Levels listed...
TR5 - 33
TR4 - 3193
TR3 - 183
TR2 - 140
TR1 - 67
73979 reviews (20.4/level)
3606 (99.7%) walkthroughs
456 Hall of Fame levels
1264 levels rated >= 8
release date: |
27-Jun-2005 |
# of downloads: |
299 |
average rating: |
8.31 |
review count: |
27 |
review this level |
file size: |
268.00 MB |
file type: |
TR4 |
class: |
nc |
Reviewer's comments |
"A bit unfair to rate this level on its own as it's a hub linking all of the levels in the game together, so I'm giving all of the levels in the series a shared overall rating while posting random thoughts on each of them individually. The airport sure is crowded as far as our obsolete engine allows it, with a lot of people standing still either in queues or whatever, honestly it's quite a disturbing sight but one we all understand why it is the way it is. You hop back to the airport quite a few times throughout, though nothing major really happens in here - not until the last part, anyway, when the whole place gets creepy and deserted, but Lara still manages to fly (on her own?) to her last destination... [Complete game stats: 8h05min, 16 secrets.] 20 min, 1 secret. 02/23" - Treeble (12-Feb-2023) |
"Since a grand total of two levels have been released thus far during 2018, I'm replaying this old classic (including Nadine's levels, since I wisely archived the full game before she decided to withdraw all her work product from circulation) to help keep my raiding skills honed. I reviewed the other levels the first time I played them, but for some reason not this one. Actually, it's not a separate level at all, but a hub that connects the various segments. In that respect it's not unlike Movie Theater for Lara at the Movies, but that hub level had considerably more gameplay than this one does. All of that being said, I agree with the previous reviewers and have elected to award scores on the basis of "the whole being greater than the sum of the parts." The sound effects are really what make this one click." - Phil (22-Feb-2018) |
"This is the hub level for the Reign of
Chaos series. No real puzzles as such but
it surely stands out for the detail of it
all. The tannoy sounds and luggage racks
in particular." - Ryan (21-Apr-2016) |
"Do you know what I hate the most in community projects? Rating all levels separately, especially when they feel as a whole, what applies here especially to the untrimmed version (I got one from our dear Hungarians but I still ticked the green link to boost the fake counter). I could just make a long commentary and paste it under each episode with links to other chapters - less chaos and you only read once... why not? The whole adventure will also get common rating however I will highlight the aspect which stands out in each part. So here we are in the age of TRLE which is real archeology to me, like digging out blurred Indian tablets, or analyzing broken Chinese china to repicture the whole thing before it broke. Or like drilling Tutankhamen's mummy... I mean tomb! for deeper impression in the new old chamber. Same for the levelset, the sole storyline of which raises questions. How can Lara survive the gems which feed on nearby life? How could Natla's followers carry her body if they're braindead mummies? Did they use just the claws or also wings? What happened to the New York episode, has it become Be My Valentine, should I seek elsewhere for full experience or is it utterly gone, vanished, forgotten? Not lost in chaos, for in such case it would be here. Most of these won't be resolved even in a long trip which takes an Airport... Agnes, we meet again, what a nice surprise. I liked her previous levels, here I looked for similarities, but this location, while convincing and even holding the first secret, is just a hub filled with trunks, passengers and killable staff, so I shortly departed straight to Mexico, on the contrary instantly familiar. You could think it's nothing special, just a bunch of primeval corridors and basic bulbs, but the essentials are flawless, forming a mini level of maxi efficiency. As expected we hear custom tracks, starting with Ennio's harmonica well highlighting the great loss overwhelming a defined ghost town. I would like the background Mike to be cut with less hearable seam, also the horizon doesn't quite match and few casual objects bring random Egyptian blend. A real nail in the cactus was trying to obtain the revolver but once I figured it out things went comfy and easy, focusing on exploring western cityscape, a truly heartwarming preparation that encourages despite of being cursed and infested with evil enemies - I could even take the wraiths. As soon the level jumps to Free Mexico, we get bashed in the head by some sombrero civillain... hey dude, shouldn't you be grateful, I've just freed your town! But since Lara holds the gem we can assume the guy just mistook her for the reason of curse (or