Your host for all Tomb Raider Custom Levels ever released!

Levels listed...
TR5 - 33
TR4 - 3182
TR3 - 180
TR2 - 139
TR1 - 66

73645 reviews (20.4/level)
3589 (99.7%) walkthroughs
455 Hall of Fame levels
1256 levels rated >= 8

TR Fan Site


TR Forge Advent Calendar 2012 - Somewhere in the Ice 2 10 10 9 8
TR Forge Advent Calendar 2012 - Curse of Winter 2 (Demo) 10 10 9 10
LB Advent Calendar 2012 - The Golden Helmet 8 8 8 8
20x20x20 Challenge - The Crystal of Power 8 8 9 10
20x20x20 Challenge - The Pearl Palace 4 4 6 8
20x20x20 Challenge - A Night at Ardhis Sandscapes 8 9 9 10
Waverly Hills Sanatorium 4 4 6 4
Tomb Raiders Retold 5 4 3 6
Laras Shadow - Lara Croft in Trouble - Part 1 4 7 6 6
LB Advent Calendar 2011 - Waiting for Christmas 9 10 10 9
LB Advent Calendar 2011 - Jump & Run Lara 3 5 3 7
TR Forge Advent Calendar 2011 - The Pirate Princess 10 10 9 8
Search the true Christmas Gift 3 3 2 2
LB Advent Calendar 2010 - Christmas Mission 10 8 8 8
Catacombs at Dusk 6 7 8 10
The Eastermansion 9 10 10 10
Rock the Easter Boat 6 9 10 9
Search for the Scion 4 4 5 6
BtB2011 - Punk Heart 6 7 7 7
BtB2011 - Ghostbuster Volume 1: Let there be Water 8 9 8 6
BtB2011 - Tower of Power 8 7 7 7
BtB2011 - Deathmatch in Lost City 7 8 8 7
BtB2011 - Madness is not a Shame 9 7 9 8
BtB2011 - A Rift in Sedona 9 9 8 10
BtB2011 - Lost in the Canyons 9 9 9 9
BtB2011 - The Book of Four Elements 7 8 7 6
BtB2011 - Memories of Steampunk Fashion 10 10 10 10
BtB2011 - Moonlight Legacies 10 10 10 10
BtB2011 - For a Handful of Red Sand 9 9 10 9
BtB2011 - Vanilla Sky 8 8 9 8
BtB2011 - Last Train to Paris 9 8 8 8
BtB2011 - Ghost of Professor Belshazzar 7 8 7 8
Kamifukuoka Lab 3 3 3 2
Garden of a Twin Arch Bridge 3 2 4 4
Temple of Thor 8 8 9 7
Lost City of Luma 8 8 8 9
The Trench 6 4 7 4
Scarabinth 4 6 3 2
Return to the Blue Planet 8 7 9 10
LB Advent Calendar 2007 - Icy Winterdream 2 8 8 8
Behind the Warp Gate 5 6 6 8
Coastal Run 7 7 7 8
LB Advent Calendar 2007 - Christmas Feeling 5 7 7 7
The Crypt of Elahna 4 4 5 3
The Tomb of Roac 5 5 6 6
LB Advent Calendar 2007 - Hunting for Ornaments 2 - Inside the Monastery 7 8 10 9
LB Advent Calendar 2007 - Somewhere in the Ice 6 8 9 7
LB Advent Calendar 2007 - Ice Cave 8 9 9 8
Lara's Meeting 4 7 8 7
LB Advent Calendar 2007 - Hunting for Ornaments 1 - Back to Barkhang 7 7 9 10
Crypt Entrance (Demo) 4 4 6 7
LB Advent Calendar 2007 - The Belfry 9 9 10 9
LB Advent Calendar 2007 - Dijon 8 9 9 10
Temple of Karnak 4 4 5 7
The Magic Garden 7 6 8 8
Christmas Special 5 7 5 6
Christmas Level 5 4 5 7
Christmas in the Trenches (Natale in Trincea) 4 5 6 7
Sophia's Bunker 4 6 6 8
Sophia's Bunker v2 (Christmas Director's Cut) 3 5 4 7
Coming Home for Christmas 6 8 8 7
Santa's Quest 3 4 3 3
Return to the Past 2 4 6 5
Center of the World 10 10 10 10
Techno Egyptians Portal 10 10 10 10
