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Sabatu's Tomb Raider 2 by Sabatu

DJ Full 9 10 10 10
KeinMitleid 10 9 10 10
release date: 11-Feb-2024
# of downloads: 1213

average rating: 9.75
review count: 2
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file size: 315.00 MB
file type: TR2
class: Remake

author profile(s):

Reviewer's comments
"Great re-imagining of TR2. Only for very advanced players, as it's got some of the hardest jumps in any custom campaign/game. Time taken: 18:37:54, secrets found 16/30, 385 kills, 20465 shots fired, 10270 hits, 42.5 healthpacks used, 98.26km travelled." - KeinMitleid (30-Mar-2024)
"Just like Sabatu's TR1 didn't quite replace TR1, Sabatu's TR2 doesn't quite replace TR2. Therefore it's best played after the original rather than instead of it. I heard about trial and error but in fact it's not that bad. We also get some custome lines and humor, and the audiovisual wrapping is of course very good. Overall a great quality remake which takes a different view on the game but doesn't ruin much in return. Recommended a lot." - DJ Full (18-Feb-2024)