we can just ignore the inconsistency). Right after that we get a bit of wonderful relief (with much better handled Mike), as we start to understand and appreciate the brilliant concept underlying this game - apart from the usual common pickup link, the plot structure is based on enslavement/freedom bipolarity which feel nothing but great when interleaved. I hoped this contrast will last for the entire game. The subsequent transition from the plane flight straight into a Sewer System could be less intense, in fact they could skip the sewers totally, but this instance is different - sharp, bright lighting occurs while the map makes sense. After unlocking more places the intended path gets unclear so we'd better had some plan or local indicators about where we came from and where we go next. Puzzles were mostly about keys and switches and at that point I started to miss something creative. The finale with a cinematic flyby gave me just that, as I usually appreciate one decent cut more than a million flawless textures, but I still wanted to resurface as fast as I can, for a deserved Hereafter Holiday, a whole different approach to Venetian scenery - though the cityscape is missing rooftops, it's convincing and filled with creepy details like floating corpses, blood fountains or zombies hunting Lara's brain to solve tasks on their own. This is a cursed level which follows another, so we may think the balance between ordeal and relief is lost, but this weird platformer under menacing sky where music keeps fitting is still lighter than the preceding sewer so the atmosphere keeps happifying. If the forced medikit usage at the fireplace was intended I strongly disagree with it, but all other gameplay makes sense. Next in order, Say Cheese explains the previous level as an intermediate pre-relief or sub-relief before a really defined purification unit - not until now we were supposed to lively smile and sunnily enjoy, and the disenchanting process has been amplified from two levels to three. In short: things get serious. I wish the final marina was more than a cutscene but I forgot about that little inconvenice as soon as I landed in Underground Temple. This is another kaboom-like transition from an unchained city to an isolated, water-overflown dungeon. Notice how the scope of particular episodes has developed so far from little city through big city to a large temple where scale change implies reasonable emptiness: two-square wide corridors are overwhelming and uncomfy but also give more space for exploration and combat, as chaos appears in form of nasty creatures - things get even more serious. But an enemy more fearsome than spiders and abandonment by everyone else is the inhumanly long multi-floor pushable which, unless Christoph just went chaotic evil, was designed I don't know why. Cave craft, multilevel stack, logical trigger design and other skills needed to create big complex things are involved, yet bearing the task without Silmarillion audiobook in the background would be unmeasurably hard. I wasn't listening about good gems in order to balance bad gems, I just wanted to check both for few years already and before I sail to Aman, and their timing has matched, be it nature or Valar intervention, though the Ungoliant chapter came a bit too late to fit the arachnid content of this level. The next one, China Garden, invites to explore, largely redeems the pushable and is the first one sized to imply a split in two parts (sounds like a compliment). More and more locations get memorable (that was a compliment), I will remember the village, still isolated but differently peaceful. And the outer temple with transition to the rooftops. I also liked the waterfall ways in and out of the blue key area. Possibly the author couldn't decide which one was to be which, but I easily imagined both options for both paths. The key itself could be placed in less ordinary location as well as some other pickups, and in certain places a faster way back could be provided. All concludes with a boat getaway and before I took another plane I noticed the Airport has changed - I wonder if this level was also variable before and it doesn't feel good to only realize now it might have been. Anyway Lara arrives in a toilet, for the first real puzzle, both about time. The task involves destruction but when the door opens the security doesn't bother, I could kill the same guards again and also at each previous return. Though they don't drop a thing I had tons of medikits, but somehow the shotgun was still missing. Its absence had nicely forced laser sight usage, but that was two episodes ago in Mexico. Later it appeared the game allowed to find all secrets but also miss the shotgun, leaving me with 200 shells and no chance to use them until the last episode. For now I just flew unaware to an ominous place holding a Mystic Tree. This is where