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The Demon's Eye by Ankylostoma

DJ Full 10 10 10 9
eRIC 9 10 9 6
JesseG 9 9 9 7
Jose 7 8 7 8
Ryan 9 9 9 7
release date: 29-Dec-2023
# of downloads: 417

average rating: 8.55
review count: 5
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file size: 74.80 MB
file type: TR2
class: Cave/Cat

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Reviewer's comments
"Very good. Underrated and underplayed because other reviewers suck. If it was released when original TR was easy and so we wanted harder custom levels, it would have been much more appreciated. You get creative story, puzzles, combat, geometric shapes and platforming over these. It's spooky dark, but you get more than enough flares. Secrets are properly challenging with little chance of collecting them by accident. The only fix I'd make is of notorious wrong textures. Eventually, tension built over time resolves properly which leaves the sense of accomplishment. Play it at some time, most suitably Halloween." - DJ Full (05-Apr-2024)
"These are solid levels worth to play, but in the first one I found a lot of backtracking when writing the walkthrough, so I had to modify it several times: example, if you jump into the water in the initial room there's not a direct way to go back up and I needed to repeat the same movements several times later; even when you know where to go or what to do the author forces you to re-visit some areas more than once. The second level was not so nasty in that sense. I like the enemies and the enough ammo and medipacks to can advance without problems; for some secrets I had to ask for help, and for the hint to know what switches to pull in the yellow lava room, the author could place a camera shot or so pointing the room where the hint is. The worst was the numerous very dark rooms, even when I found enough flares, it's not very nice to properly explore the corners walking always with flare in hand.Anyway the levels are not bad and sure that the TR2 lovers will enjoy them." - Jose (11-Mar-2024)
"We don't get too many Temple of Xian- inspired adventures, so this made for a bit of a nostalgic change as the atmosphere and textures always stood out to me from the original TR2. The environments here are constructed well aside from a few rough- looking sections here and there, the atmosphere is extremely spooky and chilling (undoubtedly aided effectively by the enemy spider jumpscares, spiders are a recurring theme throughout this temple too, a neat touch) and the gameplay difficulty nicely ramps up throughout, with a decent mix of traps, exploration, the always welcome springboards and a couple of neat puzzles, plus combat that gets progressively more challenging as you go on (the boss battle at the end definitely being the most challenging). My main issue was the encroaching darkness that seemed to dog Lara from the moment she stepped foot in this place. There's plenty of flares around, but having to constantly light one at nearly every step got annoying after a while particularly in the first level. Still, enjoyable stuff on the whole." - Ryan (10-Mar-2024)
"Atmospheric adventure with a strong gameplay , even if none of the actions are difficult ; we have intriguing exploration , fun jumps , spring boards or zip lines, flip maps, a couple of timed trapdoors easily mastered, a lot of fun but a bit spoiled by too much dark areas in the first level ; it s better in that regard in the second level as darkness is mostly limited only to the spider caves. Hoping the player isnt arachnophob as there are many spiders in this game, and by the way there is also custom objects or textures in that theme. There is also tigers and crows which have also their custom texture. It was good to fight again against stone warriors in the second level. Finding the secrets was not obvious but worth the trouble. The hint for the 8 levers puzzle was too far from the puzzle area , i did not notice it and had to look at a walkthrough video. The visuals are average , but the game is quite interesting and recommanded. 2h48 - 4/6 secrets" - eRIC (05-Mar-2024)
  • I renamed tomb2.exe to tr2.exe in order to be able to hear the music.
  • The lighting is consistently too dark. I never ran out of flares, but constantly going through those is troublesome and also makes it harder to appreciate the visuals.
  • I didn't understand the puzzle with the 8 levers, and only happened to solve it out of pure luck. There may have been some sort of hint among the geometry near the switches, but if so it was pretty obscure.
  • While spiders are a constant threat throughout, the combat peaks at the end with a challenging fight against several living statues and a demonic monster in a lava room with sparse footing, making for an exciting conclusion.
  • Large, interesting temple areas and caverns are waiting for Lara to explore them with lots of platforming. Aside from some places with stretched textures, this TR2 adventure looks quite nice.
  • An interesting use of custom objects as set pieces, including having a bowl of lava pour down to reveal a pickup, what a neat moment.
Time: 1 hour 50 minutes | Difficulty: Medium | Rating: 8.5/10" - JesseG (09-Jan-2024)