Tomb Raider Revelations 2 - The Golden Mask 9 10 9 10
The Race in the Nevada Desert 1 0 1 2
The Howling Mansion 4 8 5 5
Lost Tomb Of Ormaez (Preview) 2 3 4 7
Tomb Raider Revelations - The Scion 6 7 6 6
First Level Demo 2 3 5 5 5
The Crystal of Life 4 5 6 6
Madhouse 8 8 10 10
Return to King's Valley 6 5 6 6
Palace of Horror 2 1 1 1
The Underworld - Counting Souls 6 6 6 6
Back to the Beginning 1 2 2 2
The 12 Gates of Duat: The Underworld 5 6 4 4
The Search 8 9 10 9
Return to Colloseum 1 2 1 3
Surouth's Five Skulls 0 3 4 5
The Curse of the Scorpion 3 4 6 3
Little City 4 3 6 6
Egypt and Beyond 10 10 10 10
Baptism of Fire 2 - Tinnos Revisited 7 7 8 8
Baptism of Fire 2 - Lost in London 8 9 8 8
Baptism of Fire 2 - Hell's Nightmare 4 7 6 8
Baptism of Fire 2 - Forgotten Realm 9 8 9 10
Baptism of Fire 1 - The Buried Temple 6 8 8 9
Baptism of Fire 1 - Assyrian Secrets 7 8 8 7
Baptism of Fire 1 - The Scroll of Destiny 8 8 8 9
The Opal Rose 8 9 8 8
The Sapphire Rose 8 10 8 9
Quest of the Graal 4 6 5 5
Not So Dark Jungle 4 5 6 4
Sanctuary of Dreams 2 4 3 5
Catacombs of the Lost 6 7 7 8
Search for Maat: Revenge of the Demigods 6 8 7 8
The Ordeal 7 7 7 6
Dark Jungle 4 3 7 5
Escapee 6 4 7 7
Indra Artefact (Demo) 6 8 7 8
The Last Artifact 7 7 7 8
KCR Project 10 10 10 10
Cold Winter Nights 8 8 7 7
Peaceful City 3 8 7 6 8
The Armor of the Pharao 6 4 6 5
Peaceful City 5 6 7 8
Peaceful City 2 6 6 8 6
Back to Venice 6 6 7 6
Office of Pain 2 2 3 5
Fede's House 3 4 4 6
The Tomb of Leonis 6 6 7 6
Gallery of Jeanne d'Arc 3 0 4 8
Escape from the Tomb (Demo) 7 6 6 6
The Lost Pyramid (revised version) 8 6 7 7
Lara's Obsession I - The Red Snow Palace 7 7 9 8
L'Antica Akragas 4 6 3 4
Purgatory 6 7 7 8
Purgatory 2 7 10 10 9
V.C.S.L. 5 6 6 7
V.C.S.L. 2 5 7 8 8
Underwater Temple 6 7 6 7
Legend Of Ancient 1 - Unknown Undergrounds 8 8 8 8
South Pacific Contest - Cook Islands Treasure 9 9 10 9
South Pacific Contest - Paradise Island 6 6 7 7
South Pacific Contest - Blood Mountain 10 10 10 10
South Pacific Contest - Time Machine 7 8 8 8
South Pacific Contest - Dangerous Paradise 8 8 8 10
South Pacific Contest - The Lost Stone of Puna 8 8 9 10
Rustay 8 9 10 9
Purgatory (Demo) - Abandoned Apartment 3 4 5 7
Reign of Chaos - Natla's Hideout 10 10 10 10
Reign of Chaos - Airport 7 6 8 7
Reign of Chaos - Mexico 8 9 8 9
Reign of Chaos - Venice 9 8 9 9
Reign of Chaos - China 9 9 9 10
Reign of Chaos - Cordoba 10 9 10 10
The Curse of Poseidon 5 6 7 6
Lair of Minotaur 1 2 2 2
Sudeki 9 10 10 10
Under London 7 8 8 7
Recon Labs 3 8 8 8 7
Lara und der Wolf (Little Red Riding Hood) 4 4 7 8
Junior Level 1 3 8 7 9
Junior Level 2/3 8 10 10 10
Summer 7 8 9 8
Under the Daylight 8 6 7 7
Candy Mountain 5 6 3 8
Lara and the Horse 6 9 9 8
Easter Morning at Lara's Home 0 0 0 0
Quest for Easter Eggs 6 6 8 7
Lara and the Easter Egg 7 10 10 9
