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Return to Innocence by Razzi

Bene 8 8 8 8
DJ Full 6 7 8 8
eRIC 7 8 7 7
Gerty 6 8 7 7
guss18 7 8 7 8
Jack& 5 7 6 8
Jay 8 7 8 8
Jerry 7 8 10 10
Jorge22 7 7 8 7
Jose 8 8 8 8
MichaelP 7 8 8 8
Phil 7 8 8 9
Ruben 8 9 9 8
Ryan 8 7 8 8
Scottie 9 8 9 7
Shandroid 7 7 8 8
Treeble 7 8 7 7
release date: 22-Sep-2008
# of downloads: 95

average rating: 7.66
review count: 17
review this level

file size: 189.75 MB
file type: TR4
class: nc

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Reviewer's comments
"This is a trio of levels, the first two being located in Egypt and the final in France. They need to be played separately and it's recommended that you start with Egypt and progress to France, for continuity purposes. The major flaw present in each level is the irritating backtracking which has already been elaborated upon so I won't dwell, only mention that it was rather annoying. There are some fun (if slightly tedious) object puzzles and trap sequences to balance this out, though. Beware of a possible bug in the object puzzle in the France level as I had to reload multiple times to successfully complete. If you can put up with the backtracking and are patient, enjoy." - Ryan (13-Apr-2017)
"The amount of backtracking is simply exhausting and extending total runtime two or three times, so despite of quite convincing scenery, music, items and certain clever ideas the level is very tough to play - halfway through I just couldn't wait for the finish. One cruel example may be an underwater maze which requires two revisitions but at least six dives in order to be cleared, a bit lighter one is the very prologue where we endlessly run from one end of a catacomb to another. It gets a bit better in Parisian unit which has a straight return for the fire stones mercifully provided, but the surroundings are kept revisited anyway. Triggering a block with a window shatter is nonsense - I left that one for later so I got stuck for a couple of dozen minutes. SUMMARY: A nice map but needs a lot of tolerance." - DJ Full (30-Jun-2016)
"I missed this release the first time around, but it's definitely worth the download. There are two Egyptian levels that are played together, and a third level set in France that must be loaded and played separately. You get a lot of bang for your buck. I found the Egyptian levels to be more enjoyable. Together they took me about two and a half hours to play, and I was greatly assisted by Jose's well-crafted walkthrough. Standard Egyptian fare, but thoughtfully put together and a great deal of fun. The France level is horribly complicated by comparison and took me all of two hours to complete. The backtracking here became a real issue for me near the end, just as it did for the more recent Search for the Ankh. Still, the lighting is good throughout, the challenges and puzzles are suitably spaced, and I can give the trio a solid thumbs up." - Phil (16-Nov-2013)
"Burial Chambers (75 min): Classic brown Egyptian caves welcome you into this adventure and it starts quite easily and straightforward, but right away the biggest weakness of the whole set is rearing its ugly head: endless backtracking to places you have been to before, which has you cover a lot of ground that you have already been to 4-5 times. There is good use of a torch, some burner traps and a challenging combination of enemies at one spot. Although luring the crocs out in the small underwater maze was only tedious, not challenging. Found 1 secret and really liked the audio choices.
Tomb of Amon (30 min): For two reasons I thought this was actually the better of the two Egyptian parts - shorter, more crisp and less backtracking and play outside to some extent. Quite a bit of swimming needed here, incuding a timed run and many trap doors to open and clearly the author likes his push puzzles.
Powells Rezidence (90 min): A fresh start in a city setting with the AoD ambience track in the background. All the backtracking his back here, only in a much more complex and less linear fashion, which turns this into a rather complex adventure. It is all cleverly done and the rooms connect nicely with the occasional shortcut opened, but it still feels overdone and confusing a lot of times. Many, many push puzzles - again, rather cleverly devised, but it was all a bit much. This one will be exciting only for those with some patience and who like to figure out a fairly large non-linear environment.
