Your host for all Tomb Raider Custom Levels ever released!

Levels listed...
TR5 - 33
TR4 - 3194
TR3 - 183
TR2 - 140
TR1 - 67

74039 reviews (20.4/level)
3607 (99.7%) walkthroughs
458 Hall of Fame levels
1266 levels rated >= 8

TR Fan Site


The Skribblerz Stonez 5 - The Lost World 10 9 9 10
Aqua Sahrym 10 10 10 10
Relic 9 10 10 10
Braveheart's Sword 10 10 10 10
Ramla 9 10 10 9
Tomb Raider - The Scion (Demo) 8 7 7 8
BtB2013 - Nordic Challenge 9 9 10 10
BtB2013 - Search for the Last Realm of Thor 9 9 10 10
BtB2013 - Save the Dwarves 9 9 8 8
BtB2013 - Septentrion 9 10 10 10
BtB2013 - Nidavellir, the Land of the Dwarves 9 9 9 9
BtB2013 - Hammer of the Gods 10 10 10 10
BtB2013 - The Frozen Fire under the Sea 9 9 10 9
BtB2013 - Six Feet Under 8 8 9 9
BtB2013 - Summertime Sadness 10 10 10 10
BtB2013 - Frozen Winston 9 8 9 9
BtB2013 - Jormungr 8 8 9 9
BtB2013 - Ultimate Challenge of the Northern Gods 10 10 10 10
The Lost Temple of Zeus 9 9 10 10
Fighting Horus 9 9 10 10
The Tropical Stone 10 9 9 8
Harmony Around a Red Star (Prologue) - The Hidden Lair 10 10 10 10
The 13th Floor 9 9 9 10
The Lair of Hydras 10 10 10 10
Lost Seraph 9 9 9 9
The Tomb of Ramses 8 8 7 8
One Room Challenge - Oriental Mystery 8 8 9 8
One Room Challenge - Bolivia 8 8 9 9
One Room Challenge - Von Croy Industries 8 8 8 8
One Room Challenge - Folly of the Watchers 8 8 9 8
One Room Challenge - Return to the Maria Doria 8 7 8 8
One Room Challenge - One Room Contest 9 8 10 9
One Room Challenge - Venice Hotel 2 2 4 4
One Room Challenge - Protected by the Dead 9 9 9 10
One Room Challenge - Tomb Raider Transplantation 8 7 6 6
Searching the Savegame Crystal 7 7 6 7
Temple of Prithvi (Demo) 7 8 8 9
Jars of Eternity 9 8 8 9
TR AOD Revised - The Next Chapter (Demo) 6 5 5 5
Tomb Raider: Lost (Part 1) 4 4 4 5
The Usurped Monastery 9 9 10 10
Lara Returns To The Coliseum 8 8 7 9
A Test of Time 8 8 9 9
The Golden Sphere 9 8 8 9
Islands of Kirobore 7 7 7 8
The Mayas Treasure 7 7 9 9
Lara Croft and the Forgotten Scribe 9 9 10 10
The Tomb Of Satan 5 5 6 6
Little Confuse World 1 0 0 1
Station 8 8 8 9
Ghost Island (La Isla Fantasma) 5 4 5 7
Revenge 2 2 3 4
The Project N.A.S.A. 8 8 7 9
Jungle 6 7 6 7
Doctor Who: Die Klon Chronik 7 7 7 8
Search for the Scion 5 5 6 7
Temple of Shiva 7 7 6 7
Return to Egypt 1 - Tomb of Set 6 6 6 7
Return to Egypt 2 - Cleopatra's Palace 7 6 7 8
Return to Egypt 3 - The Lost Temple 8 7 7 8
TombRaider Olkaira 1 - The Stone of Death 9 8 9 9
Quest for the Scion 8 7 8 8
The Dead Empire - Part 1 8 8 8 9
The Raiders 3 - Tomb of Hourse 8 7 6 7
Mystic Desert 4 5 5 6
Catacombs of Alexander 4 4 3 5
Cambodia's Catacombs 7 6 6 7
Prehistoric Strike Back 4 6 3 5
The Seal of Astaroth 6 6 7 7
Tomb of Ingvild 5 5 6 7
The Great Race of Yith 3 5 5 5
The Skull of Dunelie 9 9 9 10
The Spirits of Egypt 1 4 4 6 8
Black Fortress of Antarctica 7 7 6 7
Castle Doomsday 3 - The Final Battle 9 9 10 9
The Secret Temple of Karnak 7 7 6 7
Egypt revisited 8 8 8 9
The Castle 6 7 6 7
Castle Ness 7 8 8 9
Underground Labyrinth 7 7 7 9
Water Wail 3 2 1 3
Castle of the Timeless Sands 7 7 8 9
