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TR Advent Calendar 2023 - Return to Prague: Christmas Demo by AgentXP

billie2001 10 10 10 10
DJ Full 9 9 10 10
eRIC 8 10 10 10
Jay 10 10 10 10
John 8 9 10 10
Jorge22 10 10 9 10
Lioness_86 10 10 10 10
Phil 10 10 10 10
Ryan 9 10 10 10
Tolle87 8 10 10 10
tuxraider 8 9 10 9
release date: 23-Dec-2023
# of downloads: 491

average rating: 9.66
review count: 11
review this level

file size: 305.00 MB
file type: TR4
class: Xmas

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Reviewer's comments
"For me this is the type of gameplay I like the most. Atmospheric, peaceful, puzzles and jumps...a pleasure to playing the game. Looking forward the whole level." - Lioness_86 (03-Feb-2024)
"Excellent level (without the Christmas ending for me; but I watched it on Youtube nonetheless), very player friendly, and quite well designed. Even the laser rays didn't kill Lara, they just took her health! I guess the hunt for the maps must be the most interesting part of the level. But then again, the design, have I mentioned it? Anyway, my only complaint is I spent most of the level listening to Lara saying what I think was "now to use the golden tickets to free Santa" on a loop, and sometimes something else I don't recall with a "What???" thrown in. Well, that was globally fun, and I'll only rate the sound with a 9 because of that glitch." - Jorge22 (18-Jan-2024)
"Short, but very nice level.
  • Very little Christmas theming (outside of the bonus area). Can be played all year, but is still compatible with the Christmas and advent mood.
  • Most of it is set in a huge mansion with many nicely decorated rooms.
  • Exciting infiltration-like gameplay (like having to avoid the guards).
  • Generally the gameplay is on the easier side. No particularly difficult challenges. There are hints everywhere.
  • Even if I found it very easy, it's innovative and fun.
  • I think there should have been more guards. There were only two. One of them was very negligent, and the other one left his post later.
  • There is a bad bug: later in the game I couldn't grab ladders properly anymore. I couldn't finish the game. Camera flashing is another symptom of the bug. This bug is very mean because it's completely disconnected from its cause. A poster on the forum said it's triggered by the beetle and reloading savegames in this area, something which I couldn't have guessed. I played it again with the suggestions made in the forum: I didn't load savegames from the moment I put down the beetle until the door in the same place closed behind me. After that I could finish the game.
Conclusion: very nice level. Despite being a short demo it's worth playing. But you need to know about the beetle bug and how to avoid it. I'm looking forward to the finished version of this game." - tuxraider (13-Jan-2024)
"There is a lot to appreciate and admire in this demo, the sounds, the new anims, the location with its beautiful objects and textures, and the sometimes brillant ideas for gameplay/puzzles. The game offers two different types of gameplay, and both were interesting. Even if i would have like less guidance in a couple of spots (like where to place the mechanical scarab) so to have more ahah moments of satisfaction. Even so warmly recommanded." - eRIC (07-Jan-2024)
"Well if this is only a demo then I’m seriously impressed as the visuals, atmosphere and detail gone into this is just outstanding! Now I have to admit I haven’t played the first level as I was only in the mood for something short and sweet but now I know I will definitely be checking it out if it’s anything like this one. The setting and environment mostly in galleries and libraries with some small detours to snowy courtyards was just great and with the laser traps and stealth elements a lot of the gameplay feels like a mixture of VCI levels from chronicles and Louvre galleries from AOD. Other gameplay aspects include climbing and platforming, pushable item tasks including something I’ve never seen before! a large pushable ladder object that you can climb to the top of! oh and of course searching for items and using them but actually there is a couple of fun puzzles as well that I remember, one involving clocks and the other one involving globes of the earth. The only enemies are guards which you have to either sneak past or distract so the only interaction you get with anyone is Kurtis in a opening cutscene and then Kurtis again at the end: but that is if you’ve managed to collect all the secrets, if not then your alternative ending is considerably uneventful. I’ll definitely be looking forward to the full version and seeing what else agent xp can add, more gameplay and puzzles hopefully as I was having a great time playing." - John (06-Jan-2024)