Bottomline, this is a very ambitious and solidly built adventure where a little less may have been more, but definitely worth a look." - MichaelP (01-May-2010)
"Lara cannot once more simply stay down quietly at home, so she starts looking again, this time for an artefact called Baset's Cat Mummy. A specific feature would be immediately mentioned at the beginning: This level is bipartite. The first part plays in Egypt and encloses two levels. The second part plays in French backyards and contains one level. These levelsl play themselves independently of each other, i.e. in the second part it goes off what concerns weapons and Medipacks, again from the front. However, it exist in both parts enough weapons and Medipacks, so that it is no problem. It goes on in the catacombs, which Lara must explore thoroughly. It is a matter of pushing boxes and figures, of finding various keys and of operating all kinds of lever. She must overcome nasty fire traps, push glass cabinets to the right place, find four balls and other things. Thus she reaches deeper and further on her way to the artefact, accompanied by mercenaries, scorpions, crocodiles, skeletons and a fire mind. In the second level Lara must again show her diving arts. However, finally, the door to the artefact opens to itself, but oh fright, it is away. This is why it goes on in the second part in French backyards. Also here the mercenaries make to her the life difficult. Lara must push boxes, carry off access maps and open doors, until she finds finally the artefact in request. Unfortunately, smaller mistakes existed: In the first part a few levers had no sound, in the whole play there was, indeed, very seldom, paper-thin walls and at a few places were so quite consistent the Texturierung not. But this was everything only little things in otherwise a very nice level, anyway this play repays." - Scottie (15-Apr-2009)
"I found this set of levels not bad, but it could have been so much better if there weren't those weak points like missing camera hints and a lot of backtracking, running to and fro, revisiting the same rooms twice or even more times. Also there was too much crawling and pushing for my taste, especially that pushing crates puzzle in the basement of Powell's Residence level was annoying. All this stretched the gameplay needlessly and this is a real pity because level design and atmosphere are so good. Near the end of level #1 I even missed one part of a combi puzzle item that is needed in level #2, but there is no way back to level #1, so I had to reload an older savegame and replay not only a certain part of #1 but the whole first part of #2 too and that was no fun. Builders should avoid this, allowing the player to leave a section without having all needed objects with them. I had some trouble with one timed door in the Powell's Residence level. Every time Lara ran through this door it shut behind her and she was stuck in an invisible block, so eventually I had to do this task the 'easy way' as it is described in the walkthrough. But these weak points aside the level is worth playing, difficulty level is not too hard, so even not so experienced raiders can play it. I found the jeans outfit in the Residence level very cool!" - Jerry (03-Mar-2009)
"This level, in my opinion, is a"classic example" of how to prolong gameplay unnecessary. Not that I have anything against non-linear levels, far from it but as you have to travel back and fro quite a lot, in both levels, it became rather tedious at a certain time. What also is a pity as this could have been a great set of levels. There was also lack of camera so that made it even harder. What I also remember is the endless crawling as well as a lot of pushing, invisible blocks at doors and paper-thin walls and a nasty underwater maze. Music got on my nerves, especially in the last level. Funny that when I'm having a good time, I tend not to"remember" those things as clearly as I do this time. All the pity, as this builder shows a lot of potential." - Gerty (11-Jan-2009)
"This level was split into two, Egypt and France, even though France could have been New Jersey, as there wasn't anything French in it. Egypt was the better sub-level, as there were some fun puzzles and traps and a nice combination of indoor and outdoor areas. However, where Razzi falters in both Egypt and France was the painful backtracking. It wasn't terrible in Egypt, but it was pretty annoying, but in France, sometimes I got the feeling I was being tortured. There was one instance in France, where Lara was forced to backtrack twice to a previous area. Backtracking really ruins a level for me in many instances. There were enough solid parts to the levels to keep scores fairly high, but I would have scored this level higher had it not been for the backtracking. I loved the music in Egypt, but in France, there was an Angel of Darkness track that looped and I really got sick of it. So much could have been done to have spared the player from tedium. Razzi forced the player to crawl a lot without the nice somersault move, and there were times where two areas could be opened up at the same time, but if you choose the wrong place, you will have to do an exhaustive jump, climb, ropeswing, timed run twice. The wise player will glance at the walkthrough occasionally so not to end up with bald patches on his or her head. The tedium in France was always at every turn. There is the ghastly backtracking and awful mazes, plus there weren't many visual clues aside from Lara doing that stare the floor. Very helpful. What I did like, mostly was found in Egypt. There were very nice objects, nice music, great rooms, enemies to shoot and thinking to be done. Hopefully, Razzi will take into account the fact that players hate tedium, and then, his next level will be really awesome." - Shandroid (04-Dec-2008)