Tomb of Kjartan 8 7 6 8
Palace of the ugly Sphinx 7 6 7 6
Xtreme Maya Battle 8 8 7 8
Lara in my Dream 6 5 6 8
Atlantean Demon Caves 6 7 7 8
Desert Railroad II 7 7 8 8
Brain Teaser (Le Casse Tete) 9 8 7 8
King Tut 8 7 7 8
Gate of Dimensions 9 8 7 8
The Citadel Gates 7 8 6 8
Escape from the Hollow Mountain 8 8 7 8
Return to the Hollow Mountain 7 7 6 7
Anubis: Death Pyramid 7 7 6 8
Florida 6 5 6 6
The Citadel 6 6 5 5
Temple of Sobek 8 8 8 9
Jurassic Park 6 7 8 7
The Forgotten Temple of Abu Roasch 8 8 7 9
Temple of Jazimiya 7 6 6 6
Kurzlevel 7 5 6 8
Ancient Temple 8 7 8 9
Verschollen 7 6 7 6
The Lost Diamond 5 5 4 6
The England Prison 4 5 4 5
Palopique's First Level 8 8 7 9
Continuous Level 9 8 9 9
The Secret of the Desert Temple (Demo) 7 7 7 8
TombRaider Tokyo 1 - Studio Ummo 3 3 6 6
Assuan 9 9 9 10
Rome 4 5 5 4
The Adventure of the Hollow Mountain 8 8 7 7
Beyond the Sanctuary 8 7 8 8
Within the Sanctuary 8 8 8 8
Lair of the Jackal 7 8 7 8
Abandoned Village 6 5 6 6
Sophia Leigh: FBI Headquarters Demo 5 4 5 5
Heaven - The Shelter 7 6 7 7
Lion's Palace 7 7 7 8
Return to Alexandria 8 7 7 8
Temple of Jens 8 7 8 8
Return to Rome 1 4 1 1 3
Twilight City 9 8 8 9
The Tomb of Khofo 4 3 3 5
Escape from Angkor Wat (revised) 3 2 3 5
The Tomb of Roac 7 6 7 8
The Journey - Level 01 8 7 9 9
Diocletian Thermae 8 7 8 8
Ancient Legends II - Underground Tomb of Ramses 8 7 8 9
City of the Dark (Demo) 1 1 1 2
Valley of Amilha 7 7 6 8
Anzio, Nero's Domus 8 7 8 8
Lost Temple of Kolobaine 9 8 7 9
Munich 5 5 5 6
Triad of Thebes (Demo) 5 5 5 5
Ancient Legends I - Excavation Site 5 5 7 8
The Aldwych Complex 7 5 6 8
The Eye of Horus 9 7 8 10
All Cats are Grey 6 5 5 7
The Temple Of The Aztecs 5 4 5 6
Escape from Manosque 8 7 8 9
St Turisas 6 7 5 6
Tyron Palace 5 5 6 7
Dino Jungle 6 7 7 8
Titanic 0 0 0 1
L'Antica Akragas 6 6 6 7
The Chambers of Wonder 8 7 8 9
The Lost Mine Of Solomon I+II 7 6 7 7
The Catacombs of Sri Lanka 5 4 5 8
City at Crocodile Lake 8 7 7 8
Entrance to Salomon's Tomb 8 8 7 8
Forgotten Catacombs 8 7 8 9
The Amulet of Isis 1 - Entrance to Underground Temple 8 6 7 7
Search for the Lost Cain 1 3 1 3
The Amulet of Isis 2 - Underground Temple of Isis 7 8 7 9
A Stroll Down Memory Lane 9 8 7 8
The Mysterious House 5 5 7 8
Spectrum 9 9 9 10
Alternative Pyramid Hypothesis 9 7 8 9
Tomb Raider Stigmas (Beta) - City of Lost Sands 7 7 8 8
Archaeological Site 8 8 8 9
The Last Obscura Painting 8 7 6 8
Jerusalem - The Dome of the Rock 8 6 7 8
Tomb Raider Expedition 9 9 10 9
Lara vs. Cain 3 3 2 2
Meeting Speed Raiding 2 (2009) 8 5 6 7
Cain on the Bus 2 3 2 4
Remnants Of The Empire 8 9 10 10
Egypt Again ... Again 8 8 9 10
Return to the Catacombs 9 8 9 9
The Serpent Gemstone 8 8 9 10
Pictures in the Dark 8 7 9 8
Babylon is Fallen 10 10 10 10
TR AOD Revised 5-8 2 3 3 2
Mystery of the Moon Temple (La Mystere du Temple de Lune) 4 5 6 7
Revised Parisian Backstreets 4 3 7 8
The Secrets of Nepal 10 10 10 10
To Coastal City 3 3 4 5
Curse of the Scarab 6 7 8 8
Secret of the Bermuda Triangle (Demo) 8 8 9 9
Thailand Souls 8 7 8 8
Abbingdon Estate 7 7 8 9
Castle of Anxiety 8 9 10 10