construction starts to get really complex - after you thought China was big the game expands along another dimension letting us into a mysterious abbey which is more vertical than horizontal, and intensely crafted in all directions. It also feels like a mosque because of intense Cairo wad usage, and while I never liked these red doors the other casual objects are unusually located - unexpected ornate pillars and arched passages form structures which weren't included in the original TR4 but possibly should have been, and the track 109 I found spooky when I had played the core game now sounds beautiful (or maybe I'm just going chaotic evil either). Some texture chunks don't match geometry so I had trouble perceiving certain structures as a whole. The ornaments seem to occur in correct amount but they might have been more understandable if they didn't vanish among similarly ornamental texture patterns. If I mentioned unsatisfactory key placement before, here it evolves with the Tower Key placed on a catwalk (where it would have no chance to remain) and destined for a hole located few squares away. Another key lies on a random roof, but at least these two, the Backyard Key and the Chamber Key are fairly named - because later on the ground we find an Enchanted Light Key which sole name shall be read with epic horns in the background, cause thunderstorms and raise people from the dead... but no it opens a door. Still the place has unique parts like surprising dog usage and possibly the best Lara_Double I encountered until now. After that we get the fourth gem and Córdoba is brought back to normal... Córdoba? Not having heard until now that I'm in Spain only intensified the feeling of being trapped in the middle of nowhere, so despite of mistaking the mosque for an abbey I take it as a well-executed intention, and the 1/1 unit balance between cursed and blessed levels is restored to produce the most intense contrast since the sewer jump. Struck by sudden brightness, I again felt a bit uncomfy, this time because of scenery collage - where have I really been thrown into, a garden, a city, a castle, a palace, a patio, a river? What is real nature of this level? If this is based on a real city, how could any ordinary inhabitant proceed across? Any bit of explanation what really happens here would be invaluable, for instance puzzle items could say a lot... but nope we again get a "ruby cube", "fire opal", "sapphire ocular" and no clue whatsoever. That's why the word "playground" reappears in mind, likely summoned from some Tibetan monks contemplating Mr XY's works in the meantime. This impression only amplifies as we solve the gate puzzle, the first serious riddle I would anyway halve in length because I was already mesmerized and acting like chaotic stupid. I generally love this trope, it works great in non-alterable fiction like voiced cutscenes missing so much in this adventure, but I suppose it might be either totally enjoyed or utterly hated within a bright, open level requiring omnidirectional exploration (I was panned about 65-70% left in this awkward stereo). But the texturing is coherent and while the place is unspecified it might also feel unified because of its slight surreal overlay. I found one banana jump shortcut, but another spot felt like a fast getaway trigger fail so I take it as chaotic neutral, still a tie between good and evil. What I really like was the shrine pushable, one of these nice little things I value over epic sights and generic awesomeness - here's what I consider a masterclass: instant focus, one push, quick item grab and no wondering if anything else is supposed to be done with the pot. After all we take the chopper back to the Airport, and what... the heck has happened here? I'm almost sure this is where the New York segment was supposed to occur, because the plot hole screams with volume of Lara's backpack and feels like substituted with a quick hub action. But it's also good to actually perform some task in this place. After that we can stuff all the gems in the lead-isolated trunk to ensure they won't radiate in the plane (not wanna repeat the Cai'xia scenario) and set off to the final destination so Nadine can again test our geographic knowledge - yes, just like I did with Nevado Huarascan Plateau, I had to google Alnwick, and... what do you mean "England"? Are you sure it's not a sunken rift volcano in the middle of North Atlantic? Or did Natla bother to awaken an uncharted British range for Hellforge? After a brilliant opening when retrieving all gems unlocks the initial door to invoke immediate need for exploration, I found a real treasure of the old editor - a vertical diagonal wall. Even the sun has frozen to watch it for a bit longer, however it's another item which opens a normal door despite of the name scored for high brass, piercing strings, mixed choirs and timpani. Graphic