"This demo proves that AoD could have been a great game! Stunning environments, flowing and comprehensive gameplay, and the entertainment factor up high. I would deduct a point because the solution for the puzzles is served on a plate, but I also give an extra point for the entertainment factor, so all 10s from me. Highly recommended." - billie2001 (05-Jan-2024)
"An AgentXP Christmas level is exactly the present I was hoping for and it most certainly didn’t disappoint. All the elements are in place – stunning settings, fun exploration, nicely hidden candy cane secrets and a quirky map puzzle to mention a few. Described as a demo, it is a level in its own right, but it’s destined to be part of a larger game. YAY! Sorry, just got a touch over excited there. Seriously, Christmas fun doesn’t come any better than this and do please try and get all eight secrets as the ‘bonus’ ending is a delight." - Jay (04-Jan-2024)
"Great demo. Perfect light, functional texturing, varied gameplay, friendly difficulty, no rubbish content and the Strahov isn't far. I literally found one filler room among all other useful ones so tedium never kicked in. Recommended." - DJ Full (01-Jan-2024)
"This talented builder never disappoints, and the video walks she provides to accompany her levels provide valuable insights into her thought processes as the level was being shaped and gradually being honed into its final form. The environs, both indoors and outdoors, are invariably crafted with the utmost care and attention to detail and aesthetic value, such that the player has the impression of actually standing there beside Lara and taking part in the action. Sound effects and music are also important elements in level construction, and both are put to good use here without ever becoming intrusive. In short, Return to Prague represents to me everything that goes into a rewarding raid, hence my uniform top scores. The nice touches are many and varied: using a device to distract a guard and thus avoid detection, using one clock to adjust the time on another, matching globes with their corresponding maps, and so on. There are eight secrets to be found, rewarding the player with access to an elaborate area for further exploration. There was only one occasion where I felt the need to light a flare, and even then I probably could have gotten along without doing so. A near-perfect gaming experience, one worthy of Hall of Fame honors." - Phil (01-Jan-2024)
"You know what you can expect from Agent and she delivered it once again. A fully functional museum/library, an homage to AoD but without the awful control system, the hunt for the secrets with the opportunity to search the entire level without backtracking...Perfectly organized, as always. Now, the gameplay...Overall, it's fun, it's cool, it's great. So, why 8? Well, it's not 10 because for me it always requires something out of the extraordinary to blow me away. And it's not 9 because some of the puzzles had great potential but got overly simplified to the point of not being puzzles at all. The indicator above planets in the final task made all the clues pointless, while the additional clock literally next to the clock puzzle I found actually insulting. I mean, reaching the puzzle and saying to myself "Hey, I remember seeing a clock upstairs, this is an amazing puzzle" and then just turning around and seeing the solution handed over to me on a plate.... On the other hand, to my shock, I see the difficulty is already labeled "medium", so I guess it was a populist decision, but still.... Sorry Agent, you know me and you knew this was coming :). Everything else is just great, as usual! Anyway, it's certainly a worthy sequel to the excellent Prague level. Looking forward to the whole series. Recommended!" - Tolle87 (01-Jan-2024)
"Another high-quality addition to the Advent Calendar from this builder, and one that leaves the player eagerly anticipating the full version. Once again, the environments are impressive and visually stunning throughout, the textures are immaculate while the object placement is very nicely done and the gameplay entertaining from start to finish. Yes, maybe the solutions to the puzzles are a tad on the explicit side or simpler than you think, but it doesn't negatively impact the overall experience. The stealth segments were nicely challenging, as were the laser trap sequences, so overall the gameplay should be accessible to all raiders. Definitely recommended, and I loved the secret quest too." - Ryan (01-Jan-2024)