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The Unremarkable Egyptian Pillar by squidshire

Akcy 7 7 8 9
DJ Full 9 9 9 9
eRIC 9 8 9 9
eTux 9 7 8 8
Gerty 8 7 8 9
Jay 8 7 8 8
Jose 7 7 6 8
Kristina 7 7 8 8
Magnus 7 6 7 7
MichaelP 9 7 7 7
nerdfury 8 6 7 7
Orbit Dream 8 7 8 9
Phil 8 8 9 8
Ravenwen 9 9 9 9
Ryan 8 7 8 9
Samu 8 8 7 7
Treeble 7 7 7 7
vienna 8 8 8 9
release date: 10-Sep-2006
# of downloads: 94

average rating: 7.83
review count: 18
review this level

file size: 24.70 MB
file type: TR4
class: Egypt

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Reviewer's comments
"Title says it all, really. This is a fairly standard egyptian level, nothing particularly groundbreaking but not everything should be expected to reinvent the wheel. What you get here is a somewhat linear experience with a couple of nice trap setups (the sequential spikes on the stairway, for instance) along the way. Not a bad way to wrap up a busy day otherwise as it doesn't overstay its welcome, and a rather surprising twist when you discover which one is the titular pillar. 35 minutes, 1 secret. 02/23" - Treeble (05-Feb-2023)
"(8) Gameplay & Puzzles: Oftentimes I come across levels that are breathtakingly beautiful, but are full of gameplay bloat and repetitive tasks. Here's something different -- this medium-to-challenging adventure is exciting and streamlined, with no bloated tasks. It took me 40 minutes and has quite a lot of platforming and traps, while lacking a bit in puzzles. There is however an awesome, clever pushblock puzzle where you can access the room above the pushblocks, and there's a transparent floor, so you can look around below to you to plan out where you need to move the pushblocks. As mentioned, there are many traps here, and the majority are so much fun, except for a timed flame trap that I will write about in the next category. Although the actual gameplay is very entertaining, I was quite disappointed in the "troll" ending. If a player is willing to spend their free time exploring the world you have built, I believe that the player deserves a chance at a happy ending or at least a neutral ending that leaves things up in the air (begging for a sequel). I think it would have been better if the builder had included 2 possible endings -- a good and a bad one. That way, the builder could still express his sense of humor via the "troll" ending, but also give the player an opportunity for a warm and satisfied sense of completion. (6) Enemies, Objects & Secrets: The few enemy encounters are very standard classic-Egyptian fare. Static object decor is really lacking in most rooms. There are many thrilling trap setups which I enjoyed, however I found the jump switch over the timed flame trap to be too frustrating. It took me ~30 tries, and I am no slouch with traps. I think the timing was too tight and that the player needed a bit more wiggle room. There's also an issue with a trapdoor. Early in the game, you perform a running jump to grab onto it, using it to ascend the central tower. However, after the earthquake mid-game, this trapdoor is no longer interactive. Lara cannot grab it/stand on it, which can cause confusion to the player as they previously used this trapdoor to ascend. I think it would have been better if this trapdoor was retracted once the earthquake was triggered, so it is clear to the player that taking this trapdoor is no longer the correct path to go back up the tower. (7) Atmosphere, Sound & Cameras: I didn't find the atmosphere very convincing; I feel like a totally different texture set, such as a surreal or alien one, would better fit the architectural setup. I just don't think the architectural design is a good fit for Egypt. Music/sounds are OK but I feel like more could have been done with these. There are decent cameras, both in terms of flybys and camera hints, although there's one wonky flyby near the midgame (not a big deal). (7) Lighting & Textures: I didn't spot any misshapen textures and it's not an overly dark level, which is good, however the builder often clashes together busy, colorful textures so that some areas just look chaotic and lacking cohesion. This chaos is exacerbated by the fact that the builder oftentimes uses intense colored lighting that was an eyesore for me. I just felt like this category lacked harmony; I don't know how to explain it better than that. Again, I feel like a surreal or alien textureset would be a good fit for the builder's visual style. Overall, I recommend this level to trap lovers. The gameplay is very interesting (although I really didn't like that Lara has to be killed at the end). That said, the aesthetics are not my thing. 8/6/7/7." - nerdfury (13-Oct-2021)
"Pretends to base on a random cluster, then reveals one of the least bloated and most coherent designs, displaying varied building skills and also a certain sense of humour. Also, normally I wouldn't enjoy climbing up then down then up again, but in this case it is done with a nice twist. Finally, the colors and light make this level one of few cleopatra-rooted ones which don't hurt my eyes ot make me tired. I played this level in the ancient times when I wasn't yet a reviewer, but trying it back then was remarkable, and so it was now. Very highly recommended." - DJ Full (22-Jun-2021)
"The titular pillar may have been unremarkable, but the level itself was anything but. The author built this level as a dedication to several people, which I thought was a nice idea. I loved the gameplay in this level, timed runs, block puzzles, devious spike traps and searching for amusingly named artefacts, the Medium of Bore and Medium of Dull, which made me laugh. The second "level" is a short level showcasing dedications to various people. Do have a look at this one, it's worth it." - Ryan (11-Aug-2016)
"This is a compact Egyptian level with some challenging traps. I liked levels brightness and lucid. The second level is strange but texts are very clear to read. The end is a little disappointment because Lara will dead. Still, I enjoyed playing this level and recommend it." - vienna (08-Aug-2016)