overlay starts to get really coherent at last, it's really the further the better in this game, though some clusters still require quadruple vision to comprehend - maybe these spiders of China would feel entirely comfortable in here, or maybe Nadine is just a WOMAN so to hell with my male 16-bit color perception indeed: I swiftly glance at lightrays and windows, then I focus on my task and I think the moveable bowls of tomato soup are yummy. I thought this even playing that part after dinner, what confirms I liked the puzzle for reasons other than being hungry. Lavafall has more rivers of molten spaghetti, also more lightrays, some so bright I couldn't see through them. Custom objects appear more frequently, puzzles get much better to live their own life or death. Again we get more than a single cursed level, so the 1/1 balance is abandoned for the second time, but this arrangement contrasts more efficiently with the brief breath of Spain - quite fitting considering all the stones are collected and we can entirely focus on breaching the Core Of EVIL. This involves watching your steps, careful trap negotiation, battling flying skeletons... and here's where I realized something doesn't match. Where are Natla's monsters, minions and advanced equipment? In fact I expected them to appear in proximity of every gem, and accumulating with each next stone retrieved as the enemies would slowly realize the seriousness of trouble they're in - but so far no references to Natla's world have been given except from a single meat texture beneath my feet, and without a single trace of her activity you won't even know the mission involves her if you skip the readme, what is definitely the supreme flaw of the game. It felt even more off-topic in the Library, where various book genres resemble a cursed instance of Hogwarts specializing exclusively in black magic, instead of anything remotely linked to Atlantis. Such change of mood would do great in any point of the plot except from the prefinale build-up which should focus on the final goal. This is tricky to explain so just imagine Merlin's Caves as the prefinal level of KAP instead of a side task it is now, and you see what I'm talking about. Later I figured out the real meaning of the Alnwick castle, but at the time when I played the levels I had absolutely no clue. In the same library I also found the only proto-gamestopper - I missed a secret, returned for it and got halted by a one-shot door in the Rusty Key chamber, while the way in was closed for good. The key has a twin and each of these items takes a whole level to find, so as much as I was disappointed with keys before, these two are textbook examples of rewarding effort - I had a whole new dose of motivation when they unlocked the Cathedral. It seems another split has been done here, between this level and Death and Resurrection, as they feel the most coherent with each other - in the first one we breach the scene of closing battle, in the second one we prepare the stage for fight and do the fight itself. The conclusion marks all the essentials: climatic action velocity, the strongest usable items, the most powerful enemy and a getaway with a well-deserved ultimate prize. The final artifact is of really bright concept, though going the opposite way would possibly make more sense, and could also justify the ingame flaws. As a possible better design I can bring here an unplanned other example from King Arthur Project: there are two gems, the official light one and the secret dark one, to fulfill hidden wish of balance. Heck, now I think this levelset and the Arthur game have a lot in common. I wonder what would happen if the two teams cooperated. SUMMARY: Sometimes... chaotic... phfffrrr... <0i>[the author falls from the chair into uncontrollable, spasmatic laughter in admiral of his own brilliance, the rest was written horus later when he finally rose from the floor and restored keyboard aim with fingers still shaking due to lost energy (apparently he got immersed too much so the gems took a bit of his life as well... oh NOW he understands the full meaning.] Variety of objects and locations isn't unified the usual way, resulting in a mix of TR2/3/4 with a TR1 boss, but the overarching contrast of enslavement and freedom, the bipolarity of chaos and order, eventually the location-independent fight between good and evil cement everything instead, and all the authors cared to obey this idea entirely so no single episode subparly executes it. I of course wouldn't mind if this extraordinary glue worked together with progressing Atlantean theme, and if the tasking was more creative, because in such case the project as a whole would be close to perfect - but this is still much more than a pack of levels linked with similar gems: it's rather like a complete symphony you need to analyze bit by bit in order to fully understand, and don't you dare sleep before the finale no matter what disonnances you hear on the way." - DJ Full (02-Apr-2016) |
