Your host for all Tomb Raider Custom Levels ever released!

Levels listed...
TR5 - 33
TR4 - 3192
TR3 - 183
TR2 - 140
TR1 - 67

73947 reviews (20.4/level)
3603 (99.7%) walkthroughs
456 Hall of Fame levels
1266 levels rated >= 8

TR Fan Site


The Guardian of the Talion returns 6 6 7 8
Tomb Raider Revelations IV - The Curse of the Sword (Demo) 9 8 10 9
Create a Classic 2021 - The City of Petra 9 8 8 8
The Jerusalem Project - The Cherubim are Calling 10 10 10 10
Evening in Quebec 8 8 9 8
TRLE 20th Anniversary Celebration Project: Legend of Hathor 10 10 10 10
LB Advent Calendar 2020 - Silent Town 9 10 10 10
The Colosseum 7 7 8 8
Return to the Maria Doria 7 7 9 8
Create a Classic 2019 (Unreleased)- Lost Ruins of Atlantis 9 9 9 8
Mount Parnassus - Palace of Pericles 8 7 9 8
Midas Tribute 8 8 9 9
Nordic Adventure 9 10 9 9
Bartoli's Return 5 5 5 5
20x20x20 Challenge - The Crystal of Power 9 8 8 8
Abruzzo 9 9 8 8
Adventures of Lara Croft 6 6 6 6
Turin Incident 8 7 7 8
Lara in the Bronx 0 0 0 0
Cold Friends 8 7 7 6
Pierre's Christmas Adventure 7 7 7 7
LB Advent Calendar 2019 - Christmas in Prague 10 10 10 10
LB Advent Calendar 2018 - Croftmas Manor 9 9 10 10
LB Advent Calendar 2018 - Another Winter Forest 9 9 10 10
LB Advent Calendar 2019 - Echoes of the Past 8 9 8 8
Create a Classic 2019 - The Pyramid of Horus 9 9 10 10
20x20x20 Challenge - Greece Artefact 7 9 10 8
Temple of Thor 8 8 8 8
Aegean Legends 10 10 10 10
Jungle 0 1 0 0
Temple of Karnak 5 5 5 5
Create a Classic 2019 - Sleeping with the Fishes 9 9 9 9
Create a Classic 2019 - Legacy of the Scion 9 9 10 8
Fading Light 2 10 10 10 10
Create a Classic 2019 - Rome Streets Mystery 7 7 5 6
Create a Classic 2019 - Monastery of Talion 9 10 10 10
Create a Classic 2019 - Chronicles Memories - All Roads lead to Rome 8 8 9 9
Create a Classic 2019 - Hostile Waters 10 10 9 9
Create a Classic 2019 - Vacation of the Tomb Raider 9 10 9 9
Snowy Glacier 8 10 8 8
The Coast of France 7 7 8 8
Neon God 10 9 10 10
Mystery of the Lost Pyramid 9 9 10 10
Escape from the Dragons Lair 9 10 10 10
Tomb Raider: Above the Horizon (Demo) 9 9 10 10
LB Advent Calendar 2014 - Fireworks 6 6 10 9
Legend of Triton 8 8 8 8
Antas Dungeons 8 8 8 7
The Wrath of Thor 10 10 10 10
Tears of a Ptolemaic Dynasty - Chapter I - Nimiha'Bi 9 10 10 10
Tomb Raider - The Discovery 10 10 10 10
The Swamp 9 8 9 8
The Ruins of Kaitelbu-Ra 8 8 9 8
Return to Rome 1 1 1 1 1
Return to Rome 2 1 0 1 1
Secret of Mount Parnassus 8 10 9 8
BtB2015 - City of Sands 6 5 6 6
BtB2015 - Arcadian Dream 10 10 10 10
LB Advent Calendar 2018 - The Prophet's Trail 8 8 9 8
The Book of Destiny 8 7 6 8
Twin Hammer 7 8 7 7
Tomb Raider II Revised - Part 1 10 10 10 10
The Ancient Jade Mask (Demo) 7 7 7 7
Lorry Woods 1 1 5 1
Ruins of the Lost City 8 8 10 8
Halcyon Lodge 7 7 7 7
Fenician Temple 2 7 8 7 6
Tomb of Tiberius 4 5 3 3
Amrapakarta 4 4 3 2
Vulture Tower 3 3 3 3
Khamoon Side Passage 3 3 3 3
Dark Jungle 4 5 5 5
Villa Mortal 2 7 9 8 8
Villa Mortal 7 7 7 7
Tomb of the Vulture 1 1 1 1
Orwell's 1984 4 4 4 4
Return to Vilcabamba 5 6 6 6
Return to Area 51 4 4 4 4
Jungle 2 3 1 1
Eyes 4 4 4 4
John's Second Level 1 1 1 1
Vic's Valley 1 1 1 1
Enter 4 4 4 4
Tomb of Unk 3 3 2 1
Pure Training 1 0 1 1
Up and Down 1 1 1 1
Fenician Temple 1 6 5 5 5
Nevada 3 3 3 3
Journey to Sumeria 7 7 7 8
Return to Italy 5 6 5 5
TR2 Test Levels 0 0 1 1
Venice 1 3 3 3
Another Underground 4 4 4 4
The Vagrants Test Level 1 0 1 1
Home Attack (TR1) 4 4 4 4
Denderah 6 5 5 4
Cold Chamber 2 3 2 1
The Lost Idea 4 3 3 2
Saqqarah 6 6 6 4
Roy's London Level 2 1 3 3
Trapdoor 0 0 0 0
Labyrinth 0 0 0 0
The Wall 2 2 2 2
The Wall - revised 2 2 2 2
John's First Level 1 0 0 1
Lara Returns To The Coliseum 8 7 8 7
The Haunted 5 5 6 5
ORC18 - Maria Dorias Lost Treasure 8 8 9 8
ORC18 - Trapped in Venice 9 8 8 8
ORC18 - Gateway to Atlantis 10 10 10 10
ORC18 - Heir of Sharabhang 9 10 10 10
ORC18 - The Alaska Incident 9 8 8 8
ORC18 - Tibetan Monastery 8 8 10 10
ORC18 - Lara in a Dream 3 2 4 1
The Untold Adventure 7 9 8 7
The Ilinx Experience 7 7 8 8
Aspidetr Easter Time 2018 - Yu Tu Island 6 7 8 8