Levels listed...
TR5 - 33
TR4 - 3194
TR3 - 183
TR2 - 140
TR1 - 67
74083 reviews (20.4/level)
3611 (99.8%) walkthroughs
458 Hall of Fame levels
1266 levels rated >= 8

release date: |
17-Nov-2024 |
# of downloads: |
496 |
average rating: |
9.28 |
review count: |
8 |
review this level |
file size: |
63.50 MB |
file type: |
TR4 |
class: |
Mystery/Horror |


Reviewer's comments |
"Slightly disappointing given the creator's reputation.
The level starts well, but then the main challenges become very confusing and difficult to
navigate through the scenario. There aren't really puzzles, just an annoying exploration
with moments of maddening control (for example, swinging on the fixed bars). I don't know,
maybe Lara, upon seeing the Barça shield on her jacket, decided to shoot herself in the arm.
Jokes aside, if there's one word to define this level, it's "confusing." The ending is quite
anticlimactic and I didn't understand it very well." - requiemsoul (05-Feb-2025) |
"When you think you have seen almost all possible tricks and resources in different Tomb
Raider games, suddenly, you find this amazing game. Everything is lovely. The change of lara
when she have Morgana's powers is really art. The idea of changing the rooms if you down
trough a different order of gates from the roof of the castle tower is enjoyable. I liked a
lot this game. Thanks a lot to the author." - Juan Carlos (24-Dec-2024) |
"Another huge surprise to see a 19 year old level being continued from a well known builder. This was expectedly no walk in the park and occasionally frustrating, especially when it comes to knowing what to do next in rather complicated surroundings, but there's so much that makes up for that - very well used enemies, wonderful object usage, challenging and quirky tasks with a lot of new moves - I especially liked navigating those spheres in Mordred's Tower and the platforming in Seth's Lair. The setting is spectacular and flip maps are extraordinarily well used to create depth in actually a single level, the scale of all this is incredible. Texturing and lighting are a bit plain and not up to the standards, but nevertheless very well used to set the atmosphere. It's certainly another memorable level and I hope to see more of Josep soon. Finished in 1:50 hours with all 19 secrets found." - manarch2 (08-Dec-2024) |
"This one's a bit hard for me to review. From a conceptual and technical standpoint it's
nothing short of brilliant, consisting of five distinctive maps that are entered from a
common nexus. But I play Tomb Raider primarily to have fun and to enjoy lush surroundings,
and there's little of either here. Although the innovations, primarily through use of
devices with jaw-breaking names, are creative and sometimes spectacular, I found that
navigating through it all was too much work and too little play, and without Doggett's
typically competent video walk I would have been hopelessly lost in no time. There are few
enemies and even fewer medipacks to deal with them (you have only your pistols as
weapons), so it's vitally important to approach each battle with a spirit of survival. To
my credit, I was able to do this without resorting to illegal means for obtaining
supplies, but I was down to only one balm when the game ended. The features that stand out
most to me are those abductor spheres that Lara uses to access Mordred's Tower, the evil-
looking masks she dons and the spiral dances she performs whenever she uses one of those
funky devices to perform an otherwise impossible task, and the ability to drop from a
swingpole onto a tightrope. The lighting is superb throughout, and never once did I have
the occasion to use a flare throughout the entire game. The magic carpet ride at the end
was a nice touch as well. A masterful raid, but don't expect a walk in the park." - Phil (01-Dec-2024) |
"Josep returns with quite a splash, with a
sequel that finally ties up the loose ends
at the climax of the previous "Witch"
adventure. Like that level, the environments
are gorgeous throughout, the atmosphere
sufficiently unsettling and the gameplay
definitely on the challenging side. There's
a lot of technical innovations and special
effects too. They're generally really nice
touches, but using some of the new movements
(like the swingpoles) did prove rather
fiddly and some of the backtracking was a
bit long-winded. Little negatives aside,
there's a lot of good stuff too. Lara
utilising her extraordinarily powerful
arsenal was a highlight, as was using items
to create safe paths and reach previously
impassable areas. The Abductor Sphere
sections were great touches too, as was the
neat little magic carpet ride. Top-notch
raiding, but not for inexperienced players." - Ryan (01-Dec-2024) |
"I couldn't believe my eyes when I saw that one of my all-time favourite had got a sequel: I had to wait 19 Years to get it! Yet, I was a little concerned: the first level was really hard, it held very hard puzzles, almost impossible jumps and stuff.