"There isn't much to say about the airport. It's too short to
make any relevance, but i was a really nice touch to the
story. A bit too much "gray" with little decoration, but the
background sound was spot on! Really giving that feeling of
the airport, since the decoration failed a bit on that matter
imo." - Zhyttya (14-Feb-2016) |
"It would be easier if i could rate Reign Of Chaos as a whole levelset. It is hard to rate Airport level because this serves as a connection to levels. So ok, it wasn`t bad but i know it could have been better, i am sure of it. If i take as example hub level Movie Theatre from Lara At The Movies, that was really a perfect one! 7/9/9/9" - OverRaider (11-Feb-2013) |
"Almost every review states it's difficult to review this level separately, and I don't disagree. Hub levels are really hard to score since there are only very few exceptions when real gameplay is put into those (one of them being The Movie Theatre from the Lara at the Movies custom), but this might be put along the list of levels that"only" serve as the connection between the different levels, even if there are a few twists you encounter along the way, like some baggage blocking the way and one has to find another way up there; Lara being locked in the bathroom and so on. One of the mysterious chaos gems can even be found in the very last, dark and creepy appearance of this level, but not much else than plain exploration is required to get it. So what makes this level unique is not the gameplay, but rather the multitude of objects in form of static passengers and all kind of stuff you'd expect to exist in an airport (including some really nice planes behind windows), creating a nice realistic feeling to this level, which is supported by the audio loop consisting of flight announcements. The graphics and lighting are a bit bland and not really spectacular, but this doesn't harm the level much if you ask me. I also wondered why there are heavily armed guards all around, especially as they had a strange behavior when Lara shoots some boxes (they start running around, but don't attack), but that might be due to the effects the chaos gem had on this place, so a certain logic was maintained, in a way. All in all this is a good hub level with nice ideas and nice object design, not much focusing on gameplay but this is actually not a complaint, since it obviously was intended to leave the main interest on the other levels. It's just difficult to review ;) ... Altogether 15 minutes.
Reign of Chaos - 7:50 hours, 16 secrets. I really liked how the overall quality raised steadily from the first to the last level, and also the difficulty, with Natla's Hideout being the masterpiece part of this game and also really challenging at times. Frankly, the first levels could've been so much better with a little more gameplaywise creativity as they tended to be quite monotonous and often boring, more puzzles would have suited those and less exploration, but all levels kept being playable and enjoyable enough to keep me playing on, without any serious technical problems, and that's important. The visuals in each part are more than often pleasing to the eye, also getting more and more convincing the longer you play, and the diversity of the settings is a high plus in my book. The series might not be that famous without Horus's two parts though that stand highly above all others, and even the ultimate level is another large step upwards getting close to perfection, and as I said in the review, the series is recommended for this one alone; unfortunately Horus's levels aren't hosted anymore on trle.net, which kind of kills the series if you don't know other ways." - manarch2 (30-Dec-2012) |
"This Hub Level for the Reign of Chaos Project has received a much underrated response by many reviewers . I really cannot figure out the reason for this for it blends well into the overall scope of this adventure series and is also essential in respect of progressing the game. Thanks to all once again !" - Ruben (08-Mar-2011) |
"This level is a hub level for the amazing mini game reign of chaos. You are in an airport where you have to go to your next destination. Not only that but you can find secrets and goodies before you go be they are not easy to find! There are people and guards with you in the airport. The audio is basically everyone talking and stuff like that. The outfir is the same as the ROC mexico and agnes' amazing minigame hotel. Brilliant hub level." - afzalmiah (05-Mar-2011) |
"It feels rather unfair reviewing the Airport level separately, since it's not really a level, but a hub area. As a hub, it performs its function admirably. But obviously it has very little in terms of gameplay, so it cannot hope to score high in that category.