"Good work with this set of three levels. Not easy to play, you'll have to look carefully in every corner to not get stucked. Egypt levels are not very original, with many well-known puzzles, but france level is a bit better, although you'll need to revisit the same places several times. Many times, the items are not placed in the center of the tiles so look for them in the corners. I found the revolver and the sight but not an use for it. I liked the enemies and some cool musics. Architecture is good too and there are a lot of hidden traps so prepare yourself to die many times. Not a level for beginners." - Jose (18-Nov-2008)
"This was actually curious, as you are provided two different sets of levels, each of which is set up in its own independent folder. Apparently the author had some issues stringing them together, so in the end what you get here is three levels, split into two setups which can be played in any order you which -- though you're obviously recommended to start with the first one. Burial Chambers (70 minutes): this is not your average Egypt level, it's fun to some extent but there's an undescribable amount of backtracking involved. In oldschool Tomb Raider formula, you progress slowly as you go back and forth through the same areas. The use of music is rather dramatic, but I actually enjoyed it. Towards the end there were a few waferthin surfaces, but generally the level looks just fine. Tomb of Amon (35 minutes): follows the same recipe of the previous level, although the area is now much smaller. The underwater sections were quite an aggravation, though, never have I hated the irregular door collision boxes so much. The narrow underwater passages filled with doors had me reloading the game quite a bunch of times. In the end, Lara leaves this place without the artifact -- it looks as though as someone beat her to it. Powell's Residence (80 minutes, 1 secret): the seconds setup of this levelset places Lara in an urban environment where she runs back and forth collecting keys and pushing blocks. There are a few issues in the level, such as being to ropeswing into a wall, reaching the end of the world and when you have rooms at the top of the buildings you can see the ceilings are wafer thin. One room also hosts the door bug. Gameplay in this level is a tad repetitive and not really exciting, to be honest. It looks ok, but a lot more could have done with the lighting to enhance the ambience. Again, dramatic use of audio tracks and bit too much of backtracking is involved. Bottomline is, even though we've played countless of Egyptian levels this far, the first two levels are actually a nice change, but the urban environment could have used a bit more creativity. 185 minutes, 1 secret. 10/08" - Treeble (27-Oct-2008)
"What we have here is two different games grouped together as one that you play separately. The Egyptian level is two mini levels that were fairly entertaining but with a lot of back and fro. Nothing that really has a wow factor as far as atmosphere and settings and you can get stuck with the push puzzle. The Parisian level was far more enjoyable for me but it also had more of the same back and fro and buggy moments. I did however find a few shorter ways of accomplishing some of the task. I'm sure this isn't the way the builder intended for the game to be played but after so much running around I was tired of going from A to D just to get to point B. A couple of times the camera view made no sense, example the black timed gate, I never saw it open after pulling the switch which could give one the impression another action would be required to open the gate. Even with the bugs and back and fro all in all it wasn't a bad offering and I really think the author shows much promise." - guss18 (19-Oct-2008)
"Divided into a two level Egyptian part and a one level Parisian part (being that by "Parisian" we mean the Paris music from Angel of Darkness - cool - plus a few buildings and courtyards), playable seperately, this game stands out mostly for being utterly confusing, somewhat buggy and a back and fro champion. The Egyptian settings have nothing particularly special in architectural/atmospheric terms but they have some nice moments, despite the excessive crawling and the stopper bug that one may find in a room with a somewhat annoying pushables puzzle - in that case, you'll have to go back to an earlier save and do all the crawling and pushing and pulling over again until you get it right. The Parisian level is more atmospheric and nicer in ways but astoundingly confusing and, as I already mentioned, a back and fro champion as never before seen. I never understood what the switch up on some crates was for nor did I comprehend if I was ever supposed to have used that switch with spikes inside the residence. Both the Egyptian and the Parisian parts have quite their fair share of what we call "paper-thin walls", a mistake the author could try and avoid in future levels. I did have fun nevertheless and I believe the author has potential if only he agrees on avoiding so much running around and make his levels much less confusing, as well as properly beta test them in order to avoid possible bugs - all that meaning more careful planning." - Jorge22 (08-Oct-2008)
