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Quatex Temple Entrance by Shadoofus

billie2001 6 7 8 8
DJ Full 7 7 7 9
eRIC 5 5 6 8
manarch2 4 6 7 7
MedievalMetal 6 6 7 7
MichaelP 5 6 7 7
Ryan 5 5 7 7
Treeble 7 7 8 8
release date: 18-Dec-2023
# of downloads: 415

average rating: 6.63
review count: 8
review this level

file size: 19.00 MB
file type: TR5
class: Egypt

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Reviewer's comments
"An Egypt adventure that does not even take 15 minutes to finish, without much done so it seems rather unfinished. There are some basic gameplay exercises like block puzzles, ropes and traps but overall more could've been done here. The looks are rather convincing overall with good use of textures and lighting, so more of this please next time with more interesting tasks and it could be a good full level..." - manarch2 (13-Mar-2024)
"The disapointment here is the shortness of the level , not even 20 minutes to reach the end including going to the secret scroll and the shotgun you don't even need at this point. Good visuals , i would have wished different background audio files for the outside and inside areas. Good stuff overall." - eRIC (03-Mar-2024)
"A very short level that would serve well as intro level to something bigger. As a standalone, the gameplay is weak but the visuals are very pleasing. Pleasant enough for a short, easy-going raid. 6/7/8/8 - 1/1" - billie2001 (25-Jan-2024)
"A short but sweet Egyptian style level, the TR4 assets in TR5 don't look out of place. I backflipped over one of the balconies and reached the end of the world in the initial area thinking that flat corner might have just been there to tell me I was supposed to go there, but alas I was wrong. Nothing particularly taxing in here, just simple and non-pretentious fun. 15 minutes, 1 secret. 01/24" - Treeble (07-Jan-2024)
"The better part of Quatax Temple released on the blue site. A proper intro level without much to do as expected from a prologue. The problem is it's not followed by any conclusion in this version. Visuals are the strongest thing here." - DJ Full (21-Dec-2023)
"I thought this looked actually very pretty, with a bit of effort done on textures and lighting and it flows nicely and easily with a few of the usual tasks - sadly also including one dreaded tightrope walk. There are a few lions and one lonely Roman guy to battle and I found one secret scroll - and then it come to an abrupt end after less than 15 minutes. So it feels like a rushed release here, as this would have potential to be expanded further into a decent adventure. Which would also be the right time to fix those flames that have been placed rather too low in my game ;)" - MichaelP (20-Dec-2023)
"I absolutely love seeing level-builders taking the initiative to improve! The collaborations between ShadowyJaw and CharlesKane are quite charming, in my opinion. I recorded my gameplay; you can see my (hopefully useful) video results here. I uploaded it on my Google Drive because I'm not ready to post it up on YouTube yet, even as an unlisted video. (Just a little heads-up: I drop a couple of cuss-words here and there!)

If you're reading this, ShadowyJaw or CharlesKane, you're so welcome to reach out to me through my Proton email address on my profile if you're comfortable. I've recorded my gameplay of other levels of yours as well and I'd be happy to share it with you. I do hope this video helps give you an honest perspective of what the player sees in real-time while they're playing your level. Thank you! 😊" - MedievalMetal (20-Dec-2023)
"Since Michael kindly informed me that both Quatax levels are now standalone releases, here are my thoughts on what is intended to be the first level. Short and to the point, it's not too bad at all and the atmosphere is quite nicely done (probably this builder's strongest effort thus far), but does suffer from a few unfortunate flaws. Gameplay (while not at all terrible or without its moments) is rather simplistic and linear with a few levers to push and the odd jumping sequence, but what lets it down is the extremely brief length (13 minutes) and the fact that there's nothing particularly exciting happens. Still, all right for what it is." - Ryan (19-Dec-2023)