I liked revisiting the Airport after every area - it sort of started feeling like home, a place to relax after every adventure. And of course, the twist in the tale is that in the last visit, even the bright and friendly Airport turns dark and spooky due to the effect of a Chaos gem. I assume this was added because the New York levels (where this particular Chaos gem would have been found) were scrapped? But even so, it's a nice touch, and serves to integrate Airport into the game.
During all the earlier visits, the Airport changes quite nicely, with new pickups to be found, and new hidden areas to get into. The only thing that doesn't change is the background track, with the same flight being announced over and over again - I wonder why a different track couldn't be used for each visit? It would have been more realistic.
The passengers and female guards (who seemed to be clones of Lara) were a nice touch. I liked how the guards were would react when Lara started shooting in front of them (but not when she would shoot up the bathroom). Makes you wonder how Lara ever manages to get past security at the airport, given the massive amount of weaponry she carries around. In real life, she would probably be arrested as a terrorist. ;)" - Mytly (01-Oct-2009) |
"This level isn't intended to be scored as a separate level so
it's kind of hard to rate. For the first three countries all
you really have to do is walk to the exit. There are a lot of
nice details though, such as the civilians, guards and
announcements. For the fourth there's a strange puzzle
involving shooting sinks to open a door, and the fifth
involves the most major change, as a chaos gem has taken up
residence there and made the airport dark and gloomy. There
could have been a bit more danger though, as all you do is
find the gem and move on. It fulfills its purpose well though." - Mman (01-Sep-2009) |
"This is the crossroad between the areas this adventure take place. As such it's very small, functional but has nice textures and objects, especially liked the annoucements on the loudspeaker. There were a couple of things, that just ain't right. We running around with guns in hand at an airport, and nobody cares, until we start shooting at the security personnel, btw they have Lara's face, but if we kill them, they die with the usual masculine cry. The 2ndWW fighters were also out of place, they fine as exhibits, at least that's what I thought they were at first, but when Lara came back with the Me109 from Mexico, and then it parked at a different place, that suggested she took the flight to there with it too. Still a good level, and a bit unfair to rate it on its own. It was nice to explore it time and again, since we can find some goodies every time we return here, including a secret, and a Chaos Gem. Thanks to all the authors for creating this great adventure." - Akcy (06-May-2007) |
"This is a little difficult to review as it isn't exactly a stand alone level. It's a hub to a series of other levels in this Reign of Chaos but having said that, it's extremely enjoyable. I guess you could have the series without the airport sections but this enhances the gameplay and it has been beautifully created. The staff, and the announcements make it almost seem real. Heard there was a secret somewhere but not found it yet. This is the first level by Agnes I have played and if her stand alones are as good as this, then I'm in for a real treat :)" - Necro (22-Apr-2006) |
"The whole Reign of Chaos project/series is one of the all time favourites I have in Custom Level History now. Right from the title screen and audio and the text intro that explains the story you are drawn in and it's hard to let go of the overall game. That said, the Airport serves merely as a hub to connect the adventures rather than a level in itself, thus the lower scores here. There is a rose secret to find and the people standing around, the objects and the audio help to create a fairly good atmosphere. Also, each time you come back there is a slight change and an occasional pick up to be found, which nicely gives the illusion of an ever changing location, much like an Airport needs to be. Especially when you get here the last time and need to find that one elusive Chaos Gem in an otherwise deserted airport at night." - MichaelP (16-Apr-2006) |
"This is an Airport with a twist. Finding goodies and crawling through air ducts to open the door to your next destination, isn't what I would call a normal Airport. That also makes it more than just a place to run through on your way to the next country. I didn't dare shooting one of the guards, but I will next time when I fire this game up as I didn't found all the secrets yet. I have to say that Agnes made a great job as the announcements over the loudspeakers and the bustle of people made you feel right at an airport. The last visit was spooky as it was dark, all lights were out. I dare not make any noise as I felt like all hell would brake loose any minute" - Gerty (06-Feb-2006) |