Easter '05 7 10 10 10
Recon Labs - Return for Soldier 6 8 7 9
Recon Labs 1/2 - Recon Lab/Empty Office of Recon 9 10 10 10
All Hallows 2 9 8 9 10
Antarctica Base B9 8 10 10 9
Crystal Temple 2 8 8 8 8
Norad Lab 7 6 8 8
Ultimate Test 6 7 7 7
Temple of Uranos 6 7 6 8
Hell's Kitchen 7 8 9 8
Forgotten Graves 5 5 7 6
Port Wladorsk 7 7 8 7
The Experiment 3/2 - Budapest 10 10 10 10
The Experiment 3/1 - Under the Moonlight 10 10 10 10
The Experiment 2 - Alpian Caves 10 10 10 10
The Experiment - Forgotten Cave (Demo) 10 10 9 9
The Experiment 8 8 7 7
The Experiment - Intro 9 8 9 8
Codice Ammer 8 6 7 6
The Sacred Temple 10 9 10 10
The Inca Trail 5 7 8 8
The Blue Pi 8 8 8 8
Town of Black Cat Bar 6 7 5 7
Underground A 4 3 5 4
The Unremarkable Egyptian Pillar 7 7 8 9
Stress Test Level 10 8 9 8
BtB2007 - Docklands 6 7 8 8
BtB2007 - Jobmond & Co 10 8 10 10
BtB2007 - Following a London Sect 10 10 10 10
BtB2007 - Another Metro Station 10 8 10 9
BtB2007 - The Escape 5 7 6 5
BtB2007 - Escape to St Paul's 9 8 9 8
BtB2007 - An Adventure in the Night 8 8 9 9
BtB2007 - Hell Hath No Fury 5 4 6 7
BtB2007 - Key to the Mutant's Locker 8 9 9 9
BtB2007 - Lara and the Pit 8 8 10 10
LB Advent Calendar 2006 - Nepal 9 8 10 8
LB Advent Calendar 2006 - Icy Christmas 10 10 9 9
LB Advent Calendar 2005 - Swiss Xmas 7 9 8 8
LB Advent Calendar 2006 - Christmas for Everybody 7 8 8 9
LB Advent Calendar 2006 - Miracle of Snow 10 9 10 10
LB Advent Calendar 2003 - Arctic Xmas 8 6 8 7
Putoranaplateau Siberia 7 8 9 9
LB Advent Calendar 2004 - Siberian Xmas 7 7 9 8
LB Advent Calendar 2004 - City of Dwarves 8 10 10 10
Arctic Hole 1 5 6 7 6
Arctic Hole 2 7 8 8 8
Arctic Hole 3 8 10 9 9
LB Advent Calendar 2005 - Once upon a Time 10 10 10 10
Khal 6 7 7 7
LB Advent Calendar 2005 - Out into the Snow 6 8 8 9
LB Advent Calendar 2005 - Winston in Trouble 6 7 6 7
LB Advent Calendar 2005 - The Week before Christmas 4 7 8 9
LB Advent Calendar 2005 - Searching for Presents 3 7 8 8
LB Advent Calendar 2005 - The Snow Queen 2 - North Pole 10 10 10 9
LB Advent Calendar 2005 - Magic Castle 8 7 8 8
LB Advent Calendar 2005 - Playable Title 5 5 5 5
LB Advent Calendar 2005 - Snow Queen - The Village 7 7 9 10
LB Advent Calendar 2004 - Just in Time (Auf den letzten Druecker) 7 6 7 6
LB Advent Calendar 2005 - Icecave 9 9 9 9
LB Advent Calendar 2005 - Sheevah's Home 10 10 10 10
LB Advent Calendar 2004 - Ice Palace 6 8 7 6
LB Advent Calendar 2004 - December 17th 9 8 9 10
LB Advent Calendar 2004 - Lara in the Mountains 6 9 8 9
LB Advent Calendar 2004 - My Home Sweet Home 8 9 9 10
LB Advent Calendar 2004 - Xmas Race 4 6 7 6
LB Advent Calendar 2003 - Christmas in Venice 8 8 8 8
LB Advent Calendar 2004 - Jingle Bells 9 10 10 9
LB Advent Calendar 2003 - December 21st 9 9 10 10
LB Advent Calendar 2003 - Chanukka 7 7 9 9