"This is a solid Egyptian level with some challenging traps and alluring scenery. I used Harry Laudie's walkthrough and recall only one documented secret, a bit stingy for a level that lasted nearly an hour. There was also a strange second "level" of about two minutes that seemed to be there only to thank people ad nauseam, as there was certainly no gameplay to be had. Other than those minor quibbles, I enjoyed playing this level and can recommend it to others without reservation." - Phil (19-Sep-2012)
"What an excellent Egyptian level ! One of the best released so far. I had a very good playtime , appreciating all the good work that went into it, texturing is almost perfect , lighting and atmosphere are good too , and the progression is very clever, and was a great delight. Enemies are only ninjas and dogs, but well placed and used. The level end with the dedication and the short 2nd level is only credits in a humoristic manner. Very good work. One of the most enjoyable level I've played." - eRIC (24-May-2008)
"Well I have to admit that this level was very interesting with a touch of humour at the end. It starts and the player might think that this is going to be boring ok I did anyway so shoot me. Of course I was wrong because not only did I enjoy playing it but for an Egyptian level it had much challenge in it. The basic trap is the spikes and at some point fires. You work your up from the bottom level and search to find a cartouche and a guardian key. Further along you encounter dogs that bark like lions and in the area with a switch and a deep gap down although you see some water, well there isn't any. The timed runs for a trapdoor and then a gate are not so hard but not easy either. The text in the second level was funny and I am talking about the credits but poor Lara has a tragic death. I found a secret by luck and I think that poster with he seal was cute. Anyway I have t recommend this level because I believe it's good and because I like the builder's wit/spirit." - Kristina (10-Apr-2007)
"This is Skyld's second level, and what an impressive progress he had made compared to his first one (Underground A). This level has its own special style, yet it does have certain similarities with Jobmond & Co, and I am sure that had I played this one before, I would have certainly recognized the builder behind the BtB07 level immediately. Despite the humbly self-sarcastic title, everything is particularly remarkable in this level - starting from the genial design, moving on to the inventive gameplay and of course not leaving outside the subversive sense of humour. The level is split in two parts, although the first one is mainly the level, as in the second one we discover the so-called unremarkable pillar and then make a humorous brief run towards the end (metaphorically and literally). Lara is exploring a bright Egyptian interior setting, and although all the elements are well-known and classic (textures, puzzles, traps, enemies) they are put in such an original context and are viewed from such a brilliantly creative perspective, that the result is far from being common or familiar. I don't know if Skyld did this intentionally, but I noticed that there is some sort of circular action recurring in the level, matching perfectly with the idea of the 'pillar' (Lara jumps/climbs on ledges around central structures or around perimeters of rooms most of the times). I enjoyed this unexpected Egyptian adventure a lot, and it's definitely one of the most entertaining and original levels I have played so far." - Ravenwen (05-Feb-2007)
"This is not an ordinary Egypt level but it's very fun to play through. Textures are pretty well applied, lighting is good and everything looks nice but I think that architecture doesn't fit very well in Egypt. It's a bit too strange to my taste because I prefer more realistic environment in places like Egypt. I liked very much the gameplay and puzzles and especially the pushable block puzzle near the beginning is planned very well. The way of using traps is also quite impressive and creative. It goes without saying that the ending is intended to be humorous but I think it was not very fun. I think that jokes like the ones in this game aren't needed in TR custom levels and this game would be better without them. However, the ending doesn't affect reviewing much because rest of the game is planned pretty well to keep player interested." - Samu (27-Jan-2007)
"The usual Egyptian textures but applied very well, lighting was particularly good. The gameplay wasn't difficult, but there are challenging moments, mainly spike traps, and a few nice timed tasks. I don't know if the athor was bored with himself, or just with the good old Egyptian pickups, but their names were anything but boring. Found one secret, the cute little seal was a nice touch. The timed trapdoor, and the wall switch over the firespitter can be shortcuted. The second level simply shouldn't have been, the story made me smile though, but this was too much, the supposedly funny remarks ruined the atmosphere, made by the great first level. And at the end Lara dies, well I rather loaded back, and exited the game before the slide. Still, if I consider as the level had ended at that remarkably Unremarkable Pillar - there is really nothing after that - than I played a good level, and rate it as such." - Akcy (25-Jan-2007)
