Your host for all Tomb Raider Custom Levels ever released!

Levels listed...
TR5 - 33
TR4 - 3193
TR3 - 183
TR2 - 140
TR1 - 67

73971 reviews (20.4/level)
3605 (99.7%) walkthroughs
456 Hall of Fame levels
1265 levels rated >= 8

TR Fan Site


Alcatraz 10 10 10 10
The Skribblerz Stonez 3 - The Tempest Keep 10 10 10 10
TR4 Gold - Fading Light 10 10 10 10
Italian Exploration 10 10 10 10
1000 Feet Under 10 10 10 10
A Time Odyssey 10 10 10 10
Fortress Stonerock 10 10 10 10
Multiple Rescue 10 10 10 10
Baptism of Fire 3 - The Serpent Temple 10 10 10 10
Lost in Sand - TR Meeting 2008 10 10 9 9
Iron Wolf and Golden Eagle 10 10 10 10
Tomb Raider: The Wolf 2 10 10 9 9
Tomb Raider Revelations 3 - The Hand of Rathmore 10 10 10 10
Spectrum 10 10 10 10
Nerkopolis 10 10 10 10
The Last Resting Place of Chikas Pupanqui 10 10 10 10
Himalayan Mysteries - Full Version 10 10 10 10
Celtic Folly v2 10 10 10 10
Ocean Moon (Astrodelica Epilogue) 10 10 10 10
Back to Venice 10 10 10 9
The Templar Archives 10 10 10 10
Beneath the Forbidden City 10 10 10 10
Crystal of Life 9 10 10 9
Neon God 8 10 10 10
The Lost Soul of Maria 10 10 10 10