Your host for all Tomb Raider Custom Levels ever released!

Levels listed...
TR5 - 33
TR4 - 3194
TR3 - 183
TR2 - 140
TR1 - 67

74039 reviews (20.4/level)
3607 (99.7%) walkthroughs
458 Hall of Fame levels
1266 levels rated >= 8

TR Fan Site


Level List

Ice Age 3 - 24 - Nothing left but Ashes nc 678.00 MB TR4 9.70 21 21-May-2018
LB Advent Calendar 2016 - Another Present Xmas 51.40 MB TR4 8.88 18 23-Dec-2016
LB Advent Calendar 2015 - Another Town Xmas 117.00 MB TR4 9.01 17 22-Dec-2015
Dracula's Return Mystery/Horror 306.00 MB TR4 9.63 34 03-Jun-2013
BtB2013 - Return to Jerpoint Abbey Nordic/Celtic 49.80 MB TR4 8.25 21 01-Apr-2013
LB Advent Calendar 2011 - Crazy Town Xmas 72.96 MB TR4 9.51 20 19-Dec-2011
The Jerusalem Project - The Cherubim are Calling nc 568.62 MB TR4 9.77 33 01-Aug-2011
Complex Simplicity 2010 - The Princess and the Nasty Dragon Castle 141.00 MB TR4 9.44 26 01-Jul-2010
LB Advent Calendar 2009 - Chanukka Revised Xmas 71.81 MB TR4 8.99 18 19-Dec-2009
Lara Croft: I am Legend City 168.22 MB TR4 9.62 46 01-Jul-2009
LB Advent 2008 - Silent Snowy Place Xmas 46.77 MB TR4 9.34 32 18-Dec-2008
LB Advent 2008 - Laras Magical Xmas Adventures 1 - The Village / The Finale Xmas 130.46 MB TR4 9.37 29 01-Dec-2008
LB Advent Calendar 2007 - Another Home Xmas 41.50 MB TR4 8.63 30 23-Dec-2007
Ice Age 2 nc 183.00 MB TR4 9.22 26 06-Jul-2007
LB Advent Calendar 2006 - Nepal Cold/Snowy 46.10 MB TR4 8.32 26 24-Dec-2006
LB Advent Calendar 2006 - December 19th Remake Xmas 26.10 MB TR4 7.96 17 19-Dec-2006
LB Advent Calendar 2006 - Miracle of Snow Xmas 51.70 MB TR4 9.00 24 16-Dec-2006
Castle Riverrun - Part II Castle 53.70 MB TR4 9.36 27 23-Jun-2006
BtB2006 - The Riddle of Master Lu Oriental 41.10 MB TR4 8.69 33 01-Jan-2006
LB Advent Calendar 2005 - Playable Title Xmas 9.42 MB TR4 6.08 21 21-Dec-2005
LB Advent Calendar 2005 - Magic Castle Xmas 27.10 MB TR4 8.47 23 10-Dec-2005
Lara's Comeback Easter 14.90 MB TR4 7.21 18 27-Mar-2005
The Mystery of the Northern Star nc 54.70 MB TR4 9.06 22 07-Sep-2004
LB Advent Calendar 2003 - Chanukka Xmas 22.00 MB TR4 7.19 22 22-Dec-2003
LB Advent Calendar 2003 - One Thursday in Advent Xmas 20.40 MB TR4 7.52 29 04-Dec-2003
Castle Riverrun Castle 30.10 MB TR4 8.45 29 23-Jun-2003
name: Masha Frenkel
country/city: France/