A Witch Shall Be Dead is NOT that hard. Let's be clear: it's not an easy level, you have to be more than good to beat it; but its difficult resides in the way it is built. It's harder to explain than to play: the game develops around a central structure that changes by the way you enter it, such as a painting by Escher; in other words, you can visit three different realms just by entering a different corridor. Actually, it's easier to get lost than to die, and Borrut gave us some useful items in order to avoid roaming around without a clue. The rest is a lot of fun, even if some new animation are really frustrating (damn orizzontal bars!) and you have to do some actions in a certain order, or you will find door closed without knowing what to do. There are also some items to be used and secrets to find in original ways, but I won't spoil the surprise!
A Witch Shall be Born remains uncomparable, but its sequel is really Worth a play." - Nillc (29-Nov-2024) |
"In a pleasant surprise we finally get a resolution to that massive cliffhanger in "A Witch Shall Be Born". The designs here aren't too complex on the surface, but the implementation is what makes it (and I imagine technical constraints got in the way of doing more), with a lot of the level actually being layered onto itself in a very complex way; I'm not sure how it works but it creates a quite unique structure. Like the original level, the animation and object work is the real highlight here, with all kinds of completely new interactions and object uses, including things I've never seen before. It's mostly fine but I found the lighting the weakest part, and various parts are pretty flat; I imagine this is also a product of technical limitations, but the interiors in particular can be a little bland in this regard, on the other hand, there's still things that show a lot of work here, like how there are basically no object lighting inconsistencies despite how much is going on.
The original "A Witch Shall Be Born" was full of difficult platforming and traps, but, while there's a little of that here, this is more of a puzzle based level, with most of the platforming navigation challenge coming from working out how to use all the new traversal means you are provided. The majority of the challenge comes from the new interactions, as well as working out the structure of the hub, which is a puzzle in itself. You are given two different hint/lore books (one for Lara's movements, and the other for item uses) at the start, and they were a big help to solving things, and I thought they struck a good balance between giving you enough to work with without just telling you the solutions. There are also some in-game hints about what items to use, which also helped with some of the less intuitive interactions, and between those and the books I managed to work everything out relatively smoothly. There is a bit of a focus on mazes, but they are designed to be more about thinking than brute forcing an exit, and there's even an item provided to help navigate them. It also felt like there should have been a bit of a hint of what is essential to find in each section, as they split off at points, and if you miss a path in an section it can be pretty confusing to work out what you missed.
The ambition does seemingly result in few bugs and other issues; by going the wrong way at one point with a difficult jump, I managed to completely break the camera and had to replay part of the level. I also had a hint not show up after I collected a later item, and, while I could have progressed without it, I had a feeling something was wrong, and replaying a small part to collect it again showed I was right about that. I imagine it's another product of the unique design, but the camera in general is a little different in a way that can be irritating at times as it seems to be locked down more than usual. While the new cutscene cameras are cool you have to repeat a couple and they're pretty long, although not enough to break the flow too badly. I'll note that I apparently played version 1.1, and it seems the map is already updated to 1.2 so maybe these problems have already been fixed/improved. Despite those issues this lives up to the wait and like the original, is full of completely unique moments and surprises that have never been done before, as well as wrapping up the general story well enough." - Mman (24-Nov-2024) |
"Josep you monster . After 19 years comes back without warning (i guess)to deliver us a unique and special level . Dont know how many they will give feedback or accomplish it , its a hard level and times are not like the gold trle era . Im not a builder myself ,so i dont know how much effort it needs with all these flipmaps or parallel gameplay . i guess a lot. Fantasy is the main aspect of the game so the progress and gameplay is not common for sure . Guess marcos will like this . the whole game is a maze but in a good and playable way , not like dawos levels . U will be forced to use some items manually but trush is there is indicator to help you . i found many custom items , objects , enemies , dialogues ,cutscenes and especially moves . fortunately lara carries with her a manual book and a lore book which come quite handy . i hated the lara balancing and walking on a rope , hated the 3 mazes and the ladder bugs (sometimes couldnt grab , couldnt jump or lara was frozen after, guess shouldnt save while climbing ) . One hint i can give is only 2 of the jewels of Gwahlur are inside the tunnel maze and the sphere only points these 2 , its not broken and also try to navigate and try all the routes to see how they 'work'. to be honest needed a little help only in the seth level , how i should know that the block a pick up an item is the same block i must place another item ? Also i was a bit unsure if i had found the right items i needed when finishing areas . 15/19 secrets . As i said in the previous release this level also will remain etched in my mind . the talent of this builder is still here . time for tarragona" - Petaludas (22-Nov-2024) |