Your host for all Tomb Raider Custom Levels ever released!

Levels listed...
TR5 - 33
TR4 - 3194
TR3 - 183
TR2 - 140
TR1 - 67

74067 reviews (20.4/level)
3610 (99.8%) walkthroughs
458 Hall of Fame levels
1266 levels rated >= 8

TR Fan Site


Aqua Sanctuary 10 10 10 10
Jungle Ruins 4 - Darkness Rising 10 10 10 10
Tomb Raider Anniversary II (Demo) 4 6 6 5
BtB2014 - Marahatanahaduhashitva 10 10 10 9
Shipwreck Ithaca 10 9 10 9
Tomb Raider - Final Chronicle 1 0 0 0
The Forgotten Tale 8 7 9 9
LB Advent Calendar 2013 - Three Ghost Stories 10 10 10 10
Aqua Sahrym 10 10 10 10
Tomb Raider - Episode 1 8 8 8 9
Coyote Creek 2 10 10 10 10
The Reflection of Eternity 10 10 10 10
Happy Easter 9 9 9 9
Emperors Tomb 0 3 1 1
Hunt for the Infada Stone 9 9 9 8
The Sacred Emerald 9 10 10 9
Mists of Avalon - First Clues 10 10 10 10
The Broken Kingdom 6 6 7 8
Lara meets her Girlfriend 8 9 8 8
BtB2011 - Tower of Power 7 8 8 8
BtB2011 - A Rift in Sedona 9 9 9 9
The Beginning (Demo) - The Cai'Xia Temple 8 8 10 9
BtB2011 - Madness is not a Shame 8 9 9 9
BtB2011 - Deathmatch in Lost City 9 9 9 8
BtB2011 - Lost in the Canyons 8 8 9 9
BtB2011 - Memories of Steampunk Fashion 9 9 9 10
BtB2011 - Ghostbuster Volume 1: Let there be Water 8 9 10 9
BtB2011 - Moonlight Legacies 9 10 10 10
The Jerusalem Project - The Cherubim are Calling 10 10 10 10
BtB2011 - For a Handful of Red Sand 10 9 9 9
BtB2011 - Vanilla Sky 8 8 9 9
BtB2011 - Ghost of Professor Belshazzar 8 8 8 8
BtB2011 - Last Train to Paris 7 7 7 8
Alcatraz 10 10 10 10
The Madhouse 8 8 9 9
Aspidetr Easter Time 2011 - Legacy of the Dragons - The Square 10 9 9 9
One Room Challenge - Protected by the Dead 8 8 9 9
For a Handful of Thistles 9 10 10 10
Quantic Island 9 9 10 9
Reign of Chaos - Airport 9 9 9 9
The Legend of King Arthur - Part 1: The Time Portal 9 9 10 10
Catweazels Lair 9 8 10 9
LB Advent Calendar 2010 - No Xmas without a Tree 10 10 10 10
LB Advent Calendar 2010 - Wesselys last will 8 9 8 10
LB Advent Calendar 2010 - The Long Way Home 8 8 9 9
LB Advent Calendar 2010 - Christmas Mission 8 9 10 10
LB Advent Calendar 2010 - A little Gift 9 9 9 9
Lara and the Grinch 8 8 8 8
TR Forge Advent Calendar 2010 - Mystica 10 10 10 10
LB Advent Calendar 2010 - The Middle of Nowhere 10 9 10 9
Egypt Artefact 7 8 8 9
The Infada Power (Demo 2.0) 8 9 9 9
The Usurped Monastery 9 10 10 9
Lara Croft and the Forgotten Scribe 10 10 10 10
The Forgotten City of Sanus 4 6 9 9 9
Lara Croft in Prison in Nevada 9 9 10 8
South America 1-3 8 9 8 8
Laras World 9 9 9 9
Dark City - Part 1 9 10 9 10
The Sanctuary of Water, Ice and Fire 9 10 9 9
Black Palace 9 9 10 9
The Croft Curse 9 10 10 10
The Vespa of Papa Razzi 8 8 9 10
Lara Croft and the Holy Grail 10 10 10 10
Tomb Raider - The Mystery 10 9 9 7
Complex Simplicity 2010 - Prisoner in the Castle 10 9 9 9
Complex Simplicity 2010 - Fortress of Fear 10 10 10 9
Complex Simplicity 2010 - Castle Burgeck 10 10 10 10
Complex Simplicity 2010 - For Auld Lang Syne 8 8 9 9
Complex Simplicity 2010 - Rescue the Princess 8 9 9 9
Complex Simplicity 2010 - The Keeper of the Seven Keys 6 10 10 10