"What a great place to start from and come back to. A few interesting things to do and find, and really appreciated that you don't have to choose which country to go to next. You're just not allowed to go somewhere that you aren't ready for yet! Thank you for all the work that was put into this"central point" that ties all of the other great levels together." - Moonliteshadow (29-Dec-2005) |
"It is very hard to review this level as it is a hub for all the other ones. I decided to review it as a separate level and due to that the gameplay rating had to go down. A level with great atmosphere though and you really got the airport feeling! All the sounds and the people added up to that feeling even more. I doubt that the rest of the "Reign of chaos" had been so good if it had not been for this level. It always felt relaxing to get back to the secure and familiar (not always!) airport after some dangerous raiding. 2005-10-08" - QRS (08-Oct-2005) |
"After every location in the Reign of Chaos project Lara returns to the airport and it is from here that she travels to the next location. It's a bit difficult to rate it as a level though, as each time through is very short and with little to be done. Also the changes in the airport every time are minor, mainly made up by changing the objects to pick up(such as placing a large medipack where there was a small one the first time through). The parts of the airport containing the most to do would be the first time, when there is one secret to be found, and the last time as Lara must search for the final Chaos Gem. Some of the changes were very neat(Lara being locked in the lavatories and making her way through to a gate blocked by some suitcases to mention a few examples). What I liked the most about the airport though was the atmosphere. The call-outs on the loudspeaker gave a true impression of being in a real airport and I loved the nifty touches with the tourists, luggage, airport employees and the female security guards.
All in all this was a perfect platform between the different locations and it was also a very enjoyable relaxation, with no enemies or traps to worry about, before starting the real challenges. Not very difficult, but fun to play and a pleasure to the eye. Well done Agnes!!!!" - Selene (08-Sep-2005) |
"This is the hub level for all the ROC levels so naturally you will visit more than once. You'll hear announcements and see luggage and passengers in the hallways, which make it look so real. As with 'Movie Theater' in 'Lara at the Movies' project, although that one had puzzles/task, I had trouble rating this one because even though it has no puzzles or enemies it is the link and an important level for all the others. It didn't seem fair to deduct any points from the gameplay so as an exception and for the work given to it I gave a perfect score. The details make the difference and this one is well thought of. I found one secret and have to give credit to the Agnes for a job well done." - Kristina (25-Aug-2005) |
""Lax security in this airport. I mean, there's Lara running around waving her guns about and not one raised eyebrow in the place. This is the hub for the Reign of Chaos series and very nicely done indeed. I did panic briefly at one point when I found myself locked in the loo but some selective destruction of the sanitary ware sorted out that little problem. I liked the airport announcements and the placement of passengers and luggage - it made everything quite credible somehow. It's slightly difficult to rate this as a stand alone level, since it isn't really, but it certainly is a vital and valuable part of the series."- Jay (03-Aug-2005) |
"First of all I'd like to thank all the builders who created this wonderful full game of numerous levels. I haven't enjoyed myself raiding so much in a good while. Each and every level is beautifully made, jam packed with so much to do and see. It's simply brilliant to have so many builders still working away in the background, creating excellent levels, with so much work, collaboration and thought involved, all free, and all for us. Thank you very much Agnes, Nadine, Christoph and Oliver. All this work is obvious right from the start, with great atmosphere, textures, objects, sounds, music, lighting, outfit changes, enemies, traps, puzzles, etc. Lara gets wind of evil goings on in different places around the world, and the quickest way to get around the world is, naturally, to fly. So we start at the airport, which is the hub level we come back to each time we've raided a country. This level by Agnes hasn't got a lot going on in the way of puzzles or gameplay. Still it has its own charm. We hear the announcement of flights, security guards walking about, and we see and hear all the people waiting to board planes, check in luggage, including, wouldn't you know it, a drunk. We also see the departure gates. Only one departure gate is opened at the start, to Mexico. Then Venice, China and Cordoba, in that order if you play the full download. There are small tasks to do each time we come back to the airport, and we need to do what is necessary otherwise when you come back again our way is now barred as somewhere else has opened up. When Lara comes back to the airport for the last time, it's deserted of travellers and staff, so what happened? What was an almost realistic airport scene is now a huge eerie place. It was a nice pleasant experience to have this easy going level in between all the others." - CC (01-Aug-2005) |