"Though I had ulterior motives for playing this level (trying to grasp any distinctive style characteristics of the author, so I could pinpoint his Back to Basics level by them... hopefully) I am glad I did anyway, as it proves to not be as unremarkable as the author's chosen name for the level would lead you to believe. Packed with humorous touches, challenging, yet not too difficult, but always creative gameplay ideas (loved the trapathlon after the earthquake, and all spike sequences generally, the see through walls and floors - especially the one in the mini maze are great touches as well!), a great flow and wonderfully colourful settings even for an Egyptian level (always a bonus in my book) this level is pure entertainment from start to finish in the 25 or so minutes it took me to get through and I cannot remember a dull moment, or being stuck for very long as the path to go is pretty much evident all the way. I did manage to miss any secrets that might have been hidden here, but the level is enjoyable all the same. Recommended for a fun raid and a laugh at the author's inventive approach to the traditional Egypt setting!" - eTux (08-Jan-2007)
"Another egyptian level not very original but it can be amusing. There are some interesting tasks and two difficult timed runs but not impossible. I only found the uzis as extra weapons, and no flares. Poor sounds and musics but correct cameras. Lights and well known textures are the best of the level. I think the second level is unnecessary; there is already a dedication in the first level and rest of the credits could be included in the readme file. At the end was necessary have to kill Lara with the spikes?" - Jose (09-Oct-2006)
"How can one possibly not be well disposed towards a level with such a great name? In similar vein, I was amused by the renaming of the guardian key as a 'random pronged thing' and the two halves of the cartouch as 'medium of dull' and' medium of bore', which combine to the 'yawn stone'; it's always nice to have a smile mixed in with the mayhem and general bloodshed that is tomb raiding, don't you think? This has fairly standard Egyptian textures/objects, but it's all been very well put together and looks most attractive. I hope I didn't miss too many secrets, because the one I found was accompanied by the most adorable picture of a baby seal. Awwwwww. The gameplay is nicely varied - ninjas and jackals to battle, quite tight timed runs, plus spikes and flames to avoid. The first part ends with a poignant dedication and the second, short part introduces us to the pillar of the title and some words from the author, which reminds me - if you normally skip the readme for a level (and if you do, naughty raider, no biscuit for you) please do bother to read this one; it's worth it. The level ends with a spike pit and another picture of that cute seal. Good fun and thanks to Skyld for making me smile." - Jay (02-Oct-2006)
"A level set in standard Egyptian textures - sounds boring, but this 40 minute adventure is anything but. It uses the well proven idea of sending you up and around a tower structure with some side tasks for cartouche pieces, has a nice timed run, a neat flipmap around that tower, fun jumps that are not always easy, blocks to push, spikes to time jumps across, lavapits and more. Progression is clever and engaging and I had a lot of fun playing through and a few chuckles at the second credits level. Enemies are a few dogs and ninjas only and there seems to be only one secret behind a walkthrough wall." - MichaelP (25-Sep-2006)
"Wow, this level is well worth to be played. Here you can see what some imagination can do. Do put your thinking cap on, not that it is that hard to figure out, but more for the exact timing one has to do. I liked the way the earthquake changed the central room as I have been up and down so many times, because of course I overlooked some things, I was glad about the change of the route I had to take to get up again. Some wretched moments for me, as my fear of heights got tested again and boy I still not fond of the popping up spikes one has to pass. There aren't that many enemies but they for sure made me jump in my chair. Getting a Guardian Key to have access to the two pieces of the cartouche sounds easier than done. Download it and have as much fun as I had." - Gerty (24-Sep-2006)
"Yes, it's another Egyptian level. We can't have too many of those, now can we? Spikes, boulders, dogs and ninjas - you know the drill by now. It doesn't even last much longer than twenty minutes. But in this time of epic five-hour adventures and demos of levels that will never be released because the authors have goals so lofty they actually have bats living in them, it's nice to see an author who's not afraid to release the most basic of Tomb Raider levels. In fact, the only custom object the author has added is a block - you know, the kind you can push. Because of all these things, it felt like I was playing a level released back in 2001, and nostalgia is a powerful force. The texturing, gameplay and all that stuff is decent, but pretty basic. You've seen it all before. Even the tower idea has been used plenty of times before, but I think the author pulled it off rather well. My biggest complaint would be that the second level is a waste of time, filled with jokes that aren't all that funny (but I did like the first room). Much funnier is the story for the level - it's nice to see that not everything has to be a quest to save the world. As for the name of the level... Unremarkable? Yes. But that doesn't make the level less entertaining." - Magnus (15-Sep-2006)
"This level was built as a Memorial,and what a lovely Memorial it is too.A superbly-spent 40 minutes of continual entertainment in a well assembled and beautifully lit environment,coupled with the type of Gameplay which is absolutely right up my street! Tight timed runs;excellent spike traps;well-hidden key pick-ups;fun jumps and generally linear,but very cool,progression. The enemies are not copious,but they're placed well;the atmosphere is effective;the hoary old traditional textures are creatively used;progression in the first area was intriguing (including the cheeky glimpses of places we were never allowed to visit),and the final few minutes (excepting the charming Epitaph) were hilarious and comedically well-judged.It probably could have done with one or two 'thinking' puzzles,simply for variety and a change of pace;but I loved it nonetheless!" - Orbit Dream (14-Sep-2006)