Complex Simplicity 2010 - The Princess and the Nasty Dragon 10 10 10 10
The Complicated Case 8 8 10 8
Islands of Kirobore 6 6 6 7
The Mayas Treasure 7 7 8 9
Abruzzo 9 9 10 9
Barkhang's Nostalgy 9 10 10 9
Midas Tribute 8 8 8 9
Lara and the Four Shafts 8 9 9 9
Courel's Sands 2 - Full Version 8 8 8 8
Beyond the Scion 10 10 10 10
Year of the Dragon - Part 1 8 8 9 8
BtB2010 - The Heart of Venice 10 9 9 9
BtB2010 - Legacy of the Lament Rose 8 8 8 8
BtB2010 - No Warehouses in Venice? 8 9 9 9
BtB2010 - Door to Venice 8 8 8 8
BtB2010 - The Phantom of the Opera 9 9 9 9
BtB2010 - Cult of the Mask 8 9 9 8
BtB2010 - The Night before Carnival 10 9 10 9
BtB2010 - Abandoned Theater 8 8 8 9
BtB2010 - Palace Dionysus 10 10 9 9
BtB2010 - Leave the Gondolas in Venice 8 9 9 9
BtB2010 - Sunken Venice 9 10 10 10
BtB2010 - The Power of the Dragon 9 9 9 10
BtB2010 - Revenge of the Illuminati 9 9 9 9
BtB2010 - Cannaregio 9 9 8 9
BtB2010 - Aurum Potestas Est 7 8 9 9
BtB2010 - Kill Jill 8 9 10 10
BtB2010 - One Day in Venice 8 10 10 10
BtB2010 - A Very Good Year 9 10 10 10
BtB2010 - Knights of Cydonia 9 9 9 10
BtB2010 - The Black Lodge 9 10 10 9
BtB2010 - Venice, Vino, Vendetta 10 9 9 9
BtB2010 - Clockwork Orange 9 9 9 10
BtB2010 - The Rose, the Witch and the Godfather 9 9 9 10
LB Advent Calendar 2009 - Chanukka Revised 9 9 9 9
Into the Mystery 4 4 5 6
Medieval Hell 5 7 7 9
LB Advent Calendar 2009 - Augusta Treverorum 8 9 9 10
The Ghosts of Croft Manor 10 10 10 10
LB Advent Calendar 2009 - On the Mountain of Presents 10 10 10 10
The Golden Temple 7 8 9 9
Om Nama Shivaja 5 7 9 8
Jars of Eternity 9 9 9 9
Lara Croft Returns - Episode 1: The Complex of Sofia and Natla 7 8 9 7
An Adventure 6 8 6 8
Bodhisattvas Cimelia 7 8 8 7
Heath Robinson Solutions 10 10 10 10
Castle Cain - In the Dark 0 0 0 0
Egypt and Beyond - The Complete Adventure 9 10 10 10
Tomb Raider Excavation 8 8 7 9
Strange World 2 - Reactor Critical 8 8 8 8
Harbor of Ocean Level3 8 9 10 9
Lara busts on in 0 0 0 0
Archaeological Site 8 8 9 9
Lara Croft: I am Legend 10 9 10 9
Akakor - The City Of Gold 2 5 6 7
Vikings 10 10 10 10
The Dead Sea Scrolls 10 10 10 10
Babylon is Fallen 9 9 9 9
The Secrets of Nepal 9 10 10 10
Ship Graveyard 3 6 5 7
Rock the Easter Boat 8 8 10 9
Castle of Anxiety 8 9 9 10
Wheels of Kathar 9 10 10 10
Jungle Ruins NG 10 10 10 10
Underwater Mine 7 9 9 9
The Ancient Knowledge 10 10 9 10
The Chamber 8 9 10 9
Tomb of Creatures 9 9 9 9
TR Anniversary Retold - Part 1 7 7 6 6
Temple of Shiva 8 9 9 9
The World Tour 9 8 8 8
BtB2009 - Sunken 10 9 10 10
BtB2009 - That One Door 9 9 9 10
BtB2009 - The Mystery of Marsa Matruh 8 9 9 9
BtB2009 - The Deadly Sands of Bastet 10 8 9 8
BtB2009 - Finding Zorba 10 10 10 10
BtB2009 - Heirs of the Medjai 10 10 9 10
The Skribblerz Stonez 3 - Catacombs Reloaded 10 9 9 10
The Skribblerz Stonez 3 - Further over the Rainbow 10 9 9 10
The Skribblerz Stonez 3 - The Tempest Keep 10 9 9 10
Tomb Raider Destruction 7 8 7 8
LB Advent 2008 - Silent Snowy Place 10 10 10 10
LB Advent 2008 - Laras Magical Xmas Adventures 1 - The Village / The Finale 10 10 10 10
