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The Rage of Hraesvelgr by Fathom

DJ Full 10 10 10 8
Feats 9 10 10 10
JesseG 10 9 7 7
yinyang4 8 9 8 7
release date: 31-Mar-2024
# of downloads: 420

average rating: 8.88
review count: 4
review this level

file size: 80.20 MB
file type: TR2
class: Cold/Snowy

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Reviewer's comments
"I had my fun playing this game, but, it is very challenging. There were often challenges I had to repeat for over 15 minutes. I mean, this is not particularly a bad thing, but you should know what you are dealing with. But then comes this dude on his freaking snow mobile, equipped with mgs. Boy do I hate these guys.... In my taste, they are programmed way too hard. The last one of its kind took me over half an hour to defeat and I guess it was more luck then skill. Still, it is a nice game, good levels, it took me about 4 Hours to play though. Would recommend." - yinyang4 (01-May-2024)
  • I failed to save my statistics from the first level, so my completion time is approximate.
  • The visuals aren't bad, but there are a fair amount of wallpapered textures and there isn't as much going on in terms of lighting.
  • Plenty of enemies to overcome, from flamethrowers to the giant bird monster, which is Lara's ultimate goal.
  • There are some tricky timed runs and trap sequences that took several tries, but I appreciated the challenge. One example is stepping on specific floor tiles to cross a room while a ceiling of spikes bores down on Lara.
  • There are also some nice little puzzles, such as pulling the correct switches to get a sequence of doors open, or pushing a few blocks in stacks.
  • I appreciate that the secrets are accompanied by pickups, for those that may not find all three secrets in the level.
Time: ~2 hours 25 minutes | Difficulty: Hard | Rating: 8.25/10" - JesseG (18-Apr-2024)
"A really good adventure to be found here, especially from what appears to be a debut offering from the builder! Had a pretty good time with this level set. Decent challenge without having to constantly reach for a walkthrough and some really good platforming and set pieces. Could maybe have done with a few more medpacks I found only a few secrets along the way and barely had enough by the end. Also didn't really care for the maze in the last level. The level as a whole would have been fine for me without the maze. Although can't take away from the fact it did look kinda cool. But all in all would definitely recommend this level set and look forward to hopefully seeing more of what this builder has in store for us :)" - Feats (10-Apr-2024)
"Most of players should enjoy this game. We're dealing with excellent platforming, great storytelling, balanced combat and a many traps yet everything is in correct places and defeatable with a setup. You can do it fast and risky or slow and safe, a choice I always appreciate. I would simplify that twisted passage place in the second level, it was the only bottleneck to me. Lighting, geometry and texturing are too often with much need to improve so I won't give a 9 for visuals tho :/" - DJ Full (01-Apr-2024)