LB Advent Calendar 2003 - Santa Clause's Mansion 8 8 7 7
LB Advent Calendar 2003 - Christmas in Tibet 7 7 8 7
LB Advent Calendar 2003 - Lara's House in the Mountains 8 7 9 8
LB Advent Calendar 2006 - December 19th Remake 8 8 8 8
LB Advent Calendar 2003 - One Thursday in Advent 8 7 6 8
LB Advent Calendar 2003 - December 5th 9 9 9 9
Hurry Up 2 5 7 7 8
LB Advent Calendar 2004 - December 19th 5 4 7 6
Hotel 8 9 9 9
LB Advent Calendar 2004 - Santa Claus 7 7 8 8
LB Advent Calendar 2005 - Candlelight 8 9 10 9
Hurry Up 4 3 5 5
LB Advent Calendar 2006 - The Bell 8 8 10 9
LB Advent Calendar 2006 - Nikolaus von Myra 9 9 10 9
Treasure of the Metal Warrior 8 7 9 7
LB Advent Calendar 2003 - Wintertown 8 8 8 8
LB Advent Calendar 2003 - Wintertime 5 7 5 8
LB Advent Calendar 2006 - Winter Fairy Tale 3/4 8 8 7 8
LB Advent Calendar 2006 - The Stolen Present 8 8 8 8
LB Advent Calendar 2006 - Winter Fairy Tale 1/2 9 8 9 8
LB Advent Calendar 2006 - Niklaus Day 6 8 8 7
Sepulchre of Agamemnon 4 5 6 5
LB Advent Calendar 2006 - Christmas Train 10 10 10 9
The Rescue 13 - Fight against Apophis 10 10 10 10
The Rescue 12 - Search for Apophis 8 9 7 8
The Rescue 11 - The Hidden Experiment 10 10 10 10
The Rescue 8-10 9 10 9 10
The Rescue 6 - The Evil-Spell from Osiris 10 10 9 9
The Rescue 7 - Djoser's Ziggurat 8 9 8 9
The Rescue 5 - Temple of Osiris 8 9 7 8
South America 5-7 10 10 10 10
South America 4 - The Forgotten World 10 9 10 10
South America 1-3 10 9 10 10
Egyptian Mythology 5 - Nofretete's Dark Temple 9 8 8 9
Egyptian Mythology 4 - Nofretete's Lost Palace 8 7 8 8
Egyptian Mythology 1 - Road to Echnaton's Tomb 6 6 5 6
Egyptian Mythology 2 - King Echnaton's Tomb 7 6 6 7
Egyptian Mythology 3 - Nofretete's Secret Garden 8 9 8 8
Legacy of the Gods - Bonus Pack 2 10 10 10 10
Anubis - Return to the Jackal (Demo) 3 6 5 7
Legacy of the Gods - Bonus Pack 1 10 10 10 10
Legacy of the Gods 10 10 10 10
Dark Skies 8/9 9 8 10 8
Dark Skies 5-7 8 8 7 8
Dark Skies 3/4 - Incantations / Subversion 10 9 9 9
Tutorial City 7 6 6 8
Dark Skies 1 - City Streets 6 8 8 8
Dark Skies 2 - City Ruins 8 8 8 9
Art History 9 9 9 10
Ruins of Maya 0 6 3 8
Lair of the Jackal 5 8 6 7
Within the Sanctuary 8 8 9 8
Beyond the Sanctuary 6 5 6 5
Atlantis 6 - Northern Station (Demo) 5 5 7 5
Atlantis 5 - Escape from Atlantis 10 8 10 9
Atlantis 4 - Where the Depths unfold 8 8 7 6
Beneath Vilcabamba 6 6 7 7
Atlantis 2 - Installation 12/Hangar 12 8 9 8 9
Atlantis 1 - Edge of Atlantis 8 8 6 7
Atlantis 3 - Atlantean Cascade & Canopies 9 10 10 8
The Lost Temple 5 4 6 7
Twin Towers 6 7 7 7
Aftermath 8 8 9 8
The Rescue 1-4 9 10 8 10
Waiting for Godot 1 0 0 0
Troglodyte Technology (Demo) 7 9 9 9
Armor of Hideyoshi 7 8 7 6
Alexandreda Aqueduct 7 6 7 8
The Lost Mine 6 5 7 7
Ship of the Night 2 2 3 2
Adventure in a Silent City 2 2 8 9
Aboard the Neptune 7 7 9 8