LB Advent 2008 - Laras Magical Xmas Adventures 2 - The Golden Castle 10 10 10 10
LB Advent 2008 - Laras Magical Xmas Adventures 3 - Magic Forest 10 10 10 10
LB Advent 2008 - Laras Magical Xmas Adventures 4 - Chapel in the Mountains 10 10 10 10
TR4 Gold - Fading Light 10 10 10 10
Gold of the Aztecs 8 8 9 9
Italian Exploration 9 9 10 9
Aegean Legends 10 10 10 10
1000 Feet Under 10 9 10 9
Return to Innocence 8 9 9 8
A Time Odyssey 10 10 10 10
Fortress Stonerock 9 10 9 10
Restless in Paris - Dawn in the Backyards 10 9 9 10
Day Castle 10 10 10 10
Mystery Land 10 10 10 10
The Tomb of Nephilim 7 7 7 9
Malaysian Artifact 7 7 7 7
Gargoylian Brotherhood 8 9 8 9
Multiple Rescue 9 10 10 9
Iron Wolf and Golden Eagle 9 10 10 9
Legio VI Victrix 10 10 10 10
Fragments of the Core 10 10 10 10
Reign of Chaos - Natla's Hideout 10 10 10 10
Himalayan Mysteries - Full Version 10 10 10 10
Infiltrator 10 9 10 10
TR Search HQ - Emergency! 10 10 10 10
Andreas' Sword Part2 9 9 9 9
BtB2008 - Sweet Memories 9 9 9 9
Cain's Home 10 10 10 10
BtB2008 - Chupacabra's Lair 9 10 10 8
BtB2008 - Etalocohcilihc 9 9 10 10
BtB2008 - Water of Life 10 9 9 9
LB Advent Calendar 2007 - Snowwhite 10 10 10 10
The Lion sleeps Tonight 8 8 8 8
BtB2008 - The Riddle of Pacha Camac 10 10 10 10
Waterfall Valley-Part 1 9 10 10 10
The Skribblerz Stonez 2 - Over the Rainbow 8 8 9 10
The Skribblerz Stonez 2 - Oak Island 9 9 10 10
The Skribblerz Stonez 2 - Forgotten Realm 2: The Wanderers 8 8 9 10
Cain Tower 0 0 0 0
LB Advent Calendar 2007 - Dijon 9 8 10 10
Black Villa 9 9 10 10
The Lizard King 10 10 10 10
Celtic Folly v2 9 9 9 9
Ocean Moon (Astrodelica Epilogue) 10 10 10 10
I know what you did... 10 9 10 9
The Aymara Talisman 9 9 10 9
The Templar Archives 10 10 10 10
KCR Project 9 10 10 9
Ancient Artifact 10 10 10 10
Ancient Legends III - Lost Chambers 10 10 10 10
The Treasure of the Lost Spanish Galleon 8 10 10 10
South Pacific Contest - Blood Mountain 9 10 10 10
South Pacific Contest - Dangerous Paradise 9 9 9 9
Underworld UB1 - Recruiting Demon Smalls 10 10 10 10
Underworld UB2 - Ghost Train at Castle Orr 10 10 10 10
Ice Age 2 9 10 10 10
The Thing in the Cellar 7 8 9 9
The 10th Life 10 9 10 9
The Quest of Gold 18-21 - Martinique Levels 10 10 8 10
Underworld UB3 - The Plain of Jars 10 10 10 10
Legacy of the Gods 7 9 7 10
Baptism of Fire 2 - Forgotten Realm 8 9 8 9
Baptism of Fire 2 - Lost in London 9 9 9 9
Tomb Raider A - The Techno Egyptians... 10 10 10 10
Revenge of Osiris - The Lost Spirits & Farplane 9 10 9 10
Revenge of Osiris - Kingdom of the Dead 9 10 9 10
Revenge of Osiris - The Underground Lake & The Castle of Corpus Fatalis 9 9 10 9
Eternal Mysteries 10 10 10 10
Underworld UB4 - Taking Care of Business 10 10 10 10
Star Wars - Episode 1 (Director's Cut) 10 10 10 10
The Lost Soul of Maria 10 9 10 9
The Ordeal in the Shadow of Death 10 10 10 10
Castle Riverrun - Part II 10 10 10 10
The Experiment 3/2 - Budapest 10 10 8 10
Jade Empire 9 10 10 10
The Quest of Gold 14-17 - Saint Francis Levels 10 10 8 10
Tomb Raider I revised 8 8 9 10
Neon God 9 10 10 10