I was a bit taken aback by the feel and atmosphere of this hub to the Chaos levels. Definite authenticity and the sounds are what made it real for me. The arrivals and departures announced over the loudspeaker, the hunt for a way into the secret area and the changes from one time to another make this a perfect entry into the different countries. Very nicely done and appreciated. Thank you, Agnes. - Bene (20-Jul-2005) |
Aaahh! For once an airport that not only looks like an airport but also feels like an airport. From the announcements to the customers and the security and up to the luggage and such. It is obvious to me that this hub level wasn't meant to be reviewed by itself, as it is merely a gateway to the other parts of the Reign of Chaos game, so it would be rather unfair to lower the ratings - especially gameplay - by comparing it to said other parts. So, with that in mind, gameplay was quite good, considering, since you do have a slightly different version each time you visit, which not only is fine but also reinforces that feeling of 'real place'. Some object are moved, doors that were closed are open - and vice versa, and the people around change as well. Which shows a great attention to details. Agnes could have just thrown in well-built rooms but she does much more than that and that only should be acknowledged. - Sutekh (18-Jul-2005) |
This short level was an amazing scene. Although we return here several times, the environment always changes a bit, and in addition we also find the Orange Chaos Gem here at the end... The airport is not derelict, we will meet people and security guards. Don't shoot at them and they will neither think you are a terrorist, hence they won't hurt you. There's one secret on the level. And you should always check the air-ducts. The environment is fantastic, the textures are wonderful, and so are the added sounds too. :) You can find a Hungarian walkthrough (as we don't have English version), savegames and pictures here: http://treditor.hu/15/reign_of_chaos.htm - Obig (18-Jul-2005) |
I assume this was never meant to be reviewed as a stand-alone level, so it is quite difficult to judge how it should be rated. I tried to see the good points and raise the rating in the categories, but still judged it on the whole how it compares to the rest what's out there. First of all this airport is less confusing than the one's I've had the chance to be in real life myself, so bonus points for that, lol. The details like all the people, guards, loud speakers announcing arrivals and departures, suitcases, etc are quite cool and add an authentic atmosphere to this area you revisit any time after finishing the previous adventure and before leaving for a new one. I especially loved the very last revisit here, when everything was spookily deserted - lots of atmosphere then too. I also liked how with every return getting to the next area required a mini-task done here too - for example the suitcases blocking your way to leave to Cordoba and the like. Overall - well done, the level serves purpose as a hub for all the other adventures fully and I found it to be enjoyable with all the neat touches (pity about the lacking collision on the people, though) - naturally you'll play this if you start up Reign of Chaos, what you definitely should, so no need for further recommendations! - eTux (17-Jul-2005) |
I'm rating this a perfect 10. This is the cohesion for each of the levels that make up Reign of Chaos. The airport is authentic in detail and has its own little mini-plots/challenges to solve. I don't believe it was ever meant to represent a full-scale game, so rating it with anything less than a 10 seems selfish to me. The loud speaker announcing the arrivals and departures, baby crying, people talking.....wonderful! Well done, Agnes! - Mugs (09-Jul-2005) |
I can't really say much about this level because it is very short. The gameplay is straight forward; go and find the next room with the door open to proceed to the next level. I did however like the passengers in the airport. Although, it was a shame that they didn't walk around. I think that could have been done easily. The suitcases were well designed. It gave a great airport feel to it. I also liked the background music too. It was really atmospheric. There were voices and effects all over the place. It sounded like it was chaos down in the airport! Overall a good airport level, although not very long and I feel there could have been more gameplay ot it. - TombRaiderFan (07-Jul-2005) |