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The Celtic Caves by Nicholas Bryfogle

DJ Full 8 8 9 9
eRIC 8 8 8 8
JesseG 8 8 6 7
Jose 7 8 7 8
OblivionJaw 8 8 8 9
Ryan 8 8 7 8
Torry 10 10 10 9
release date: 27-Jan-2024
# of downloads: 526

average rating: 8.14
review count: 7
review this level

file size: 61.00 MB
file type: TR2
class: Cave/Cat

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Reviewer's comments
"While this level is built in TR2, I absolutely loved its exploration element and how it allowed you to just... explore. Even if it's short for other people I thought of it as ideal. It allowed me to explore but didn't make me wait too long. There were a few bugs or cracks, but I ignored them due to just how good this level was. I will be happily awaiting the next level from this builder!" - OblivionJaw (01-Apr-2024)
"Good demo except from THAT crack which took me ages to find as it's the thing I had the least idea for and it's not really visible. Could have some bonus ammo as there is post-secret fighting. Also, while most of the level is correctly lit, there's still a chunk where the builder seemed to just forget to place any light/shade at all. But I like how this celtic cave has more colors than Feder's celtic cave, as I missed them out there and I felt resolved at last in here. I didn't get the intended intentions in the fire puzzle, as it can be done totally without the first switch - maybe that part needs a gameplay revision. Recommended." - DJ Full (26-Mar-2024)
"It seems i did not take this level the right way on my first play. After finding the 2nd secret i managed to get down to where the big med pack and first key are despite all the spikes (did not notice the regular path). Replaying the level , i saw i did not missed much the first time (just the place where the first tall grey door is opened in the spikes ceiling room). Aside from this disgression , sometimes i did not know exactly what i was after. But anyway this was an immersive and different raid where i was glad to see again the BtB2013 textures ; interesting moments of progression and enjoyable last big area with the rolling wheels. Good level despite a bit of confusion." - eRIC (18-Mar-2024)
"Really good excursion into TR2 territory that will have you thinking quite a bit. The climbable wall sections are not easy to discern but once you see the first the others start to stand out a little. I admit to getting stuck due to this a couple of times, however I did not need to refer to a walk through so that is always a plus in my opinion. Some sections take some thought to discern the correct path. Found all three secrets but unlike the original game no extra goodies benefited the raider by doing this. Thanks Nicholas." - Torry (10-Feb-2024)
"Really a level with a classic TR2 taste. Not hard gameplay with many traps and gynnastics, I don't know how the author used that improper texture for the climbable surfaces, difficult to distinguish from the others. The enemies are well balanced, but I missed some more melodies here and there. The best for me were the architecture and texturization, even when there are small errors. Good work." - Jose (03-Feb-2024)
"Another very decent TR2 level, this time rather surprisingly utilising the BtB2013 textures, which I actually do think are rather pretty if somewhat monochrome, but they are put to good use here. This isn't a lengthy level by any means, but it does pack a decent amount of gameplay into its duration, including spikes, blade traps, flame traps and a couple of block puzzles for good measure, topped off with some enjoyable combat against leopards, giant spiders and the welcome return of the bird monster. I enjoyed it." - Ryan (02-Feb-2024)
  • Some climbable walls are difficult to discern, and the texture used is not consistently able to be grabbed.
  • While some areas are a bit on the boxy side, and the lighting is flat in a few places, the visuals are still good overall.
  • There are a couple of nice, simple puzzles involving levers or pushable blocks.
  • Plenty of traps to contend with here; rolling blades, spike walls, and timed flames are among them.
  • A few different enemies will attack Lara, with a giant bird monster posing as the final obstacle.
Time: 50 minutes | Difficulty: Medium | Rating: 7.25/10" - JesseG (31-Jan-2024)