Your host for all Tomb Raider Custom Levels ever released!

Levels listed...
TR5 - 33
TR4 - 3194
TR3 - 183
TR2 - 140
TR1 - 67

74083 reviews (20.4/level)
3611 (99.8%) walkthroughs
458 Hall of Fame levels
1266 levels rated >= 8

TR Fan Site


LB Advent Calendar 2014 - Fireworks 9 8 10 9
The Lost City of Varaldun 10 10 10 10
LB Advent Calendar 2018 - The Prophet's Trail 10 9 10 10
Aspidetr Easter Time 2018 - Louloudaki Island 9 9 10 10
Aspidetr Easter Time 2017 - Scaramucce 9 10 10 10
LB Advent Calendar 2017 - The Frozen Mask 10 10 10 8
LB Advent Calendar 2017 - A Sailor Xmas 10 8 10 10
BtB2011 - Moonlight Legacies 10 10 10 10
Tomb Raider - The Citadel 10 10 10 9
The Hidden Dagger 10 10 10 9
BtB2016 - In Search of Immortality 10 10 10 10
Create a Classic: 20 years of TR - The Lost Egyptian Hand 8 7 9 10
Restless in Paris - Dawn in the Backyards 10 10 10 10
Mists of Avalon - First Clues 10 10 10 10
Nightmares and Dreamscapes 5 5 8 9
Himalayan Mysteries - Full Version 10 10 10 10