"Funny its a game that I just couldn`t stop playing , it had me glued to the screen for anumber of days .Looking back now after finishing it I cannot help but say that the enormous amount of backtracking throughout the game became almost annoying , from A to F , from E to B ,to insert a key or use an object.This adventure has its downers mostly in gameplay and lacks a good well thought out story as , alas , most of our young new builders only look upon the environments and send Lara hastening there and back again over and over. I must say I have had some good fun playing it and it surely does not deserve any ratings such as 5 as I have seen from my fellow reviewers reports.Try it out yourself , it is somehow a nuisance at some stages but also has a number of real highlights." - Ruben (06-Oct-2008)
"well ........ a game wich contain 2 mini separate levels wich can be played in any order and dont have nothing common one with eachother ... 1 is egiptian like and one city like .... well at least the second one -the city one put my patience on the limit cos is very confusing one .......... and alot off back and fro running in it ......... another bad point in it is - iff u dont make the tasks in the way wich the builder intended u could have troubles to finish this one ..... for ex in a huge room splited in 2 parts is alot off pushables to move at designed place ......... but iff u start to push the obiects from the part off the room at wich u need to push only 2 and not with the part off the room at wich u need to push 4- one door from 2 dont open and thus u cannot place the security cards only at 1 computer cos both openings contain 1 computer each ........ another big backdraw is when u open 1 grated door outside and push the button there the next grated door open -wich should not - cos iff u rush in u get stuck at a invisible wall - cos after that button push no flybye with the thing happen after activate it in fact u need to push another one at a top of boxes wich u can reach cos lifted a block for help (with the button pushing) -AND ONLY AFTER GO AT SECOND DOOR OPENING ....... the ideas with puzzles and the gameplay was good but excecution not very good . albeit without this flaws this could be a good game ........ but is not polished right and lack off flybyes moustly when u need it ,,,,,,,all in all worthy but i dont like it very much" - Jack& (05-Oct-2008)
"This game is made of two parts, the first one in Egypt (2 levels), the second somewhere in a residence with buildings to intrude. This second part was a bit more confusing but more interesting and the setting more solid than in the Egyptian levels where one could notice some thin walls. I came across a buggy puzzle in the 2nd level and there was quite an amount of backtracking in the first. The author has some good ideas to diversify the gameplay , the place where Lara is assaulted by different enemies all at once was great fun. A levelset that would have been worthy to be polished a bit more, but the author shows good potential to entertain." - eRIC (05-Oct-2008)
"This is really two games, one taking place in Egypt and the other in France and you have to play them separately. Egypt: How nice to see the 'face' crowbar switches again; I haven't spotted those in a level for ages. There's a good atmosphere going on here and some interesting stuff to do in the way of push piece puzzles and a morsel of timed stuff, but I found all the 'to-ing and fro-ing' a bit irritating. I shan't fret if I don't see another crocodile for a long time either. Overall pretty good though. France: Obviously, quite a change from the previous level, but still very atmospheric and blessedly crocodile free. It can be a bit confusing wondering exactly where to go next, but it's fun and there isn't quite so much backtracking. It can be a big buggy in parts though. As the builder chose to release this as one game (although it isn't really) I'm scoring it as such, with the addendum that I personally found the France segment to be the more enjoyable of the two." - Jay (04-Oct-2008)
"The more I played this the more I enjoyed it. Unfortunately, I hit some bugs. I got caught in the movable objects bug - twice, and the third bug was almost a game stopper: emerging from the cellar, the guard/thug did not drop the card and the flames were still lit, making it impossible to pick up the flame bits and not knowing even that was the way to progress. All three times had me running around far too long for the 'solution'. Despite the wasted time I really had fun. The brown rock face in the first level was innovative and finally getting to open the gold gate at the end was a satisfying accomplishment. I think the solution to opening one of the gold gates was convoluted, at best, but still, I was happy to stumble on the correct sequence and it seems like others got around the invisible barrier differently. But that's all right - not everything in a level has to be understood to be played and enjoyed." - Bene (30-Sep-2008)