conquer once you get used to it, so it may make for a unique and creative little break between raids. The visuals are pretty simple too, and I suppose more could be done to increase immersion during this activity...but then, would it live up to its namesake? Time: 1 minute | Difficulty: Easy | Rating: 3.5/10" - JesseG (15-Jan-2024)
"Drobridski is definitely an unusual genius among us. While this feels like a simpler complex for my feeble mind to grasp, it's still quite out there and might need a certain mood to be properly enjoyed (and standard ratings definitely don't mesh well with what's actually on offer here). Still, for the novelty alone, it's worth checking out. Thanks for the hot chow, but I'm not vegan. Damn! 5 minutes. 01/24" - Treeble (07-Jan-2024)
"I am scoring gameplay a little higher than it maybe deserves, because this was oddly fun to try out for a little bit as something completely different. Although we have come to expect this from this particular builder by now. Try it out as a quick diversion and proof of how creative one can get with this TR building engines out there." - MichaelP (22-Dec-2023)
"There is almost no Drobridski level without a solid dose of creativity and this one where you dive into an 8-bit experience is one of them. It sometimes feels like the game cheats on you by wrongly counting a fail instead of a success, but it's also too short to get annoying even though I had to repeat extra. Recommended." - DJ Full (22-Dec-2023)
"Another off-the-wall raid from Drobridski that's pretty much impossible to rate via the normal guidelines. This time, it's "survival of the fittest" time as you have to make sure Lara doesn't die before the level ends, through quick movement and reflexes. Sadly, this doesn't particularly make for an invigorating or enjoyable experience the way it's executed here, but I won't deny that it's something a little different..." - Ryan (20-Dec-2023)